PROPERTY PURCHASED AND ON HAND NOT INCLUDED IN THE FOREGOING ACCOUNTS. 20. Stock of other roads. 27. Whole amount of permanent investments. 30. Cash and cash assets. Stock of Union Compress and Warehouse Company... 25. Other property purchased. Property at New Orleans, Louisiana, owned by Southern Pacific Company. 26. Total for property purchased, etc... 31. Total property and assets of the company. 11,468,744 50 $102,445,181 48 11. Parlor cars EXPENDITURES CHARGED TO PROPERTY ACCOUNT During the YEAR. 14. Freight and other cars. 12. Sleeping cars (three fourths interest). 13. Passenger, mail, and baggage cars 17. Any other expenditures charged to property account (specifying same): Property at New Orleans, Louisiana.. 18. Total 19. Property sold and credited to property account during the year (specifying same): Freight charges refunded on passenger car No. 108 20. Net addition to property account for the year. 783 1,781 27 $601,949 60 51 60 $601,898 00 REVENUE FOR THE YEAR. Pacific System and Northern Division. 1. Derived from local passengers on roads operated by this company. 3. Derived from other roads as tolls for use of passenger cars and engines Sleeping cars 5. Derived from express and extra baggage.. 6. Derived from mails.. 7. Total earnings from passenger department 8. Derived from local freight on roads operated by this company... 9. Derived from other roads as tolls for use of freight cars and engines... 10. Derived from freight from and to other roads on joint tariff . 12. Total earnings from freight department ... 13. Derived from rents for use of road and equipment when leased: Miscellaneous earnings. Rental earnings. Telegraph earnings.. 14. Total transportation earnings..... 15. Earnings per mile of road operated (average, 3,262.34) 16. Earnings per train mile (total passenger and freight) 17. Income derived from rent of property, other than road and equipment (specifying same): $6,110,003 20 2,292,200 81 154,120 21 180,078 30 413,937 47 624,557 50 $9,774,897 49 $11,240,383 02 147,109 93 4,886,493 87 $16,273,986 82 $153,120 63 91,315 46 100,000 00 $26,393,320 40 $8,090 30 210 Gross earnings Sacramento River steamers.. Rent for Colorado Division, leased to Atlantic and Pacific Railroad 140,838 54 Rent for steamer Julia, leased to California Pacific Railroad Interest received 19. Total income derived from all sources EXPENSES FOR OPERATING THE ROAD FOR THE YEAR. Rent for third-rail privilege to Denver and Rio Grande Western Railway at Ogden Rent for use of track by California Southern Railroad, between Colton and Los Angeles..... 436,266 00 69,000 00 525 12 14,000 00 1,321 48 $27,055,271 54 (Pacific System and Northern Divison.) Class I-General traffic expenses. 1. Taxes, State and local... 2. General salaries, office expenses, and miscellaneous, not embraced in $757,904 47 6. Proportion belonging to passenger department (37.53 per cent) 7. Proportion belonging to freight department (62.47 per cent)... 15 26 118,175 33 24,576 60 495,638 24 214,239 87 576,000 07 73,148 01 177,541 16 $3,104,594 02 $1,165,154 14 1,939,439 88 Class II-Maintenance of way and buildings, and movement expenses. 1. Repairs of road (exclusive of bridges, new rails, and new ties) 3. Steel rails laid, deducting old rails taken up. (Number of miles, 677; weight per yard, 50 pounds); old steel relaid.. Number of miles, 7.56; weight per yard, 54 pounds. Number of miles, 83.72; weight per yard, 60 pounds. 4. New ties. (Number, 615,424); cost 5. Repairs of bridges. 6. Repairs of all buildings and fixtures (turntables) 6. Snow sheds..... 7. Repairs of and additions to machine shops and machinery and tools.. 