British Books in Print, Volum 2J. Whitaker, 1985 |
Economics of Taste Reitlinger 3v M8 xl 1921 III n e 85 00 Hacker Art | 1895 |
Education Science Dept of Continued | 1900 |
17 | 1903 |
ManMotives and Money Lauterbach | 1905 |
5 | 1910 |
A Review | 1911 |
The Response of the Informal Economy to the Rise | 1913 |
28 20 Univ P of America 1 | 1915 |
Education and Society in Tudor England Simon | 2549 |
Economist Agriculture and National Development Ashton IC8 Inaug Lect | 2551 |
Eden Peter Ed See Blatchly John EdenPeter Ed | 2553 |
Pub Co 2 | 2559 |
Economics Study and Revision Anderton Imp8 64 III Revision Aids S pbk 1 75 | 2560 |
Eden T Elements of Tropical Soil Science C8 164 III 2r e pbk 2 95 Macmillan | 2567 |
n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print Bks 1 | 2569 |
The New Hope for Cancer | 2576 |
Science in Schools | 1919 |
Map 19 x 43 6 50 Bartholomew 8 | 1925 |
Economics of the Coal Industry Risser M8 177 n e 20 95 Greenwood Press | 1926 |
6 | 1929 |
d re pbk 5 95 Longman 1 | 1930 |
Compressive Loading Tests on Walls D4 26 31ill pbk 10 00 | 1936 |
Ecsedy Istvan People of the Pitgrave Kurgans in Eastern Hungary Imp8 148 | 1937 |
Economics of the Asean Countries Wawn D8 198 27 50 Macmillan P 12 | 1939 |
Economics of the Canadian Financial System Shearer Bond M8 21 70 | 1953 |
Israel in Comparative Perspective Ritterband | 1956 |
Doctor and Two Policemen | 1962 |
Economics of the Central Chin Tribes StevensonH N C sR8 216 22ill 3M n i | 1966 |
Education Continued | 1974 |
Edinburgh Diary Victorian Inglis Ed VaughanEna sC4 170 III 12 50 Ramsay | 1976 |
Wind Suction Tests on Gable Walls M8 6 6 00 Brit Ceramic Research | 1978 |
The Forgotten Language Rajneesh D8 313 III some col n e 16 50 | 1981 |
A Way of Life M8 172 4ill bds 4 95 Crosby | 1982 |
20 95 | 1987 |
Tr fr German L D Monges D M Bugbey D8 114 3 60 Anthroposophic P | 1991 |
Education Encyclopaedia | 1995 |
Education as a Public Service Shipman IC8 240 pbk 6 50 Harper | 2001 |
3 60 | 2002 |
Edmunds G Kendrick D C Measurement of Human Aggressiveness IM8 226 | 2007 |
Education and Inquiry Anderson John Ed PhillipsD Z D8 240 | 2008 |
Economics of the Developing Countries Myint IC8 168 5r e pbk 5 95 | 2011 |
Education and Kindred Subjects Essays on Spencer sC8 352 Everymans | 2015 |
Economy and Class Structure Crompton Gubbay D8 240 pbk 4 95 Macmillan | 2023 |
Education and Income Determination in Kenya Bigsten F4 164 20d 30tabs 14 50 | 2028 |
Economics of the Environment Siebert IM8 244 45figs 2tabs 16 50 Lexington | 2029 |
The Social and Philosophical Bases Nagai M8 128 | 2038 |
n | 2044 |
Education Enduring Effects of Hyman | 2048 |
Social Order on an Urban Beach D8 232 III | 2056 |
Ecstasy and Enthusiasm Mance sC8 15 pbk 0 75 Guild of Pastoral Psychol | 2068 |
Edgerton Robert H Available Energy and Environmental Economics IM8 482 | 2077 |
History Theory and Policy Johnston R B | 2078 |
Counter Culture and the Open Society Musgrove | 2080 |
Economics of the Financial System Bain | 2088 |
Edgerton William H Hlibok A J Real Estate Valuation Cost File | 2092 |
Education Evaluation Popham IM8 368 34 40 PrenticeHall 8 75 0 13 240515 6 | 2094 |
Thirtythree Pieces of Jazz Balliett M8 284 n e 27 50 | 2098 |
