King Olaf's Christmas, 525. King Svend of the Forked Beard, 534. Ladder of St. Augustine, 143. Lighthouse, The, 66. Little Bird in the Air, A, 531. Seaweed, 94. Sea hath its Pearls, The, 466 Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 65. Song of Hiawatha, 300. Song of the Bell, 460. Song of the Silent Land, 463. Sonnet, 79. Sonnets, 104. Spanish Ballad, 272. Statue over the Cathedral Door, 465 Tales of a Wayside Inn, 479. To a Child, 133. To an Old Danish Song-book, 97. Torquemada, 545. To the Driving Cloud, 140. To William E. Channing, 81. Twilight, 64. Two Angels, The, 279. Two Locks of Hair, The, 114. Victor Galbraith, 284. Voices of the Night, 41. Walter Von der Vogelweid, 99. Warden of the Cinque Ports, 275. Warning, The, 87. Wave, The, 457. Wayside Inn, The, 479. Weariness, 564. Whither? 458. Witnesses, The, 85. Woods in Winter, 107. Wraith of Odin, The, 514. LONDON: PRINTED BY W. CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. A complete Set, in 483 Volumes, price 1211. 138. No. of Volumes. 150 SEPARATE LIBRARIES. STANDARD LIBRARY (including the Atlas to Coxe's UNIFORM WITH THE STANDARD LIBRARY PHILOLOGICAL LIBRARY Price. £ s. d 26 15 0 350 1 1 0 836 400 BOETHIUS'S CONSOLATIONS OF PHILOSOPHY, rendered into Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred: the Anglo-Saxon Metres and a literal English translation by the Rev. Samuel Fox, (ANTIQUARIAN LIBRARY). Immediately. LOWNDES'S BIBLIOGRAPHER'S MANUAL, Appendix Vol. containing the Lists of Books published by various Societies and Clubs, (PHILOLOGICAL LIBRARY). FOSTER'S MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, including his Essay on Doddridge, &c. (STANDARD LIBRARY). NOTICE. MESSRS. BELL and DALDY beg to announce that they have purchased of Mr. H. G. Bohn, who is preparing to retire from business, after forty years of successful enterprise, the entire stock of his various Libraries, consisting of more than 600 different works, and comprising nearly half a million of volumes. These Libraries have been created by Mr. Bohn during the past twenty years by an amount of energy and industry, bibliographical knowledge and literary skill never before united with the requisite amount of capital; and they represent an accumulation of valuable works unexampled in the history of literary undertakings. Though Mr. Bohn was not the first to recognize the power of cheapness as applied to the production of books, he was the first to address his efforts exclusively to works of a standard character and enduring interest. He threw himself into the movement with characteristic energy; and in developing his aim he is known by those who have watched the progress of cheap literature to have distanced all competitors. During the time that his Libraries have been before the public, he has carried into all classes in all parts of the world where the English language is understood an unexampled choice of books, not only for students and scholars, but for readers who merely seek amusement. Such a choice, so varied, and at so low a price, does not exist in this country or elsewhere; and Mr. Bohn is entitled to the gratitude of all who value the humanizing effects of literature. Since the commencement of these Libraries at least three million volumes have been issued, and these may fairly be taken to represent thirty million readers. In accepting the responsibility of so large an undertaking, Messrs. Bell and Daldy desire to carry on the projects of Mr. Bohn with the same spirit and energy which have influenced him, and they are happy to announce they will have the advantage of his bibliographical knowledge and large experience. In addition to the Libraries of Mr. Bohn, this Catalogue comprises the various Collections published by Messrs. Bell and Daldy during the last nine years, and now in progress. These Libraries and Collections together afford a choice from about 800 volumes on general literature and education. To assist purchasers in making their selections a classi fied index is attached, by which they will be guided to the subjects of the books. Messrs. Bell and Daldy venture to add, that the Aldine Poets, Aldine Series, British Worthies, Elzevir Series, and Pocket Volumes, are specially prepared for the lovers of choice books, and are specimens of careful editing combined with the most finished workmanship in all external features. They believe that they are not surpassed in these respects by any similar productions of the present day. Many of the above works are adapted for prizes and presents; and they may be had through any bookseller, bound in a suitable style, by giving a short notice. |