

Food. A. H. Church. London, Chapman and Hall, 1882. Foods. Edward Smith. 8th edition. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, & Co., 1883.

Food and Dietetics.

Churchill, 1875.

F. W. Pavy. 2d edition. London,

Food and Feeding. Sir Henry Thompson. 3d edition. London, Warne & Co.

The Chemistry of Cookery. W. Mathieu Williams. New York, Appleton & Co., 1885.

The Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning. Ellen H. Richards and

S. Maria Elliott. Boston, Home Science Pub. Co., 1897. Water Supply. Chemical and Sanitary. Wm. Ripley Nichols. New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1883. International Health Exhibition Handbooks. -On Food and Food Adjuncts. Diet in Relation to Health and Work. A. Wynter Blyth. - Water, Water Supplies, and Unfermented Beverages. John Attfield. — Principles of Cooking. Septimus Berdmore. - Food and Cooking for Infants. Catherine Jane Wood. — English and Exotic Fruits. W. T. Thisleton Dyer. Salt and other Condiments. J. J. Manley. London, Wm. Clowes and Sons, 1884. shilling each.

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Familiar Lessons on Food and Nutrition. T. Twining. Lon

don, David Bogue, 1882.

The Chemistry of Bread Making. Charles Graham. Cantor Lectures, London Society of Arts, 1880.

Coffee and Tea. G. V. Poore. London, Lewis, 1883.

What the Grocers sell Us. P. H. Felker. New York, Orange Judd & Co., 1880.

Massachusetts State Board of Health Reports, Papers in. Boston, 1870 to 1884, especially 1879 and 1880-83.

New York State Board of Health Reports, Papers in. 1882-83.
Various Papers by W. O. Atwater. Middletown, Conn.
The Application of Science to the Production and Consumption
of Food. Edward Atkinson. Salem, Mass., Press of the
A. A. A. S.

The Science of Nutrition. Edward Atkinson, 1892. Damrell &
Upham, Boston.

Foods. Their Composition and Analysis. A. Wynter Blyth. London, Griffin & Co., 1882.

Food. Its Adulterations and the Methods for their Detection. Arthur Hill Hassall. London, Longmans, Green, & Co., 1876.

The Analysis and Adulteration of Foods. Parts I. and II.
James Bell. London, Chapman and Hall, 1881.
The Microorganisms of Fermentation. Alfred Jörgensen,
1889. F. W. Lyon, London.

Die menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Dr. J. König.
2d edition. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1883.
2 vols.
Die wichtigsten Nahrungsmittel und Getränke. Oscar Dietzsch.
4th edition. Zurich, 1884.

Praxis des Nahrungsmittel Chemikers. F. Elsner. Leipzig,


Studien über den chemischen Nachweis fremder Fette in But

terfette. Dr. August Hannsen.

Butter, its Analysis and Adulteration.

London, Churchill, 1877.

Erlangen, 1884. Pam

Hehner and Angell.

Water Analysis. Dr. E. Frankland. London, 1880.

Water Analysis. J. Alfred Wanklyn. 6th edition. London, Trübner & Co.

Milk Analysis. J. Alfred Wanklyn. London, Trübner & Co. Tea, Coffee, and Coca. J. Alfred Wanklyn. London, Trübner & Co., 1883.

Commercial Organic Analysis. A. H. Allen. 2d edition. Philadelphia, Lindsay and Blakiston, 1885. 3 vols.

Sanitary Examination of Water, Air, and Food. Fox. London, Churchill, 1878.

Composition of Foods, &c. [Tables of.] E. T. Kensington. London, Churchill, 1877.

The Story of Germ Life.


H. W. Conn. Appleton & Co.,

Dietetic Value of Bread. John Goodfellow. Macmillan, New

York, 1892.

Food, Manuals of Health.

Young & Co., New York.

Albert J. Bernays. E. & J. B.

Food and its Functions. Jas. Knight. Blackie & Son, London,


Chemistry of Wheat, Flour, and Bread, and Technology of Bread-making. Wm. Jago.

Practical Dietetics. W. Gilman Thompson. D. Appleton & Co., 1895.

Practical, Sanitary and Economic Cooking. Mrs. Mary Hinman Abel. Am. Pub. Health Assn., 1890.

Water Supplies. Wm. P. Mason. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1896.

Cocoa and Chocolate. Walter Baker & Co., Dorchester, 1886. Foods and Dietaries. R. W. Burnet, M.D. P. Blakiston, Son,

& Co., Phila., 1893.

Our Secret Friends and Foes. Percy Frankland, London,


The Food Products of the World. Dr. Mary E. Green. The

Hotel World, Chicago, 1895.

Food in Health and Disease. I. Burney Yeo. Lea Bros. & Co., Phila., 1892.

Manual of Dietetics. J. Milner Fothergill. Wm. Wood & Co., New York, 1886.

Water and Water Supplies. John C. Thresh. Rebman Pub.
Co., II Adam street, Strand, London.

Publications of the U. S. Dept. of Agri. Farmers' Bulletin:
No. 23. Foods, Nutritive Value and Cost.

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Office of Experiment Stations Bulletins :

No. 17. Suggestions for the Establishment of Food Laboratories, etc.

No. 21. The Chemistry and Economy of Food.

No. 52. Nutrition Investigations in Pittsburgh, Pa., 1894–

No. 32. Dietary Studies at Purdue University, Lafayette,
Ind., in 1895.

No. 31. Dietary Studies at the University of Missouri, in

No. 37. Dietary Studies at the Maine State College, in 1895.

No. 40. Dietary Studies in New Mexico, in 1895.

No. 29. Dietary Studies at the University of Tennessee, in 1895.

No. 38. Dietary Studies with Reference to the Food of the Negro in Alabama, 1895 and 1896.

No. 35. Food and Nutrition Investigations in New Jersey, 1895-1896.

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