


against a surviving partner for merchandize fur-
nished the firm, I. 206.

against executrix of an executrix, I. 208.

by the executrix of an executor, I. 211.

by a surviving partner for goods sold by the partnership, III. 64.

against one partner where the other outlawed, III. 70.

by assignees of insolvent debtor for money lent, &c.

III. 71.

by remaining assignee of a bankrupt for goods sold by the bankrupt, III. 75.

by the assignees of a surviving partner, bankrupt on promises to the firm in the life time of the deceased partner, HII. 77,


for an attorney's bill, V. 145.

money laid out, &c. V. 146.
bad and received, V. 147.
a promissory note, V. 248.

depasturage of cattle, V. 149.

goods sold and delivered, V. 150, 65.

use and occupation, V. 153.

double rent, V. 153.

carriage of goods, V. 160, &c. &c.


assumpsit on contracts of,

on a promise to indemnify plaintiffs if they would consign a certain cargo to their correspondents abroad, II. 446.

on a promise to indemnify plaintiff against any action on account of his deviating from his voyage, II. 449.


assumpsit on contracts for,

on a promise of indemnification if plaintiff would
make a note to defendants for their accommo-*
dation, II. 454.

on a similar though more special promise, II. 455.
on a promise to indemnify plaintiffs if they would
accept a bill drawn by defendant, II. 456, 69,
on a promise to indemnify bail, II. 457. 465.
on a promise to indemnify plaintiff against a joint
note, II. 459.

on a promise of indemnification on transfer of se-
curities, II. 462.

on a promise to indemnify plaintiff if he would become co-assignee, II. 466.

on a promise to indemnify plaintiff if he would

assist defendant in making a distress, II. 467. by executor, &c. for not having indemnified testator from the consequences of eviction by mortgagee, II. 470.

on a promise to indemnify plaintiff against the
rent if he would assign, &c. II. 472.
on a promise to indemnify plaintiff against any
loss in the resale of cottons bought of defend-
ant, II: 475.

on a promise to indemnify the parish against any

costs from the maintenance of a bastard child in consideration of money received from the putative father, II. 447.

on a promise to indemnify on a similar cause and consideration, II. 479.


debt on,

for the faithful accounting of a clerk, &c. V. 517. to indemnify sheriff for returning nulla bona, V.



debt on,

to indemnify plaintiffs from the sale of a ship, &c.

V. 536.

pleas to,

non damnificatus, V. 518, 28. performance of conditions, V. 521. payment by the principal, V. 531. replications, &c.

principal did not pay, V. 520.

did not account, V. 526.

denial of indemnification by principal, V. 529.

plaintiff is damnified, V. 534.

rejoinder, V. 520.

surrejoinder, V. 527.

INDENTURE, (see titles "Covenant," "Debt.") debt on, for arrears of annuity, VII. 42. 44. plea of judgment recovered to action on, VII. 41. INDICTMENTS.

for High treason,

in conspiring the death of the king, IV. 1.
adhering to king's enemies, IV. 8.

conspiring to levy war against the king, IV. 14.
compassing the king's death and to depose him,
VI. 337.

other overt acts, VI. 5 7.


for murder of a child, (against the mother,) IV.


the like by beating with a stick, IV. 46.
on the high seas, IV. 47.


in setting fire to a dwelling house, IV. 20.

the like of reversioner's house, IV. 21.

INDICTMENTS, (continued.)

for Forgery,

of a calico stamp, IV. 22.


for altering the figures on counsel's brief, IV. 23. forgery of a bank note, IV. 25.


bill of exchange, IV. 28.

indorsement on a bill, IV. 32.

will of copyhold premises, IV. 35.
warrant to confess judgment, VI. 370.

for stealing hay, IV. 41.


sacks of wheat, IV. 43.

embezzling goods delivered to keep, IV. 42.

for running away with a boat, IV. 50.


on the highway, IV. 51.

breaking a dwelling house, &c. IV. 52.


for a rape upon a girl eleven years old, VI. 368. for counterfeiting silver coin, IV. 53.

personating the proprietor of stock, IV. 55.
plundering a wreck, IV. 54. VI. 73.

coming into a royal park with arms to kill deer,

VI. 368.

killing and maiming cattle, VI. 372.

marrying a couple without license or publications of the bans, VI. 374.

misdemeanors, IV. 60, to 368. VI. 375 to 438. (see title "Misdemeanors.”)


in assumpsit.

of an expected race, I. 115.

of differences being depending, I. 91, 2, 4, &
of an action being depending, II. 395, to 44
of a debt subsisting, I. 92.

INDUCEMENTS, (continued.)

in assumpsit,

of defendant's being a pawnbroker, II. 280,

carrier, H. 231, to 279.

wharfinger, II. 285 to 290.
attorney, II. 291 to 326.

auctioneer, II. S31, &c.

factors, II. 538.

bailiffs, II. 335.

of possession of a lease, II. 66.

that defendant was tenant to plaintiff, II. 1,

[ocr errors]

in covenant,

possession of a term, III. 326.

different seizins titles, &c. III. 440, to 528. V.


to 100.

in case,

of good character, VIII. 329.

of trade, VIII. 232.

of profits in professional capacity, VIII. 240.

of expected marriage, VIII. 251, 2.

of expected sale of real property, VIII. 297.. for injuries to real property, VIII. 506, to 603..


declaration by an infant in,

appearance and defence by, I. 43.

plea of, in abatement, I. 43. 58.

plea of, in assumpsit, III. 95, 7, &c.

replication, articles suitable to defendant's degree,

III. 96. 99. 102.

ratification when of age, III. 98. 101.

denial of infancy, III.

rejoinder, issue on confirmatory promises, III. 99. issue on the replication pro necessario, III. 97.


petition to sue by prochein ami, X. 381.

agreement of prochein ami to pay costs, X. 381.
affidavit of signing agreement, X. 381.

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