FEDERAL STATUTES, ANNOTATED Act of June 30, 1914, Ch. 131, 2. Sec. 1. Scientific Investigators, etc. - Salaries, 2. Leave of Absence to Employees, 2. 2. Penalties for Violation of Act — Barrels when Not Below Stand- ard Barrels Shipped to Foreign Country, 3. 3. Reasonable Variations in Barrels Permitted - Prosecutions for Sec. 1. Samples of Sugars, etc., Furnished State and Municipal Officers -Price Charged - Disposition of Receipts, 3. American Food Products Shipped to Foreign Countries - Inspec- tion-Issuance of Certificate of Results-Cost of Inspection- Books and Periodicals of Library - Exchange Authorized, 4. Card Index of Agricultural Literature - Copies Furnished Insti- Agricultural Experiment Stations - Preparation of Annual Report Plants and Plant Products - Terminal Inspection by State -Pack- ages of Such Products Mailed to Persons in State Subject to In- Marking of Packages Required - Penalty for Violation, 5. Rules and Regulations - Postmaster General to Make, 5. Sale, etc., of Live Stock - Disposition of Moneys Received, 5. CROSS-REFERENCES. Co-operative agriculture extension work, see EDUCATION. Seeds, bulbs and plants, rates of postage, see POSTAL SERVICE. An Act Making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fifteen. [Act of June 30, 1914, Ch. 131.] * * * That [SEC. 1.] [Scientific investigators, etc.- salaries.] hereafter the maximum salary of any scientific investigator, or other employee engaged in scientific work and paid from the general appropriations of the Department of Agriculture, shall not exceed at the rate of $4,500 per annum. [38 Stat. L. 441.] * * * [Leave of absence to employees.] Hereafter employees of the Department of Agriculture assigned to permanent duty in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and Guam may, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, without additional expense to the Government, be granted leave of absence not to exceed thirty days in any one year, which leave may, in exceptional and meritorious cases where an employee is ill, be extended, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, not to exceed thirty days additional in any one year. [38 Stat. L. 441.] * [Exchange of apparatus and equipment.] The Secretary of Agriculture may hereafter exchange general scientific apparatus and laboratory equipment purchased from any appropriation of the Department of Agriculture. [38 Stat. L. 441.] [Report to Congress.] * * * That the Secretary of Agriculture shall, on the first day of each regular session of Congress, make a report to Congress showing the amount expended under the provisions of this paragraph for the purchase of such vehicles and boats during the preceding fiscal year. [38 Stat. L. 442.] "Such vehicles and boats" in the last paragraph refer to motor vehicles and motor boats used in the field work of the department. An Act To fix the standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities. [Act of March 4, 1915, Ch. 158.] [SEC. 1.] [Fruits, vegetables and other dry commodities-standard barrel adopted.] That the standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities other than cranberries shall be of the following dimensions when measured without distention of its parts: Length of stave, twentyeight and one-half inches; diameter of heads, seventeen and one-eighth inches; distance between heads, twenty-six inches; circumference of bulge, sixty-four inches, outside measurement; and the thickness of staves not greater than four-tenths of an inch: Provided, That any barrel of a different form having a capacity of seven thousand and fifty-six cubic inches shall be a standard barrel. The standard barrel for cranberries shall be of the following dimensions when measured without distention of its parts: Length of staves, twenty-eight and one-half inches; diameter of head, sixteen and one-fourth inches; distance between heads, twenty-five and one-fourth inches; circumference of bulge, fifty-eight and one-half inches, outside measurement; and the thickness of staves not greater than four-tenths of an inch. [38 Stat. L. 1186.] Standard barrel for apples, see 1914 Supp. Fed. Stat. Annot. 3. SEC. 2. [Penalties for violation of act-barrels when not below standard -barrels shipped to foreign country.] That it shall be unlawful to sell, offer, or expose for sale in any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, or to ship from any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to any other State, Territory, or the District of Columbia or to a foreign country, a barrel containing fruits or vegetables or any other dry commodity of less capacity than the standard barrels defined in the first section of this Act, or subdivisions thereof known as the third, half, and three-quarters barrel, and any person guilty of a willful violation of any of the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be liable to a fine not to exceed $500, or imprisonment not to exceed six months, in the court of the United States having jurisdiction: Provided, however, That no barrel shall be deemed below standard within the meaning of this Act when shipped to any foreign country and constructed according to the specifications or directions of the foreign purchaser if not constructed in conflict with the laws of the foreign country to which the same is intended to be shipped. [38 Stat. L. 1186.] SEC. 3. [Reasonable variations in barrels permitted-prosecutions for offenses how begun-act not applicable to certain barrels.] That reasonable variations shall be permitted and tolerance shall be established by rules and regulations made by the Director of the Bureau of Standards and approved by the Secretary of Commerce. Prosecutions for offenses under this Act may be begun upon complaint of local sealers of weights and measures or other officers of the several States and Territories appointed to enforce the laws of the said States or Territories, respectively, relating to weights and measures: Provided, however, That nothing in this Act shall apply to barrels used in packing or shipping commodities sold exclusively by weight or numerical count. [38 Stat. L. 1187.] SEC. 4. [Act when in force.] That this Act shall be in force and effect from and after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and sixteen. [38 Stat. L. 1187.] An Act Making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen. [Act of March 4, 1915, Ch. 144.] [SEC. 1.] [Samples of sugars, etc., furnished state and municipal officers price charged disposition of receipts.] Hereafter the Secre 3 * tary of Agriculture may furnish, upon application, samples of pure sugars, naval