
exchange of the same shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. [38 Stat. L. 1114.]


Act of March 12, 1914, Ch. 37, 7.

Sec. 1. Railroads - Construction and Operation by Government - Leases
Telegraphs and Telephones - Disposal of Public Domain,
2. Amount of Expenditures, 8.

3. Disposition of Moneys Derived from Sales, etc., of Public Property

- Earnings of Railroads, Telegraphs and Telephones, 9.
Transmission to Congress, 9.

4. Reports to President

Act of July 18, 1914, Ch. 187, 9.

Sec. 1. Railroads - Tax on Gross Annual Income - Repeal of License

Tax, 9.

Act of August 29, 1914, Ch. 292, 10.

Sec. 1. Power of Courts to Enforce Statutes - Legislative Power - Costs

of Prosecutions, 10.

Act of October 20, 1914, Ch. 330, 10.

Sec. 1. Coal Lands - Surveys, 10.

2. Partial Reservation of Lands by Government, 10.

3. Unreserved Lands Leased, 11.

4. Lessees When Entitled to Additional Lands, 11.

5. Consolidation of Leases, 12.

6. Quantity of Land Covered by Lease - Forfeiture of Interests, 12.

7. Violations of Act - Punishment, 12.

8. Directors, etc., of Corporation - Punishment for Violations of

Act, 12.

8a. Restraint of Trade - Forfeiture of Leases, 13.

9. Royalties - Terms of Leases - Net Profits, 13.

10. Limited Licenses, 13.

11. Reservations in Leases - Easements, 13.

12. Assignments, etc., of Leases, 14.

13. Adverse Claims, 14.

14. Breach of Terms of Lease - Forfeiture, 14.

15. Scope of Act - Pending Proceedings - No Lease of Lands Ad

versely Claimed, 14.

16. Statements, etc., under Oath - False Oaths, 15.

17. Authority of Secretary of Interior, 15.

18. Repeal of Conflicting Acts, 15.

Act of March 4, 1915, Ch. 181, 15.

Sec. 1. Public Lands - Reservation for Educational Uses - Leases

Mineral Lands, 15.

2. Lands in Fairbanks Section Reserved for Same Uses - Vested

Rights of Persons Not Disturbed, 16.


National banks in Alaska, see NATIONAL BANKS.

An Act To authorize the President of the United States to locate, construct, and operate railroads in the Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes.

[Act of March 12, 1914, Ch. 37.]

