


134 WILLIAM STREET (Corner Bourke St.,)


Desires to call the attention of the Medical Profession to his special chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, official and non-official, imported and prepared with the greatest care and attention.

Capsules of Iodide of Ethyl encased in cotton wool and Silk, containing 5

minims each.

Capsules of Nitrate of Amyl, containing 3 minims each.

In use, the glass capsule is broken, the liquid soaks the cotton wool and silk cover, and can be inhaled conveniently.

Effervescent Sodio-Magnesian Aperient (Sodio-Magnesia Sulphas Effervescens). Hunyadi Janos in a dry form.

Effervescent Sulphate Soda (Soda Sulphas Effervescens).-Carlsbad in a dry form. Effervescent Phosphate Soda (Soda Phosphas Effervescens).-An agreeable Tonic Aperient.

Cod Liver Oil.-Special Finest Norwegian, pure and light, selected with great care in the Home market.

Cod Liver Oil Emulsion Compound; with HYPO-PHOSPHITES OF LIME, IRON, and SODA. The remedy for Phthisis or Consumption, Coughs, Anæmia Diseases of Children, General Debility, &c., &c.

Citrate of Iron and Quinine, Solution, (Liquor ferri et Quiniæ Citratis.—A
stable and very satisfactory preparation, now official in the U. S. Pharmacopœia.

Oleate Zinc Powder (Zinci Oleas Pulv.): largely used for dusting eczematous
surfaces and parts troubled with excessive perspiration.

Syrup.-BROMIDE OF IRON.-Tonic and Alterative.

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SANTONINE. Each drachm containing one grain Santonine in solution.

Pessaries; Bougies; Suppositories- medicated.

Belladonna, Eucalyptus, Iodoform, Tannin, Opium, Lead, &c.

Phosphorus Elixir (Tinct. Phosphori, Dr. Ashburton Thompson).

Nitro-Glycerine Tablets.- grain each.

Apomorphia; Antipyrin; Cannabin Tannate; Chinoline Tartrate Chrysarobin; Cocaine; Eserine; Kairin; Pilocarpine, &c., &c.

Antiseptic Dressings, Sanitary Towels, &c., &c.

T. B. MELHUISH, 134 William Street, Sydney.






(Ordinance, No. 15.)

Medical Districts.-The Governor may, by proclamation in the Royal Gazette, declare any part of the Colony to be a medical district for the purposes of this Ordinance, and may also appoint, subject to the approval of the Secretary of State, any Medical Officer for any such medical district.

Duties of Medical Officer.-The Medical Officer of any district as aforesaid shall, in addition to any other duties imposed on such officer by the Chief Medical Officer of the Colony, visit every plantation in such district once within such regular periods as may be from time to time determined for the said district by the Chief Medical Officer, and shall also, when desired in writing so to do by the employer on any such plantation, visit any immigrant or native on the said plantation suffering from any severe illness or from any serious accident, and shall thereafter visit such case as may be necessary.

Medical Officer's Visiting Book.-On visiting any immigrant or native on any plantation at the request of the employer thereon, the Medical Officer shall enter in the Medical Officer's Visiting-book (to be provided by the employer on such plantation) the day and hour at which such visit was made, the name, age, country, and number of any immigrant or native so visited, the nature of the illness or accident from which the same may be suffering, and the treatment prescribed, and shall sign such entry in his own handwriting, and for every such special visit there shall be paid to the Medical Officer a sum of five shillings, if the distance from the residence of the Medical Officer to the plantation visited is under ten miles, or the sum of ten shillings if over ten miles.

Penalty for making False Entry.-Any Medical Officer that shall make any false entry in the Medical Officer's Visiting-book, or that shall omit or neglect to make any entry as hereinbefore provided; shall, in addition to any order made in such case by the Governor, be liable on conviction to a fine not less than Five Pounds and not exceeding Twenty-five Pounds.

Inability of Medical Officer to Visit Natives.-When any Medical Officer shall be unable from any cause to visit any immigrant or any native suffering on any plantation from any serious illness or accident within twenty-four hours of the time when such Medical Officer may have been requested by the employer to visit the same, such Medical Officer shall as soon as possible thereafter, if the Medical Officer considered such visit necessary, report the matter to the Chief Medical Officer, and shall state the reasons that prevented the visit being made within the time herein specified.

Medical Officer's Annual Return.—In the month of January in each year, the district Medical Officer shall forward to the Chief Medical Officer an annual return showing the number of immigrants and natives employed during the preceding year ending the thirty-first day of December, on every plantation in his district, the number of cases of sickness, or of accident under treatment on such plantation, or in any hospital from the said plantation, and the number of deaths among the immigrants and natives employed on such plantation, with the causes thereof.

Capitation Rate.-In the month of June in each year, or at the first meeting of the Legislative Council after that date, the Governor in Council, shall on the motion of the Receiver-General for the time being, fix and determine for each medical district a certain capitation rate payable on each immigrant and native over ten years of age on any plantation therein by the person having such immigrant or native as aforesaid in his employ, and the proceeds of the said rate from any medical district shall be paid to the Medical Officer of such district in addition to any salary, but no rate fixed and determined as aforesaid shall for any year exceed four shillings.

District Hospitals to be under control of Medical Officer.--Every district hospital shall be under the direction and control of the Medical Officer of the district, and shall be visited and examined by the Chief Medical Officer not less than twice in the year, and the Chief Medical Officer shall, once in every year, report to the Governor the condition of all such district hospitals, and shall be held responsible for their general administration and condition.


