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" tis a common proof, That lowliness is young ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber-upward turns his face; But when he once attains the upmost round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees By which he did... "
Shakespeare Proverbs: Or, The Wise Saws of Our Wisest Poet Collected Into a ... - Side 64
av William Shakespeare, Mary Cowden Clarke - 1848 - 145 sider
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Romeo and Juliet ; Timon of Athens ; Julius Caesar ; Macbeth ; Hamlet ; King ...

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 612 sider
...Face; But when he once attains the upmoft Round, But for the general. He would be crown'd—- • m He then unto the Ladder turns his Back, Looks in the Clouds, fcorning the bafe Degrees By which he did afcend: So Cefar may: Then, left he may, prevent. And fince...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Seven Volumes, Volum 6

William Shakespeare - 1733 - 480 sider
...ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber upward turns his face ; But when he once attains the upmoft round, He then unto the lad*der turns his back, Looks in the clouds, fcorning the bafe degrees By which he- did afcend: To C<efar may : Then, left he may,, prevent. And...
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The Quintessence of English Poetry, Or, a Collection of All the Beautiful ...

William Oldys - 1740 - 326 sider
...ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber upward turns his face ; But when he once attains the upmoft round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the clouds, fcorning the bafe degrees By which he did aicend. So- Caifar may : And therefore think him as a-ierpent's...
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The Works of Shakespear: In Six Volumes, Volum 5

William Shakespeare - 1745 - 548 sider
...ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber upward turns his face ; But when he once attains the upmoft round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the clouds, fcorning the bale degrees By which he did afcend : fo C-.rfar may : Then, Then, left he may, prevent....
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The beauties of Shakespear: regularly selected from each play, with ..., Volum 2

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 268 sider
...ambition's ladder, Whereto the. climber upward turns his face ; But when he once attains the upmoft round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the cloud., fcorning the bafe degrees By which he did afcend. Corifpiracy, dreadful till executed. (5)...
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The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes : Collated with the ..., Volum 7

William Shakespeare - 1762 - 440 sider
...ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber upward tarns his face ; But when he once attains the utmoft round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the clouds, fcorning the bafe degrees By which he did afcend : fo Cesfar may : Then, left he may, prevenr. And...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes: With the ..., Volum 7

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 566 sider
...ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber upward turns his face j But when he once attains the upmoft round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the clouds, fcorning the * bafe degrees By which he did afcend. So C<efar may : Then, left he may, prevent. And...
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The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volum 7

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 484 sider
...ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber upward turns his face ; But when he once attains the upmoft round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the clouds, fcorning the bafe degrees By which he did aicend : fo Cafar may : Then, left he may, prevent. And fince...
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The Works of Shakespear: Coriolanus. Julius Cesar. Antony and Cleopatra ...

William Shakespeare - 1768 - 440 sider
...have not known when his affedions fway'd More than his reafon. But 'tis a common proof. That lowlinefs is young ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber-upward turns his face ; But when he once attains the upmoft round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the clouds, fcorning the bafe degrees...
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An Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear Compared with the Greek ...

Mrs. Montagu (Elizabeth) - 1769 - 300 sider
...ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber upward turns his face ; But when he once attains the upmoft round, He then unto the ladder turns his back, Looks in the clouds, fcorning the bafe degrees By which he did afcend. So Casfar may. Thus Mr. Voltaire tranflates it, BRUTUS....
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