[SEC. 1.] [Railroads - construction and operation by government leases telegraphs and telephones - disposal of public domain.] That the President of the United States is hereby empowered, authorized, and directed to adopt and use a name by which to designate the railroad or railroads and properties to be located, owned, acquired, or operated under the authority of this Act; to employ such officers, agents, or agencies, in his discretion, as may be necessary to enable him to carry out the purposes of this Act; to authorize and require such officers, agents, or agencies to perform any or all of the duties imposed upon him by the terms of this Act; to detail and require any officer or officers in the Engineer Corps in the Army or Navy to perform service under this Act; to fix the compensation of all officers, agents, or employees appointed or designated by him; to designate and cause to be located a route or routes for a line or lines of railroad in the Territory of Alaska not to exceed in the aggregate one thousand miles, to be so located as to connect one or more of the open Pacific Ocean harbors on the southern coast of Alaska with the navigable waters in the interior of Alaska, and with a coal field or fields so as best to aid in the development of the agricultural and mineral or other resources of Alaska, and the settlement of the public lands therein, and so as to provide transportation of coal for the Army and Navy, transportation of troops, arms, munitions of war, the mails, and for other governmental and public uses, and for the transportation of passengers and property; to construct and build a railroad or railroads along such route or routes as he may so designate and locate, with the necessary branch lines. feeders, sidings, switches, and spurs; to purchase or otherwise acquire all real and personal property necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act; to exercise the power of eminent domain in acquiring property for such use, which use is hereby declared to be a public use, by condemnation in the courts of Alaska in accordance with the laws now or hereafter in force there; to acquire rights of way, terminal grounds, and all other rights; to purchase or otherwise acquire all necessary equipment for the construction and operation of such railroad or railroads; to build or otherwise acquire docks, wharves, terminal facilities, and all structures needed for the equipment and operation of such railroad or railroads; to fix, change, or modify rates for the transportation of passengers and property, which rates shall be equal and uniform, but no free transportation or passes shall be permitted except that the provisions of the interstate commerce laws relating to the transportation of employees and their families shall be in force as to the lines constructed under this Act; to receive compensation for the transportation of passengers and property, and to perform generally all the usual duties of a common carrier by railroad; to make and establish rules and regulations for the control and operation of said railroad or railroads; in his discretion, to lease the said railroad or railroads, or any portion thereof, including telegraph and telephone lines, after completion under such terms as he may deem proper, but no lease shall be for a longer period than twenty years, or in the event of failure to lease, to operate the same until the further action of Congress: Provided, That if said railroad or railroads, including telegraph and telephone lines, are leased under the authority herein given, then and in that event they shall be operated under the jurisdiction and control of the provisions of the interstate commerce laws; to purchase, condemn, or otherwise acquire upon such terms as he may deem proper any other line or lines of railroad in Alaska which may be necessary to complete the construction of the line or lines of railroad designated or located by him: Provided, That the price to be paid in case of purchase shall in no case exceed the actual physical value of the railroad; to make contracts or agreements with any railroad or steamship company or vessel owner for joint transportation of passengers or property over the road or roads herein provided for, and such railroad or steamship line or by such vessel, and to make such other contracts as may be necessary to carry out any of the purposes of this Act; to utilize in carrying on the work herein provided for any and all machinery, equipment, instruments, material, and other property of any sort whatsoever used or acquired in connection with the construction of the Panama Canal, so far and as rapidly as the same is no longer needed at Panama, and the Isthmian Canal Commission is hereby authorized to deliver said property to such officers or persons as the President may designate, and to take credit therefor at such percentage of its original cost as the President may approve, but this amount shall not be charged against the fund provided for in this Act.

The authority herein granted shall include the power to construct, maintain, and operate telegraph and telephone lines so far as they may be necessary or convenient in the construction and operation of the railroad or railroads as herein authorized and they shall perform generally all the usual duties of telegraph and telephone lines for hire.

That it is the intent and purpose of Congress through this Act to authorize and empower the President of the United States, and he is hereby fully authorized and empowered, through such officers, agents, or agencies as he may appoint or employ, to do all necessary acts and things in addition to those specially authorized in this Act to enable him to accomplish the purposes and objects of this Act.

The President is hereby authorized to withdraw, locate, and dispose of, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, such area or areas of the public domain along the line or lines of such proposed railroad or railroads for town-site purposes as he may from time to time designate.

Terminal and station grounds and rights of way through the lands of the United States in the Territory of Alaska are hereby granted for the construction of railroads, telegraph and telephone lines authorized by this Act, and in all patents for lands hereafter taken up, entered or located in the Territory of Alaska there shall be expressed that there is reserved to the United States a right of way for the construction of railroads, telegraph and telephone lines to the extent of one hundred feet on either side of the center line of any such road and twenty-five feet on either side of the center line of any such telegraph or telephone lines, and the President may, in such manner as he deems advisable, make reservation of such lands as are or may be useful for furnishing materials for construction and for stations, terminals, docks, and for such other purposes in connection with the construction and operation of such railroad lines as he may deem necessary and desirable. [38 Stat. L. 305.]

SEC. 2. [Amount of expenditures.] That the cost of the work authorized by this Act shall not exceed $35,000,000, and in executing the authority granted by this Act the President shall not expend nor obligate the United States to expend more than the said sum; and there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1,000,000 to be used for carrying out the provisions of this Act, to continue available until expended. [38 Stat. L. 307.]

SEC. 3. [Disposition of moneys derived from sales, etc., of public property - earnings of railroads, telegraphs and telephones.] That all moneys derived from the lease, sale, or disposal of any of the public lands, including townsites, in Alaska, or the coal or mineral therein contained, or the timber thereon, and the earnings of said railroad or railroads, together with the earnings of the telegraph and telephone lines constructed under this Act, above maintenance charges and operating expenses, shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States as other miscellaneous receipts are paid, and a separate account thereof shall be kept and annually reported to Congress. [38 Stat. L. 307.]