(Ordinance, No. 17.)

Medical Officer's Certificate.-Should it be found by the Medical Officer examining any woman known to be a common prostitute, that she is suffering from any venereal disease (this term includes Gonorrhoea), he shall sign the following certificate in duplicate, and shall hand it to the police officer in charge :

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I, A.B., Government Medical Officer, do hereby certify that I have this day examined C. D., of brought to me by virtue of the warrant of E. F., Esquire, Stipendiary Magistrate, and that she is suffering from Venereal Disease within the meaning of the Contagious Diseases Ordinance, 1881. Dated this 18. A. B.


Such certificate shall have the same force and effect as an ordinary warrant of commitment, and the police officer shall thereupon take such woman to the nearest public or Government hospital.

Government Medical Officer may Examine Immigrants.-Any Government Medical Officer may, upon the application of any persons employing indentured immigrants, on the request of any Inspector of immigrants, or of his own motion, examine any immigrant, male or female in the employ of such person, and if he shall find that the immigrant is suffering from a venereal disease he shall sign a certificate as above, and give it to the employer of such immigrant. And the employer shall send such immigrant to some hospital, where he shall be detained until cured.

Duty of Medical Officer.-It shall be the duty of the Medical Officer who inspects any immigrants on their arrival in the Colony to order any immigrant, male or female, suffering from venereal disease, to be sent to the nearest Government depot or public hospital, there to be detained until cured.

(Ordinance, No. 4.)

Duties of Vaccinator-General.-The Vaccinator-General, who must be a duly registered Medical Practitioner, and is appointed by the Governor, shall act as District Vaccinator for the islands of Ovalau, Moturiki, Naigani, Yanucalailai, Yanucalevu,

Mokogai, and Wakaya, and shall, in addition, vaccinate all immigrants imported as abourers as soon as possible after their arrival at Levuka. He shall keep an office in the town of Levuka, and shall attend at such office on Friday in each week, from the hour of nine until eleven in the forenoon, for the purpose of vaccinating all persons residing within the said islands, who shall appear or be brought before him for that purpose, and also of inspecting the progress of such vaccination in the person so vaccinated.

Supply of Lymph to be kept.-The Vaccinator-General shall maintain a continual supply of recent lymph, and shall supply the same as may be required to the District Vaccinators.

District Vaccinators.-The Governor shall appoint District Vaccinators for such districts as shall be defined by the Governor, and such District Vaccinators shall be duly registered Medical Practitioners, and shall receive such remuneration as shall be determined by the Governor in Council, and such District Vaccinators shall, for the purposes of vaccination, attend at such places within their districts and at such times as may be directed by the Vaccinator-General.

Non-medical Vaccinators.-To facilitate the speedy vaccination of the adult native population, a District Vaccinator may employ non-medical vaccinators to vaccinate under his supervision, but the District Vaccinator shall in every case be responsible for the proper performance of the operation by such non-medical vaccin


Notice of intention to Vaccinate to be given.-Before a District Vaccinator visits any native town for the purposes of vaccination, he shall intimate to the Stipendary Magistrate the time at which vaccination will be performed at such town, and such Stipendary Magistrate shall forthwith communicate such information to the RokoTui or other chief native Government officer of the Province, who shall take care that all unvaccinated natives aged over six months, residing in such town, shall be presented for vaccination at the time and place indicated.

Vaccinated persons to appear before the Vaccinator for Inspection.-Upon the eighth day after any adult or child shall have been vaccinated as aforesaid, such adult shall present himself, or the father, or mother, or guardian of such child shall take such child before the Vaccinator in whose district the vaccination was performed, in order that such Vaccinator may ascertain by inspection the result of such operation.

Certificate of Vaccination.-Upon and immediately after the successful vaccination of any adult person or any child, the Vaccinator-General or the District Vaccinator in whose district the operation shall have been performed, shall deliver to such adult or to the father or mother or guardian of the said child, a certificate under his hand that such adult or child has been successfully vaccinated.

When unfit for Vaccination.-If the Vaccinator shall be of opinion that any adult or child presented for vaccination is not in a fit and proper state to be successfully vaccinated, he shall thereupon immediately deliver, without fee, to such adult or to the father, or mother, or guardian of the said child, a certificate that the adult or child is in an unfit state for vaccination, and such certificate shall remain in force for a period marked thereon by such Vaccinator.


Register of Vaccination.-The Vaccinator-General and every District Vaccinator shall keep a register, in which he shall enter the date of vaccination, the name, age, sex, and name of parent or guardian, and place of abode of every person vaccinated in his district, and the operation, whether successful, unsuccessful, or doubtful. every District Vaccinator shall, on or before the first day of February of each year, transmit a signed copy of such register to the Vaccinator-General, who shall file the same in his office.

Vaccinator-General to Report Yearly.-The Vaccinator-General shall, on or before the first day of March of each year, make a general report to the Governor, showing the state and progress of vaccination during the year ending on the thirtyfirst day of December next preceding.

Recovery of Penalties.-All pecuniary penalties for any offence under this Ordinance may be recovered in a summary manner on the information of the Vaccinator-General or of a District Vaccinator.

Penalty for attempting to produce Small-pox.-Any person who shall produce, or attempt to produce, by any means whatsoever, the disease of small-pox in any person, shall be liable for every such offence to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding six months.

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