Some Observations on the Possible Social Effects of Major | 2105 |
Economics of the International Patent System Penrose M8 xv247 | 2111 |
Statistics of Education | 2113 |
Education Experience and Dewey D8 pbk 2 95 CollierMac 63 | 2121 |
A Clinical and Genetic Study Maia Pinheiro R8 276 III | 2122 |
Report F4 17 pbk 0 05 | 2129 |
Education and Large Information Systems Ed Buckingham M8 xvi 198 10ill 1tab | 2132 |
Economics of the Pacific Coast Petroleum Industry Bain 3v M8 III n e of 1944 | 2134 |
Edges of His Ways Carmichael D8 206 Dohnavur Bks pbk 4 95 | 2145 |
Economies of Continental Europe Development of the 18501914 Milward Saul | 2150 |
An Index to Compositions on Hymn | 2165 |
Education for Management in the 1970s Partridge IC8 12 0 30 Scot Academic | 2172 |
Edgewise Orthodontics Thurow M8 360 III 4r e 62 00 Mosby | 2174 |
Educated Person On Becoming an Voeks IM8 249 III 4r e pbk 7 95 | 2175 |
An Inquiry into the Schools Resources | 2181 |
Edmunds George F etc Mayflies of North and Central America | 2185 |
in Britain Pates | 2189 |
Ectoparasitic Insects Ecology of Marshall Adrian G M8 459 III 58 50 Academic | 2204 |
Overcoming Inefficiency and Inequity Ed McMahon | 2214 |
Her Mission and Triumph Johnston Julia Michael F4 195 3 72 | 2215 |
Government Finance Due Friedlaender | 2219 |
Educating and Training Technicians MacLennan D8 136 pbk 2 00 Cwealth | 2221 |
21 50 Univ P of America 1 | 2223 |
Economics of the Public Sector Haveman D8 244 III pbk 14 25 | 2227 |
Education and Learning in the City of York 13001560 Moran D8 49 Borthwick | 2241 |
Conference | 2242 |
Philosophy and Economics from the Mercantilists to Marx | 2243 |
History of Meharry Medical College Summerville | 2245 |
Case Studies in the ILE A Welds | 2247 |
Education for Administrative Careers in Government Service | 2262 |
Educating Children with Learning and Behaviour Problems Kozloff M8 480 III | 2265 |
Ecuador Climbing and Hiking in Rachowiecki D8 160 13ill pbk 4 95 Bradt | 2267 |
Economy and Society Weber | 2269 |
Ede Donald A Introduction to Developmental Biology | 2273 |
Developments Since 1978 Ed Torrey IM8 402 Food | 2275 |
Education and Social Change in Ghana Foster Philip J D8 xiv322 | 2290 |
Economics of the Tobacco Industry Johnson P R sR8 112 29 95 Praeger 6 | 2297 |
Education for Adolescence Waldorf Steiner D8 108 2ill pbk 3 25 Kolisko | 2298 |
Ed RothGuenther Wittich Claus 2v M8 1840 n e pbk 23 75 | 2299 |
Education and Social Change in the Peoples Republic of China Hawkins sR8 224 | 2307 |
Educating for Tomorrow Gatherer Wallace suR8 141 lp 4 | 2308 |
Economics Readings in Samuelson | 2311 |
Educating Gifted Children at Hunter College Elementary School | 2315 |
Ede Donald A etc Vertebrate Limb and Somite Morphogenesis M8 496 I | 2319 |
Education for Adolescents Constructive Wall M8 333 11 00 Harrap 11 | 2323 |
Edel Abraham Science and Structure of Ethics M8 iv 101 Internat Encyclo | 2325 |
Education and Nationbuilding in the Third World Ed Lowe D8 272 5 50 | 2328 |
Edmunds H G Mechanical Foundations of Engineering Science | 2332 |
Educating Handicapped Infants Garwood Fewell M8 522 36 20 Aspen | 2337 |
Ecuador Development and Planning in Bromley M8 116 6figs 13tabs pbk 2 | 2340 |
