
Printed by J. L. Cox and SONS, 75, Great Queen Street,

Lincoln's-Inn Fields.

GENEVA.-Mount Jura-Lake Leman-Ferney-Voltaire-Learned
Ladies-English Burial Ground-J. J. Rousseau-The House in
which he was born-Magazine of M. Baute



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BERNE.-Swiss Costume-Fondness of the Bernese for Bears-
Origin of the Supporters to the Civic Arms



BADEN.- Roofed Wooden Bridges-Baths and Bathers ...

ZURICH.-Tomb of Gessner-Lavater-Physiognomy and Phreno-

logy-Letters of Lady Jane Grey to Henricus Bulingerus in the

Town Library-Letter from Frederick of Prussia to Professor

H. Müller on Swiss Songs-" Psalterium Davidis," a Greek MS. 56

SCHAUFHAUSEN.-Beauty of its Scenery-Its Cascade


LUCERNE.-Its lovely Scenery-Village of Egliseau-Fountain of

the Lion


SECHERON.-Anecdotes of Byron and Shelley, by Maurice, the Boat-
man on the Lake of Geneva-Nantua-Bellegarde-Natural Cu-
riosity near Bellegarde
LYONS.-The Ancient Lugdunum-Remains of Antiquity-Various
Calamities to Lyons-Museum-Bronze Tablets of Emperor
Claudius-Leg of a Bronze Horse-The Saône and the Rhône-
City of Lyons-The Mountain Fourvière-Inscription of the
Altar discovered in 1705-Marc Antony's Aqueduct-Ancient
Castle of Francheville--Silk Manufactories ....
VIENNE.-The Inn-Castle of Mont Léans-Condrieux-Its Inha-
bitants-Mobility of French Character-Vineyards of the Cote
Rotie Description of Vienne, or the Vienna Allobrogem, the
most Ancient City of the Gauls-Its Antiquities and Ruins—
-Museum-Its valuable Curiosities-Scenery around Vienne—
Comparison of French and English Suburbs-Council held in
Vienne in 1311 and 1312, which abolished the Knights Templars—
Bridge uniting Vienne to St. Colomb-Fine Mosaic Pavement in
a Vineyard-The Table Ronde-Ancient Asylum from Arrest for
Debt or Murder-St. Colomb-Its Antiquities-Fine Specimen
of Mosaic Pavement-Roman Baths-Museum of Monsieur and
Madame Michaud-Mosquitoes at Vienne-Authoress purchases
Mameluke, a Charger-Corpse of a private Soldier killed in a Duel
-Duels among Privates not uncommon in France-Antient Baths

at Vienne-Comparison between French and English Comforts-
Domestic Scenes in England-French Peasantry no Lovers of
Plants and Flowers like the English-Love of Rural Life unknown
in France-Sketch of a British Merchant-Departure from Vienne

LYONS.-A Day spent with Monsieur Artaud-Furnished by him

with Letters to half the Cognoscenti of Venice and Italy 117

GRENOBLE.-Route from Lyons-Napoleon's Entry from Elba-

Authoress occupies the Chamber in which Napoleon slept-

Reflections on his return to France-Library and Museum—

Grotto of Sassenage

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Visit from the Poet-Laureat of Avignon-Papal Palace-Its
Chambers of Inquisition-The Scene of Torture and Massacre
during the French Revolution-The Mint-Fountain of Vaucluse
-Petrarch-Laura-Their Passion-Chateau de Madame Laura
-Visit to Petrarch from Robert, the good King of Naples, his
Queen and Court-Hotel of Petrarch and Laura-The Land-
lady's Comparison of English with Continental Travellers-The
Host's Anecdote of the Busts-Avignon, an Agreeable and Cheap
Residence-The Inn, l'Hôtel de l'Europe-The Scene of the
Comedy of the Deaf Lovers-The Son of the Hostess, a Litera-
teur and Antiquary-His English-Monsieur and Madame de L.
-Peasantry around Avignon-Dress of the Women-Red Um-
brellas-Hotel de Crillon-Crillon le Brave, his Reception of
Henri-Quatre-Henri-Quatre and Louis Quatorze-Tomb of
Laura-The Grand Hôpital-Blessedness of Charity-Aqueduct
of the Pont du Gard-The Maison, la Pallière-A Provincial
Soirée at the Hotel de L.-French Conversation-Madame de

Villume, better known as the Celebrated Mademoiselle Sombreuil
-Her Affecting Story-Chivalrous Spirit of her Family-Heroic
Adventures of her Brother, Charles de Sombreuil-La Baronne
de M-

an English Lady-Her Elegant Hospitality-Foun-
dry at Avignon, formerly the Church of St. Dominic, of the In-
quisition-A Scene for Michael Angelo-The Mont de Piété-
The Pawned Watch-The Gold Locket-Reverse of the Picture

Great Increase of Business at Christmas, that the People of
Avignon might purchase Turkeys for their Christmas Dinner-
Portraits in the Salle de la Commune-The Brave Crillon-His
Son, the Duc de Mahon-Crillon-Louis XVIII.-Duchesse
d'Angoulême-Last Evening at Madame L.'s-Meet the Duc
and Duchesse de C- G, the latter of whom was Dame
d'Honneur to Marie-Louise-Society at Avignon-Attention to
Strangers, especially the English-Night-caps and Fogs-L'Hos-
pice des Insensés-The Maniacs-The Chapel-The Ivory Cru-
cifix, by Guillermin-Turkeys and Chesnuts-Christmas Eve-
Midnight Mass-Christmas Day-A French Plumb-Pudding—
Hospital for Invalid Soldiers-The Inmates-Easy Intercourse
between French Officers and Soldiers-Fortress of Villeneuve-
Authoress rides up its Ascent on Mameluke-Library at Avignon-
Notre-Dame de Don-Churches-Advantages of Keeping them
open all Day-Comparison between French and English Women
-New Year Reflections-Procession of Inn-Servants-Conven-
tional Good-Breeding of French Lower Classes-French Custom
of presenting Flowers and Verses at this Season-Pleasantness of
French Servitude-French People generally talented-Excellent
Amateur Actors-Comedie and Comic Opera at the Baronne de
Montfaucon's-French Musical Taste-Dinner at the Baron
Montfaucon's-Presents the Authoress with an Antique Glass
Vase, with Human Ashes-Public Theatres-French Dread of
Solitude-People of Ireland and of Avignon-Anecdote of Napo-
Singular Manner of his Birth - Physiognomies of the
Corsicans French Dancing-The Waltz-The Toilette of Avig-
non-Erroneous English Opinions on French Manners and Cus-
toms-Arrival of a Box of English Books and Newspapers-
Mystery of English Fashion-Definition of a bore, and an Illus-
tration-A Victim to Exclusivism-The Carnival at Avignon-
Le Vent de Bise-The French rarely Suppress their Feelings-
-Mardi- Gras-Departure from Avignon



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