SEC. 4. [Reports to President - transmission to Congress.] That the officers, agents, or agencies placed in charge of the work by the President shall make to the President annually, and at such other periods as may be required by the President or by either House of Congress, full and complete reports of all their acts and doings and of all moneys received and expended in the construction of said work and in the operation of said work or works and in the performance of their duties in connection therewith. The annual reports herein provided for shall be by the President transmitted to Congress. [38 Stat. L. 307.]

An Act To levy and collect an income tax on railroads in Alaska, and for other purposes. [Act of July 18, 1914, Ch. 187.]

[SEC. 1.] [Railroads - tax on gross annual income repeal of license tax.] That in addition to the normal income tax of one per centum on net income there shall be levied and collected one per centum on the gross annual income of all railroad corporations doing business in Alaska, on business done in Alaska, which shall be computed and collected in the manner provided in the Act of Congress, approved October third, nineteen hundred and thirteen, entitled "An Act to reduce tariff duties and to provide revenue for the Government, and for other purposes," the proceeds of which tax when collected shall be paid to the treasurer of Alaska and be applicable to general Territorial purposes. So much of the provisions of the Act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, "An Act to define and punish crimes in the District of Alaska and to provide a code of criminal procedure for said district," or Acts amendatory thereof as impose a license tax of $100 per mile per annum on railroads operated in Alaska is hereby repealed, and all penalties for nonpayment thereof are hereby remitted. [38 Stat. L. 517.]

For the Act of March 3, 1899, here referred to, see 1 Fed. Stat. Annot. 303.
For the Act of Oct. 3, 1913, see 1914 Supp. Fed. Stat. Annot. 69.

An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act creating a legislative assembly in the Territory of Alaska and conferring legislative power thereon, and for other purposes," approved August twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve.

[Act of Aug. 29, 1914, Ch. 292.]

[SEC. 1.] [Power of courts to enforce statutes legislative power-costs of prosecutions.] That nothing in that Act of Congress entitled "An Act creating a legislative assembly in the Territory of Alaska and conferring legislative power thereon, and for other purposes," approved August twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve, shall be so construed as to prevent the courts now existing or that may be hereafter created in said Territory from enforcing within their respective jurisdictions all laws passed by the legislature within the power conferred upon it, the same as if such laws were passed by Congress, nor to prevent the legislature passing laws imposing additional duties, not inconsistent with the present duties of their respective offices, upon the governor, marshals, deputy marshals, clerks of the district courts, and United States commissioners acting as justices of the peace, judges of probate courts, recorders, and coroners, and providing the necessary expenses of performing such duties, and in the prosecuting of all crimes denounced by Territorial laws the costs shall be paid the same as is now or may hereafter be provided by Act of Congress providing for the prosecution of criminal offenses in said Territory, except that in prosecutions growing out of any revenue law passed by the legislature the costs shall be paid as in civil actions and such prosecutions shall be in the name of the Territory. [38 Stat. L. 710.]

The Act of Aug. 24, 1912, is given in 1914 Supp. Fed. Stat. Annot. 18.

An Act To provide for the leasing of coal lands in the Territory of Alaska, and for other


[Act of Oct. 20, 1914, Ch. 330.]

[SEC. 1.] [Coal lands - surveys.] That the Secretary of the Interior be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to survey the lands of the United States in the Territory of Alaska known to be valuable for their deposits of coal, preference to be given first in favor of surveying lands within those areas commonly known as the Bering River, Matanuska, and Nenana coal fields, and thereafter to such areas or coal fields as lie tributary to established settlements or existing or proposed rail or water transportation lines: Provided, That such surveys shall be executed in accordance with existing laws and rules and regulations governing the survey of public lands. There is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $100,000 for the purpose of making the surveys herein provided for, to continue available until expended: Provided, That any surveys heretofore made under the authority or by the approval of the Department of the Interior may be adopted and used for the purposes of this Act. [38 Stat. L. 741.]

SEC. 2. [Partial reservation of lands by government.] That the President of the United States shall designate and reserve from use, location, sale, lease, or disposition not exceeding five thousand one hundred and twenty

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