
befides what they give to their Judges; but this I must say to you, that it is very feldom known that an earthly King hath any pardoning Power in himself, for fuch Traitors that act Treafon againit the King's Perfon; this I fuppofe all Men's Experience will witness, fo that there is fome Crimes that earthly Kings have no pardoning Power for in themfelves; fo is it with you Quakers, you have committed fuch a Sin even against the Holy Ghoft, fo that there is no Pardon in God himself not for you, no more than there is for Cain that flew Abel, nor Judas that betrayed Chrift: If thefe be faved, then you fhall, and remember you were told so by the last true Prophet. But if earthly Kings do pardon any Traitor, it is because fome other Perfons in great Power doth petition or intercede to the King for him, and fo perhaps the King, for fome Ends best known to himself, may fave Life, but keep him in Prifon all Days of his Life; fo that this cannot properly be called a pardoning Power, except he freely forgive him, and raise him up to the fame Honour which he had before: But you Quakers have no fuch Friend to intercede for you to the King of Heaven, now you are condemned by his Meffenger; for Chrift will not intercede for you, for you have denied him before Men, in that you deny that Flefh and Bone which he fuffered Death in, and rofe again in the fame Flesh and Bone, and afcended up into Heaven, and doth now remain there in thatfame Body, only it is a fpiritualized and glorified Body, yet a Body: This I fay, you Quakers doth deny, whatsoever you may prattle and talk of a Chrift, yet you own no Chrift but what is within you; this I know to be true, else I should not be fo jealous against thofe People more than others; but for this very Thing, that Chrift will never intercede for Pardon for you Quakers that are condemned by me; yet this I fhall fay, if it will please you, that if I be a falfe Prophet and Witness, as you fay I am, then I fay, that Curfe which I have paffed upon you and many others, I fay, let it be all upon me, and you shall all go free: But if I be true, as I know I am, there is no Poffibility for you nor others to escape. I can fay no more in this Thing, but fhall leave it to Chrift, the Judge of the Quick and the Dead, to give me my Reward, according as I have been faithful in the Commiffion which he hath put upon me.


Again, it is not with earthly Kings as it is with the King of Heaven, for many Times earthly Kings have their par doning Power, and their condemning Power, which they have in themselves, taken away from them, and fo doth ftand in Need of Pardon themselves, and fo all thofe Judges which had their Commiffions from the King is worth Nothing, because another Power hath overcome him, and hath took it by the Power of the Sword; fo that earthly Kings doth fometimes ftand in Need of Pardon and Mercy themfelves: For an earthly Power doth ftand no longer than till a ftronger than he doth overcome him, as may be read concerning the Kings of Ifrael, and others which fought against them, as Saul against King Agag, and Jebu against the Houfe of Ahab, and divers others which might be named; and fo in Germany, and many Places of Christendom, and here in England, hath not the pardoning and condemning Power been rent out of the King's Hands? And fo all thofe Judges, which had their Commiffions from him, are put out of their Places of Power, and fo their Commiffions is made void, and of none Effect. This Experience in these our Days hath fhewed the Truth of it; but that Commiffion which is given of God, the King of Heaven, cannot be made void, neither can that Man which God hath made Judge of spiritual and eternal Matters, I fay, that Man's Commiffion cannot be taken away by any but by God himfelf: And feeing that no Power can conquer or overcome God, the King of Heaven, to dif-throne him, because he is from everlasting to everlasting; and look what thofe Judges that God hath chofen, anointed, and fealed for that Purpose, their Sentence is for everlasting, and to Eternity, as God himself is. For as an earthly King's Power doth last no longer than his Life, and not always fo long, fo God being for ever to Eternity, fo will thofe his commiffionated Judges, their Sentence be everlasting, and eternal also; fo that thofe Judges, which God hath commiffionated, even we the Witneffes of the Spirit, do go by a more certain Rule than the Judges of the Land do, when they give Judgment according to Law; neither can that Sentence which I have paffed upon you Quakers and others be revoked, not as the Judges of the Land's Sentence may, through many Tricks and


Quibbles in the Law; but no Trick nor Quibble in the Repeating of Scripture-texts, as you have done, fhall deliver you, because I know the Law of the Scriptures, as well as the Judges of the Land do the Civil Law; and though they may, through Juries and falfe Witneffes, give wrong Sentence fometimes, it is not fo with me, for I do walk by a more infallible Rule than they do, when I pafs Sentence upon Men and Women; for it is not Juries nor falfe Witneffes that can turn, or make me give Judgment contrary to Truth, because I received my Power and Authority from the God of Truth; and let Men rage, revile, perfecute, and do what they can, they will not be delivered from that Judgment that I have paffed upon them; and if their Perfecution fhould extend unto Death, it will but make the Fire of Hell to burn the more hotter in their Souls to Eternity.