Economy and Society in Ancient Greece Finley | 2346 |
W Organs Past and Present in Durham Cathedral D8 24 6ill pbk 0 50 | 2349 |
Economics Reasoning and Method in Stewartlan M T M8 238 | 2350 |
Beyond | 2353 |
Ecuador Modern Cultural Transportations and Ethnicity in Ed Whitter M8 850 III | 2354 |
Book of Readings Ed Fels | 2356 |
Ecuador Outline of the Geology of Geological Sciences Inst D4 26 III 1M | 2360 |
Economics Selections Cumulative Bibliography | 2367 |
Eden Dorothy Afternoon for Lizards M8 318 n e 5 | 2378 |
A Comparative Perspective Fagerlind | 2383 |
Educating Our Masters Ed Reeder IC8 248 Victorian Lib 13 00 Leicester U | 2387 |
Sacha Runa Whitten | 2388 |
Gower Pub | 2390 |
A Planned Variation Model Stebbins | 2391 |
The Creed of Nicea Three Epistles of Cyril | 2394 |
Educating Rita Russell Willy | 2396 |
Economy and Society in Preindustrial South Africa Ed Mark Atmore | 2399 |
Education and the State West Edwin George D8 296 2r e pbk 1 25 Inst | 2400 |
Crisis and Opportunity for the Church Wainwright IC8 270 | 2403 |
Dangerous Currents Thurow | 2406 |
Education and the Taming of Power Hook M8 310 24 95 Open Court Pub Co | 2407 |
Education and Social Control Sharp Green D8 280 pbk 5 95 Routledge | 2413 |
A Philosophical Study Downie C8 192 | 2414 |
Education as If People Really Mattered Whitaker D4 28 spiral 1 50 Centre | 2418 |
A House of Lions | 2420 |
Edible Wild Plants of Eastern and Central North America Field | 2423 |
Edinburgh Historic South Smith Charles J | 2426 |
Edel Leon Henry D Thoreau IC8 48 Pamphlets on Amer Writers pbk 0 85 | 2428 |
Johnson Martin Hume Ed Immunobiology of Gametes M8 x310 | 2433 |
11 00 Longman 1 | 2434 |
695 3 | 2435 |
pbk 5 95 Longman 1 | 2442 |
Economy and the 1984 Budget Ed Keen R8 92 tabs pbk 5 95 | 2448 |
Educating Students from Other Nations JenkinsH M8 362 16 95 JosseyBass | 2449 |
Eden Gideon See EdenRuth Firstenberg Eden Gideon | 2450 |
Biography of Edie Sedgwick Stein Plimpton | 2451 |
Eddie G C etc Stern Trawler C4 288 250ill Fishermans Lib 9 00 Fishing News | 2453 |
A etc Imp4 166 | 2463 |
Edmunds H Tudor Some Unrecognized Factors in Medicine IC8 209 Quest | 2464 |
Eddie T See GrahamD Eddie | 2467 |
Education and Social Movements 17001850 Dobbs D8 258 n e of 1919e 13 00 | 2472 |
Eden J See Hanssen Maurice EdenJ | 2477 |
Educating the Deaf Psychology Principles and Practices Moores IF4 400 2r | 2482 |
Eddie Engine Driver Campbell Rod | 2490 |
The Geographers View Gerger Hoppe IM8 124 | 2496 |
Edmunds Judith Ed RightsResponsibilities and the Law D4 125 135ill | 2499 |
Edgerton William H How to Renovate Town Houses and Brownstones C4 150 | 2505 |
AND Freddie Fireman M12 32 Col ill 1A bds 2 50 AbelardSchuman 7 | 2506 |
Eden Michael Weather D8 24 III 3DE 3 50 Bodley Head 7 82 0 370 30454 3 | 2508 |
Education and Society in Modern Germany Samuel Thomas | 2510 |
Economies of the Middle East Wilson Rodney D8 250 20 00 Macmillan | 2516 |
Economies of West Africa Rimmer | 2524 |
Education and Society in the Muslim World Ed Khan M8 144 | 2525 |
Edmunds Lowell Chance and Intelligence in Thucydides IC8 243 Loeb Class | 2530 |
Economy Times The on the Ed Williams Frances D8 140 | 2532 |
Eddings David Castle of Wizardry | 2535 |
