[Page 40.] Rail.....Company. TABLE D. GRANTS OR DONATIONS, IN BONDS OR MONEY, FROM STATES, COUNTIES, TOWNS CORPORATIONS, OR INDIVIDUALS, NOT REPAYABLE BY COMPANY. During year.. Dec. 31, 1887. Discount Cash realized Amount of Bonds [Page 41.] .Rail.....Company. TABLE E. OTHer Aids or GraNTS, FROM THE United States, States, Counties, Corpora TIONS, OR INDIVIDUALS. Lands Granted by the United States Government. : [Page 42.] Rail.....Company. TABLE E-Continued. Lands or Property, including Right of Way donated by States, Counties, Towns, Corporations, or Individuals, stating in detail the amount of Land granted for Right of Way, for Stations, for Shops, for Storehouses, etc. By Whom Donated. Description of Property. Estimated Value. Proceeds, if Sold. Bonds whereof Principal is Payable by Company-Interest by State or other Parties. |