8. Repairs of fences, road crossings, and signs, included in No. 1 8. Wharf service. $1,566,313 30 Number of cords of wood, 51,191; cost Number of tons of coal, 483,090; cost.. 17. Oil and waste... 18. Switchmen, watchmen, flag and signalmen (included in train service)... 19. Total 20. Proportion of same to passenger department (37.53 per cent).. 21. Proportion of same to freight department (62.47 per cent) Class III-Passenger traffic expenses. 1. Repairs of passenger, mail, and baggage cars; also, express cars 3. Damages and gratuities; passengers and property. 4. Salaries, wages, and incidentals of passenger trains Salaries, wages, and incidentals of ferries... 5. Salaries, wages, and incidentals of passenger stations.. 7. Amount paid other roads for balance of mileage of passenger cars and engines. 8. Total 1. Repairs of freight cars Class IV-Freight traffic expenses. Repair of dump and work cars 3. Damages and gratuities, freight. 4. Salaries, wages, and incidentals of freight trains.. Salaries, wages, and incidentals of ferries... 5. Salaries, wages, and incidentals of freight stations 7. Amount paid other roads for balance of mileage of freight cars and engines.. $552,519 32 15,840 10 52,005 96 1,522,692 98 172,654 46 799,269 61 341,983 51 8. Total $3,456,965 94 9. Total expenses of operating the road embraced in Classes I, II, III, and IV 12. Amount paid other companies as rent for use of road (specifying each company, the amount and basis on which rent is computed): Amador Branch Railroad $15,968,622 90 48,000 00 13,824 00 600,000 00 14,000 00 12,000 00 20,196 00 33,384 00 20,400 00 600,000 00 31,800 00 12,000 00 7,200 00 165,600 00 6,000 00 50,699 99 26,616 60 1,200,000 00 120,084 42 Southern Pacific Railroad of Arizona.. 54,377 85 Southern Pacific Railroad of New Mexico 18,125 95 Sacramento River steamers, operating expenses $130,767 05 1,275 18 132,042 23 13. Total expenses ---- $19,154,943 94 EARNINGS, EXPENSES, NET EARNINGS, ETC., OF PASSENGER Department. 1. Total earnings from Passenger Department, as per "Revenue for the Year," No. 7.... 3. Expenses, proportion of " General Traffic Expenses," as per Class I, No. 6. 4. Expenses, proportion of "Maintenance of Way and Buildings, and Movement Expenses," as per Class II, No. 20... 5. Expenses, "Passenger Traffic," as per Class III, No. 8.. 6. Total expenses, not including interest nor rental leased lines. 7. Per passenger train mile... & Net earnings, not including interest nor rental leased lines. 9. Per passenger train mile... RECEIPTS, EXPENSES, NET EARNINGS, ETC., OF FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. 1. Total earnings from Freight Department, as per "Revenue for the Year," No. 12. 2. Per freight train mile.. 3. Expenses, proportion of "General Traffic Expenses," as per Class I, No. 7. 4. Expenses, proportion of "Maintenance of Way and Buildings, and Movement Expenses," as per Class I1, No. 21. 5. Expenses, "Freight Traffic," as per Class IV, No. 8. 6. Total expenses, not including interest nor rental leased lines.. 7. Per freight train mile... 8. Net earnings... 9. Per freight train mile.. 1 18 3,560,839 90 €8 $16,273,986 82 2 23 1,939,439 88 4,358,159 49 3,456,965 94 9,754,565 31 1 33 6,519,421 51 90 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET AT CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS, DECEMBER 31, 1887. Due by United States Government for transportation, etc.. Due for betterments and additions. Taxes in litigation... Credits. Coupons due in 1885, 1886, and 1887, uncalled for.. Coupons due in 1888, proportion of interest accrued to December 31, Due of Central Pacific Railroad Company for guaranteed rental, year 3,267,615 97 Profit and loss (profit, if any).... 1,200,000 00 1,399,787 90 Total $102,445,181 48 |