In the latter Part of your Pamphlet you fpake fomething concerning the two Witneffes; for, fay you, if John Reeve and thyfelf were Joint-Commiffioners, and had your pretended Commiffion not feverally afunder, but joint together, hath not, fay you, the Death of John Reeve made void thy pretended Commiffion, to all Intents, Constructions, and Purposes whatsoever? Or if John Reeve and thyfelf did pretend to be the two Witneffes fpoken of Rev. xi. 3. and to have Power given to them, hath not, faith he, the Death of John Reeve made it evident against you to be none of them; and fo he goeth on, repeating moft Part of the elventh Chapter of the Revelation, as if it were to be fulfilled legally as it is fet down in the Letter.

L. M. Reply. That the Death of John Reeve doth not make void my Commiffion, no more than the Death of Aaron did make void Mofes's Commiffion of the Law, neither was the Commiffion of the Law made void when Mofes himself was dead, or taken out of this World, but stood in Full force and Vertue after that many hundred Years, and was never made void until John the Baptift and Chrift did enter into the Miniftery of the Gofpel; for John the Baptift was the laft Prophet of the Law, and in his Death the Commiffion of the Law of Mofes was made void, and of none



Effect, to those that did believe in Jefus Chrift, which brought in a better Covenant, or a better Commiffion than that of the Law: So likewise the Worship of the Gospel of Jefus, which was fet up by his Apoftles, which was according to the Faith which they had in Jefus Chrift, his being the only begotten Son of God, and Saviour of them that believed; but this Commiffion of the Apoftles did stand in full Force and Vertue but a Matter of three hundred Years, yet the Apostles, which were the Commiffioners, did not live themselves above forty Years after their Lord Chrift was put to Death; muft that Commiffion therefore be made void, because the Commiffioners were all dead? Surely no. And this I further do affirm, that never fince that three hundred Years there hath not a Man been commiffionated from God, to be a Meffenger, Minifter, or Ambaffador of Chrift, to preach the everlafting Gofpel of Life and Salvation, until that God spake to John Reeve in the Year 1651; for all Men that have exercised the Office of a Minister, Messenger, or Ambassador of Christ, fince that three hundred Years to the Year 1651, have run before they were fent; for God fent none of them by Voice of Words, but they have preached only from the Letter of the Scriptures, or elfe from the Light within, as the Quakers do, but have had no Commiffion from Chrift without them, though much Good hath been done by their Preaching, and a great deal of Hurt; but let that pafs, because I have spoken. of that more at large in the Interpretation of Rev. Chap. xi.

So I fay, though John Reeve be dead, and I were dead alfo, yet will not this Commiffion of the Spirit be made void; for this I fay, as long as there is Faith and Believers of this Commiffion, it will not be void and lofe its Vertue, which I know will be to the End of the World, though perhaps I myself may be either put to Death, or die naturally within few Years, yet the Faith in this Doctrine, which we the Witneffes of the Spirit have declared concerning the true God, his Form and Nature before he became Flesh, and what he is now, and the Form and Nature of the right Devil before he became Flesh, and what he is now, with the Place and Nature of Hell, and of Heaven, the Perfon and Nature of Angels, and the Mor

tality of the Soul; these fix Points of Doctrine, with many more heavenly Secrets, which hath been declared by us, I fay, that there will be Faith in fome Men and Women, to believe and understand these Things which we have written, even to the World's End; fo that my Commiffion will not be void, reversed, and undone, though I were dead. Alfo I being the last true Prophet and Witnefs that ever fhall come, which is more than any Apoftle or Prophet could fay; therefore, whoever fhall truly believe thefe Things, may be the more comforted and revived, that Redemption is fo near at Hand, when as all Tears fhall be wiped away from your Eyes; and not only fo, but you fhall enter into the Joy of our good God and Saviour, in whom ye have believed, even the Man Chrift Jefus, who is both God and Man, cloathed with Flesh and Bone, who poured out his Soul unto Death, whofe Blood was no less than the Blood of God; and this is that Blood, that whoever can believe it, it will sprinkle their Souls here, and make them pure and clean, fo that nothing fhall offend, or cause any Fear of eternal Death, but this natural Death shall be but as a Door of Entrance into thofe eternal Joys, where we fhall fee our God Face to Face. And if you And if you Richard Farnefworth, had but read that Book of mine of the Interpretation of Rev. Chap. xi. you would never have repeated fo much of it in your Pamphlet as you have, to prove me a falfe Witness for there is every particular Verfe in that Chapter open and expounded, befides many other Places in the Revelation opened, more than all the learned Men in the World hath, or could do ; but it is a vain Thing to talk of any heavenly Secrets to Quakers, for they will not bestow a Penny in any Writings but their own, let them coft ever fo much Pains the Writing, and Charge the Printing; but if they can fee them for nothing, perhaps they will view it a little flightly over, but as to buy, I hardly know any Quaker that doth; furely they are afraid they fhould lofe their Believers, if they fhould fee my Works: Now I am very free that any Believer of this Commiffion fhould fee their Writings, not fearing they will draw them away. God hath fent a Commiffion into the World, to knock


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