stores, microscopical specimens, and other products to State and municipal officers, educational institutions, and other parties and charge for the same a price to cover the cost thereof, such price to be determined and established by the Secretary, and the money received from sales to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. [38 Stat. L. 1101.] * * [American food products shipped to foreign countries--inspection—issuance of certificate of results-cost of inspection-disposition of receipts.] * That hereafter no certificate of results of any such inspection shall issue unless the owner or his agent shall first pay to the Secretary of Agriculture, at a price to be determined and established by the Secretary, the actual cost of the inspection, the money received to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. [38 Stat. L. 1102.] "Such inspection" in the above paragraph relates to the right of owners or shippers of American food products shipped to foreign countries to have the same inspected by the Agricultural Department. [Books and periodicals of library-exchange authorized.] That hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture may exchange books and periodicals of the library not needed for permanent use for other books and periodicals. [38 Stat. L. 1107.] * * [Card index of agricultural literature-copies furnished institutions or individuals.] * And the Secretary of Agriculture hereafter may furnish to such institutions or individuals as may care to buy them copies of the card index of agricultural literature prepared by the Department of Agriculture in connection with its administration of the Act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven (Twenty-fourth Statutes at Large, page four hundred and forty), and the Act of March sixteenth, nineteen hundred and six (Thirty-fourth Statutes at Large, page sixty-three), and the Acts amendatory of and supplementary thereto, and charge for the same a price covering the additional expenses involved in the preparation of these copies, the money received from such sales to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. [38 Stat. L. 1109.] For Act of March 2, 1887, see 1 Fed. Stat. Annot. 9. For Act of March 16, 1906, see 1909 Supp. Fed. Stat. Annot. 3. [Agricultural experiment stations-preparation of annual report-copies.] That hereafter there be prepared by the Department of Agriculture an annual report on the work and expenditures of the agricultural experiment stations established under the Act of Congress of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven (Twenty-fourth Statutes at Large, page four hundred and forty), on the work and expenditures of the Department of Agriculture in connection therewith, and on the cooperative agricultural extension work and expenditures of the Department of Agriculture and of agricultural colleges under the Act of May eighth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, entitled "An Act to provide for cooperative agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several States receiving the benefits of an Act of Congress approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and of Acts supplementary thereto, and the United States Depart ment of Agriculture;" and that there be printed annually eight thousand copies of said report, of which one thousand copies shall be for the use of the Senate, two thousand copies for the use of the House of Representa-, tives, and five thousand copies for the use of the Department of Agriculture. [38 Stat. L. 1110.] For the Act of March 2, 1887, see 1 Fed. Stat. Annot. 9. For the Act of May 8, 1914, see post, p. 43. [Plants and plant products-terminal inspection by state-packages of such products mailed to persons in state subject to inspection.] That hereafter when any State shall provide for terminal inspection of plants and plant products, and shall establish and maintain, at the sole expense of the State, such inspection at one or more places therein, the proper officials of said State may submit to the Secretary of Agriculture a list of plants and plant products and the plant pests transmitted thereby, that in the opinion of said officials should be subject to terminal inspection in order to prevent the introduction or dissemination in said State of pests injurious to agriculture. Upon his approval of said list, in whole or in part, the Secretary of Agriculture shall transmit the same to the Postmaster General, and thereafter all packages containing any plants or plant products named in said approved lists shall, upon payment of postage therefor, be forwarded by the postmaster at the destination of said package to the proper State official at the nearest place where inspection is maintained. If the plant or plant products are found upon inspection to be free from injurious pests, or if infected shall be disinfected by said official, they shall upon payment of postage therefor be returned to the postmaster at the place of inspection to be forwarded to the person to whom they are addressed; but if found to be infected with injurious pests and incapable of satisfactory disinfection the State inspector shall so notify the postmaster at the place of inspection, who shall promptly notify the sender of said plants or plant products that they will be returned to him upon his request and at his expense, or in default of such request that they will be turned over to the State authorities for destruction. [38 Stat. L. 1113.] [Marking of packages required-penalty for violation.] On and after the passage and approval of this Act it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to deposit in the United States mails any package containing any plant or plant product addressed to any place within a State maintaining inspection thereof, as herein defined, without plainly marking the package so that its contents may be readily ascertained by an inspection of the outside thereof. Whoever shall fail to so mark said packages shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100. [38 Stat. L. 1113.] [Rules and regulations-Postmaster General to make.] The Postmaster General is hereby authorized and directed to make all needful rules and regulations for carrying out the purposes hereof. [38 Stat. L. 1113.] * [Sale, etc., of live stock-disposition of moneys received.] Hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to sell in the open market or to exchange for other livestock such animals or animal products as cease to be needed in the work of the department, and all moneys received from the sale of such animals or animal products or as a bonus in the |