Economies Underdevelopment to Developing Ed Singh IC8 563 38figs 32tabs | 2537 |
Economy Transition Decision Making in a Future Indefinite | 2541 |
Eden Murray See Eden Henry S Eden Murray | 2542 |
Edel Leon Ray Gordon N Ed Henry James and H G Wells M8 272 | 2545 |
Edinburgh Life in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Topham IC8 72 13ill | 2577 |
Small is Beautiful | 2579 |
n e 6 95 Ulverscroft Large Print Bks 5 | 2587 |
Education and Teachers Centres Inservice Ed Adams Elizabeth | 2588 |
Edgeworth Maria Letters from England 181344 Ed Colvin Christina M8 692 | 2593 |
Annotated Booklist obF4 23 pbk 0 65 Nat Bk League 8 | 2601 |
Economy Victorian Crouzet | 2605 |
Educating the Handicapped D8 144 pbk 0 75 Nat Union of Tchrs 10 | 2606 |
Education and Teaching in Analytical Chemistry Baiulescu IM8 190 III 17 90 | 2609 |
Eden Valley Exploring the Wood Gordon sC8 64 11ill 5M Minibks pbk 1 40 | 2618 |
Education and the Challenge of Change Flude Parrott D8 176 pbk 4 95 | 2624 |
Edgar W M Ed See LeachS A EdgarW M Ed | 2631 |
Edgeworth Maria Ormond | 2633 |
Education for Business and Management in the Region | 2642 |
Economics Surveys of Applied Royal Economic Society | 2644 |
Economy Controlled Meade D8 382 45figs pbk 7 95 Allen U 3 | 2652 |
Edgbaston Parish ChurchRegisters of 16361812 | 2658 |
Economics of Town and Country Planning Willis M8 268 12 00 Granada 880 | 2680 |
Economy Guardian Guide to the Cairncross Keeley | 2696 |
Edens Cooper Caretakers of Wonder 8½ x 82 40 17col | 2698 |
Economics of Tramp Shipping Ed Metaxas D8 xi268 III 20 00 Athlone | 2716 |
Economy How Energy Affects the Ed Askin M8 150 3figs 31tabs 16 50 | 2719 |
Report of | 2727 |
Economics of Trade Unions and the Labour Market Mayhew | 2738 |
Education Aspects of 16001750 Ed Stephens D8 140 Aspects of Educ S | 2743 |
Edmondson Elizabeth Time for a Quick One IC8 32 III Ranger Bks pbk 0 | 2760 |
Economy Informal Handy D8 25 pbk 2 20 A R V A C 3 | 2761 |
Edens Cooper Phenomenal Alphabet Book 8 x 8 40 19col ill 3 95 Green | 2762 |
Edmunds R David Shawnee Prophet D8 272 13ill 4M 16 95 Univ Nebraska | 2771 |
Education and the Creative Potential Torrance | 2777 |
Eddings David Magicians Gambit | 2779 |
Economy Mixed Falacy of the Littlechild C8 86 Hobart Pprs pbk 1 50 Inst | 2799 |
W E Gosling W Ed Mechanical Systems Design | 2802 |
Eddings David Queen of Sorcery | 2811 |
Edlin Herbert L Natural History of Trees IM8 288 II 12 50 Weidenfeld | 2814 |
Men of Physics Kilmister IC8 288 3ill 35 30 Pergamon | 2828 |
Education Autobiography in Ed Abbs D8 182 pbk 3 00 Heinemann Educ | 2829 |
Education for Clinical Social Work Ed Gottesfeld M8 250 17 50 Human Sci P | 2833 |
Education for Cooperation in Health and Social Work Ed England D4 31 II | 2841 |
Eden Dorothy Time of the Dragon M8 475 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print | 2842 |
III | 2848 |
Edmunds Robert A Standard Glossary of Computer Terminology sD4 489 37 75 | 2852 |
Edmunds Stahrl W Rose A Z Geothermal Energy and Regional Development | 2869 |
Economics Synthetic MooreHenry L D8 viii 186 n i of 1929e 9 00 KelleyU S | 2872 |
Edmunds R David Tecumseh and the Quest for Indian Leadership D8 230 | 2883 |
The Source and Strength of AntiChristian | 2889 |
