President of the ... Company, and of the said company, being duly sworn, depose and say, that the statements, tables, and answers contained in the foregoing sheets, have been compiled and prepared by the proper officers of said company, from its books and records, under their direction and supervision; that they, the deponents, have carefully examined the same, and that as now furnished by them to the Board of Railroad Commissioners, they are, in all respects, just, correct, complete, and true, to the best of their knowledge, and, as they verily believe, the same contain a true and full exhibit of the condition and affairs of said company on the thirty-first day of December, 1887. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of, 188... REPORTS OF RAILROAD COMPANIES TO THE BOARD OF RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS, FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1887. NOTE. In the reports of the several companies herein contained, all inquiries in the blank form of report which were left unanswered by the companies respectively have been omitted, both for economy of space and greater clearness. Northeast corner of Fourth and Townsend Streets.... The Amador Branch Railroad Company was incorporated July 3, 1875. CAPITAL STOCK. 1. Capital stock authorized by charter... 2. Capital stock authorized by votes of company. 3. Capital stock issued [number of shares, 6,750]; amount paid in. 5. Total amount paid in, as per books of the company. 8. Par value of shares issued. 9. Total number of stockholders. 10. Number of stockholders in California. 11. Amount of stock held in California.. All other debts, current credit balances, etc................ 16. Total gross debt liabilities ..San Francisco. $675,000 00 675,000 00 675,000 00 675,000 00 100 00 .12 11 636,800 00 $675,000 00 -$40,500 $675,000 00 20,250 00 $695,250 00 17. Amount of cash, materials, and supplies on hand; sinking funds in hands of Trustees, and such securities and debt balances as repre sent cash assets: Sinking funds, first mortgage bonds........ Other securities and debt balances 18. Total net debt liabilities 4,850 00 29,530 50 $660,869 50 COST OF ROAD, EQUIPMENT, AND PROPERTY-ROAD AND BRANCHES. 11. Total cost of construction.... Construction. $11,362,124 39 PROPERTY PURCHASED AND ON HAND, NOT INCLUDED IN THE FOREGOING ACCOUNTS, ETC. 26. Total for property purchased, etc...... 30. Cash and cash assets 31. Total property and assets of the company.. $1,362,124 39 29,530 50 $1,391,654 89 REVENUE FOR THE YEAR. 13. Derived from rents for use of road and equipment when leased.. Less general expenses . $48,000 00 9.00 9. Surplus at commencement of the year, as changed by aforesaid entries. 10. Total surplus (or deficit) December 31, 1887 18,763 89 26,254 89 EARNINGS, EXPENSES, NET EARNINGS, ETC., OF PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, AND RECEIPTS, EXPENSES, NET EARNINGS, ETC., OF FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. (See lessee's report.) GENERAL BALANCE SHEET AT CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS, DECEMBER 31, 1887. PROFIT AND Loss ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1887. |