
2nd Stage.

1st Stage.

VII.—Animal Physiology.

1. What do you mean by an organ, animal physiology, and vegetable physiology?

2. What are the principal divisions of the human skeleton and of the human body?

3. Give the names and situations of the organs of the thorax and of the abdomen.

4. Describe the heart and its uses.

5. What is cuticle, dermis, an artery, the spleen, and a


6. How does hair grow, and what causes the different colours of human hair?

7. Compare the arrangement of the bones of the hand and of the foot.

1. Of what does blood consist? What is its use?

2. What is clot, serum, fibrin, albumen, and corpuscles, as found in the blood?

3. How does living blood differ from dead blood?

4. What is the use of the veins? How do they differ from arteries?

5. How does arterial blood differ from venous ?

6. Give an account of the structure of the lungs and the process of respiration.

7. Define trachea, bronchus, larynx, auricle, ventricle.

8. What is the use of capillaries? Where are they found, and why are they so called?

9. If you can, draw a diagram showing the course of the circulation.

1. What do you mean by alimentation?

2. How many teeth has a man? Give the number of the different kinds, and explain their structure.

3. Describe the alimentary canal.

4. What is gastric juice, chyme, chyle, saliva, and pepsin ? 5. What are lacteals and lymphatics, and what uses do they serve?

6. What are muscles? Of what are they composed? How do they perform work?

7. Give examples of voluntary and involuntary muscles.

8. Of what does the nervous system consist?

9. "Most of the organs of the body are double." Explain and illustrate this.

3rd Stage.

1st Stage (Three Sets of Papers).

VIII.-Physical Geography.

1. How does a river increase in size? Why do some flow quicker than others?

2. What happens when a glass of cold water is brought into a warm room? Explain the reason of what takes place.

3. What is the great watershed of the north of England, and what rivers flow from it? Illustrate by a map.

4. Name some of the different winds that blow at certain seasons in some parts of the world.

5. How is the atmosphere composed, and how does the air at the top of mountains differ from that at the bottom?

6. Explain what is meant by a flake of snow, and illustrate by drawings.

1. Draw a river, marking all its different parts.

2. Account for the frost on a window-pane after a cold night.

3. How is dew formed?

4. Name the principal winds, their directions and uses.
5. Draw a map of the basin of the Severn.

6. How is a spring fed? What kind of springs are most useful, and why?

7. Is there any difference in the upper, middle, and lower courses of a river? If so, state what difference, and why.

1. Define zone, tropic, equator, axis, latitude, and longitude. 2. What is dew, and what objects attract dew most? Why is there more dew on grass than stones?

3. What is snow? Give diagrams to show the forms which snowflakes take.

4. Define clearly a river basin, and what is meant by the basin of the River Thames or Severn. Draw a map to illustrate your answer.

5. Explain condensation and evaporation, and give illustrations of them.

6. State the composition of the air. Why does the air in a room full of people become poisonous ?

7. Define delta, cataract, estuary, current, portage, watershed, waterspout, cascade.

8. Explain trade-winds, land and sea breezes, simoom, sirocco, tornado, monsoon, hurricane, whirlwind.

9. Explain the following: Perennial springs, artesian wells, petrifying springs.


10. Name some of the chief mineral springs in England.

2nd Stage (Three Sets of Papers).

1. How have we learnt anything as to the bottom of the ocean, and what knowledge have we now of its contents and depths?

2. How is the saltness of the ocean caused? What is said to be the use of such saltness? Is the ocean equally salt in all parts? Give reasons for your answer.

3. What is meant by the land being wasted by the ocean? How is this caused? Is the land on the east and west coasts equally affected?

4. How are tides caused?

1. Where does sea water get its saltness from? Mention any portions of the ocean that are salter than others, and say why they are so.

2. What are the waves, and how do they rise?

3. Describe the action of waves upon the beach, and account for the existence of round pebbles, belts of sand, and caverns along the sea-shore.

4. Why is the sea encroaching upon the lands in some parts and going backwards in others?

5. Describe the course of the Gulf Stream, and say what effect it has upon the west coast of Europe.

6. How do currents arise in the sea? Say why an iceberg might be advancing in one direction and a log of wood in another in the same piece of water.