Economics of Transportation and Logistics Fair Williams M8 556 10 10 | 2891 |
Agricultural Development and Social Inequality | 2896 |
Economics Technological Introduction to Davies Duncan McCarthy Callum | 2898 |
Education Behaviour Modification in Ed Thoresen | 2899 |
Economics of Transportation Research in the See Research in the Economics | 2909 |
Amer Management Assn 7 | 2927 |
Economics Textbook for Africa Seidman | 2931 |
A Study of Site Organization and | 2938 |
Edersheim Alfred Old Testament Bible History D8 1446 n i of 1890e 19 95 | 2941 |
Its Ministry and Services as They Were at | 2949 |
Edgeworths FY Contribution to Mathematical Statistics Bowley D8 139 n i | 2962 |
Edna Monica Sister Mystery of Love in Solzhenitsyn sD8 16 pbk 0 20 SL G | 2967 |
Edminister Joseph A Electromagnetics Imp8 202 d Schaum Outline S pbk 6 75 | 3000 |
Education for Cultural Pluralism Ed Eppel D4 134 pbk 2 00 World Jewish | 3003 |
Economics of Tropical Agriculture Andreae C4 170 33figs 48tabs 8 00 Cwealth | 3009 |
Edgington David Christians and the Third World D8 160 pbk 4 00 Paternoster | 3011 |
Edson J T Ole Devils Hands and Feet | 3014 |
Economy Making Sense of the Harrod | 3023 |
D8 123 14ill 5 95 M Boyars 9 | 3024 |
How it All Began Rostow | 3029 |
Education and Physical Education Statistics for Cohen Holliday D8 288 III | 3045 |
Proceedings | 3049 |
Economics of Uncertainty Essays in the Laffont M8 96 III Econ Stud 12 50 | 3056 |
Eddison Elizabeth Bole See Warner Alice Sizer Eddison Elizabeth Bole | 3059 |
14ill pbk 2 95 M Boyars 9 | 3070 |
Education Crisis in Boyson | 3077 |
Edney Ralph Adventures of Lazarus Lamb suR8 III pbk 2 50 | 3081 |
Economy of Brazil Ed Ellis Howard S M8 400 II 117tabs 38 25 Univ California | 3083 |
Edinburgh Ordnance Survey Maps | 3085 |
Economy of England 14501750 Coleman IC8 236 21tabs 7ch Opus Bks | 3090 |
Education Behaviour Modification in Ulrich M8 448 III pbk 14 10 Scott | 3096 |
Edminster Wayne C Applied Hydrocarbon Thermodynamics | 3098 |
Economy of India Balasubramanyam | 3113 |
Education and Politics Policy Making in Local Education Authorities Jennings | 3116 |
Edgington David Role of History in Multicultural Education D4 48 pbk 2 | 3117 |
Edes Basil Birds Dougall | 3119 |
Colour in Health and Disease C8 49 r e pbk 0 95 Greater World | 3121 |
Edginton John Bates Susan Legal Structures for Voluntary Organizations | 3148 |
Edes John House West Street Chichester Steer R8 15 18ill Chichester Pprs | 3153 |
Economy of Israel Rubner D8 xxiv 307 17 50 F Cass 59 | 3155 |
Education and Popular Literacy in Ching China Rawski M8 304 10 75 | 3161 |
Management and Corporate Planning D8 256 | 3166 |
Ecophysiology of Tropical Crops Ed Alvim Kozlowski M8 xiv502 52 50 | 3173 |
Economics Today Miller Roger LeRoy | 3181 |
Education and Power Apple IM8 226 14 95 Routledge 782 | 3182 |
Edinburgh Alphabet Birrell R8 300 III some col 8 50 Mercat P 6 | 3184 |
Edinburgh and the Forth See Great Britain Postcode Sector | 3192 |
Ecosystem Concept in Natural Resource Management Ed Dyne | 3196 |
Educating the Public Library User Ed Lubans M8 145 pbk 18 85 Amer Lib Assn | 3201 |
Technical Reports Economic Cooperation | 3203 |
Ecosystem Homoeostasis Trojan | 3211 |
General Report Economic Cooperation | 3214 |