7. Describe briefly the origin of tides, and say why they will be smaller in the Mediterranean Sea than in the Bristol Channel. 8. What are sounding and dredging, and why are they resorted to?

1. What proportion does the water on the globe bear to the land? How many oceans are there? Compare their sizes. 2. The waters of the ocean are always in motion. What are these motions? The surface water may drift in one direction, and a current underneath may flow in the opposite direction; how could you show this? What causes the surface drift?

3. Give instances of parts of England where the land is gaining on the sea, and where the sea is gaining on the land. Mention any places which have disappeared from this last cause.

4. How do we learn anything about the bottom of the sea? Of what use is this knowledge

5. Explain high tide, low tide, neap tide, and spring tide. Where are tides the highest, and why?

6. What is the bed of the ocean? If you could see the bed of the Atlantic what appearance would it present?

7. What makes salt water heavier than fresh? Why does the sea never overflow though all the rivers run into it?

3rd Stage (Three Sets of Papers).

1. How do we know that the earth is round? If a person affirmed the earth was flat how would you try to prove to him that he was wrong?

2. Explain rotation, axis, pole, revolution, orbit.

3. How are days and nights caused, and why are the days longer in summer than in winter?

4. Draw a diagram showing how the seasons are caused.

5. "The moon is a satellite, and the nearest of the heavenly bodies." Explain the meaning of this statement.

6. How do we know that the moon always presents the same face to us?

7. Show by diagrams the arrangement of stars in the Great Bear. Of what use is this constellation?

1. If you look at the North Star some clear dark night, and then notice its position several hours later, you will find it in a different part of the sky. Explain this.

2. Do the moon and stars shine by day? If so, why do you not see them?

3. Explain these terms, equinox, solstice, orbit, tropics.

4. Why are the seasons not of the same length? If the earth is nearest the sun in winter why is the weather coldest?

5. How are the dark shady parts on the moon's surface caused?

6. Draw a diagram explaining the moon's position in regard to the earth at new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter.

7. What do you mean by the planetary or solar system? Give the names of the planets in their proper order, beginning with the one nearest the sun.

1. Explain how it is that the mountains and valleys on the earth's surface do not alter its general globular form.

2. Draw a diagram showing how day and night are produced. 3. If the earth revolved round the sun with its poles due north and south what effect would this have on the days, nights, and seasons? And why?

4. At the equator the days and nights are always 12 hours long, but at the poles the year is made up of but one day and one night, each lasting six months." Explain this.

5. Explain why, when it is midsummer in England, it is winter in New Zealand.

6. How is it we always see the same side of the moon? Is it possible for us to see the other side?

7. "The moon has two motions which occupy the same length of time." What are these motions?

2nd Stage.

1st Stage.


1. What does Botany teach you? What do you include under the term plant?

2. What are annuals, biennials, and perennials? Give an example of each.

3. Describe briefly in their proper order the principal parts of a perfect plant, giving, with each part, the name of some plant of which that part is used for food.

4. Draw an example of each of these kind of leaves, and state to what plants it belongs: Elliptical, rotundate, reniform, lyrate, and digitate.

5. What are stipules, spines, and tendrils, and what are their uses?

6. What is the calyx, corolla, stamen, and pistil of flowers? What is the use of each ?

7. What is the fruit of a plant? From what part of the plant is it produced?

1. How can we tell the age of an ordinary English forest tree after it has been cut down?

2. Why does a tree die when its bark is removed?

3. What is meant by the cells of plants? What do these cells contain, and of what use are they?

4. What sorts of food do plants need? How do they take their food in?

5. "Without plants in the world all animals would sooner or later die." Why is this?

6. What does a plant do by means of its root?

7. Name and sketch (if possible) the separate parts of a flower, in their proper order, stating the use of each.

1. If you soak a bean in water till it begins to "sprout what takes place?

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2. How does a grain of wheat differ in structure from a bean? 3. What do you mean by germination? What are the requisites for the process?

4. What are spores? What kind of plants are propagated by means of them?

5. Name a common example of a fern, a moss, and a lichen. 6. Give the names of the different parts of the plants which are eaten under the name of fruit in the fig, pineapple, strawberry, apple, and gooseberry.

7. From what part or parts of a plant is the fruit formed?

3rd Stage.

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