Education Beyond Progressive JonesKen | 3232 |
A Developmental Approach Garwood | 3238 |
Education and Rehabilitation of Disadvantaged Postadolescents Raz D8 236 | 3239 |
Edessa and Harran Segal D8 27 Inaug Lects pbk 1 50 Univ London Schl | 3245 |
A Developmental Approach | 3247 |
Edmond Lauris Catching it D8 48 pbk 8 95 Oxf U P N Z 1 85 0 19 558098 2 | 3267 |
Edsall Marian S Library Promotion Handbook D4 245 13 50 Mansell 8 | 3268 |
An Annotated Bibliography of Books | 3271 |
Selling the Peoples Cadillac Deutsch | 3282 |
Edson J T Beguinage IC8 176 n e 3 95 Severn Ho Pubirs 1 | 3288 |
Economics Today MillerRoger LeRoy | 3292 |
Edinburgh Picturesque Old Stevenson Robert Louis ID8 96 60ill 3 50 Albyn | 3294 |
Edson J T Buffalo are Coming | 3295 |
Edinburgh Prints Shepherd Thomas H ID4 16 10ill bds 2 50 Ramsay Head | 3303 |
Edmond Murray End Wall D8 48 1ill pbk 7 75 Oxf UPN Z 2 | 3307 |
Essays in Public Policy Yung Ping Chen M8 192 | 3318 |
Edey Harold Cecil Introduction to Accounting D8 208 4r e Univ Lib pbk 5 95 | 3348 |
Eddowes Maurice r See ParkRobert Donovanetc Crop Husbandry | 3360 |
An Evaluation Bates Anthony W | 3364 |
Eden Dorothy Salamanca Drum D8 288 2 95 Hodder 6 | 3365 |
Eden Dorothy Sleeping Bride M8 362 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print | 3372 |
Theory Analysis and Design IM8 336 | 3375 |
Edey Harold Cecil Logic of Financial Accounting D8 20 pbk 0 50 | 3376 |
Implications for Classification and Intervention | 3379 |
Eden Dorothy Sleep in the Woods M8 528 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print | 3389 |
The Case for Family Control Coons | 3394 |
Ecumenical Perspective and the Modernization of Jewish Religion Breslauer | 3398 |
An Annotated Reading List of Books | 3403 |
Education by Objectives Baume Jones M8 67 pbk 4 00 Nelpress 6 | 3405 |
Education Choice in Dennison D8 96 Hobart Pprs pbk 2 50 Inst of Econ Affairs | 3412 |
Comparative Analysis of Britain | 3413 |
Ecosystems Recovery Process in Damaged Cairns IM8 178 II 28 00 Ann Arbor | 3416 |
pbk 4 50 | 3426 |
Ecumenical Project How We Grew a Local Simpson C8 26 1ill pbk 0 80 | 3433 |
Edinburgh and the Lothians Place Names of IC8 152 19ill | 3442 |
Education Democratic Philosophy of Companion to Deweys Philosophical | 3448 |
Secker | 3455 |
Education and Safe Handling in Pesticide Application Ed Lequin Tordoir | 3459 |
Education for Democrats Peacock Wiseman C8 72 n i Hobart Pprs | 3469 |
Education for Dignity Frostig M8 208 31 00 Grune S 11 | 3485 |
Organization | 3492 |
Policy Issues for Developing Countries in the 1980s | 3499 |
Ecumenicity Unity and Fellowship and Hamann M8 48 Contemp Theol S | 3510 |
Edey Harold Cecil See LeighLH EdeyHarold Cecil | 3511 |
Eden Dorothy Vines of Yarrabee M8 582 ne 5 00 Ulverscroft Large Print | 3512 |
Economics Understanding Miller Roger Leroy Pulsinelli Robert W C4 | 3520 |
Ecosystems Wet Coastal Ed Chapman Valentine Jackson IC4 xii428 139ill 77tabs | 3522 |
S pbk 7 50 | 3532 |
Civic Stone | 3538 |
Ecumenism Theology of Hurley F8 96 Theol Today S pbk 1 50 Mercier | 3543 |
Eden Dorothy Whistle for the Crows M8 355 n e 6 95 Ulverscroft Large | 3549 |
Economy of Love and Fear Boulding D8 150 pbk 2 85 Wadsworth Pub | 3551 |
Opphavsrett | |