ROADS BELONGING TO OTHER COMPANIES OPERATED BY THIS COMPANY UNDER LEASE OR CONTRACT. No. 30. Names, Description, and Length of Each. (Pacific System and Northern Division.) Principal and interest 5.00 on $530,000 bonds at 6 per cent per annum. $13,800 per month. No rental fixed. -$500 per month. Northern Railway Oregon and California Railroad Shell Mound. Vallejo Junction. Napa Junction. Castroville. California State line Near Martinez Almaden 7.80 31. Total length of above roads December 31, 1887 32. Total length of above roads in California December 31, 1887. 33. Total length of above roads in other States (specifying each): Nevada.. Utah. New Mexico. Texas 34. Total miles of road operated by this company 35. Total miles of road operated by this company in California. ROLLING STOCK. 3.336.08 miles. 2,151.40 miles. 448.73 miles. 154.64 miles. 26 miles. 384.25 miles. 167.30 miles. 3.76 miles. 3,336.08 2,151.40 843 3,262.34 311 311 6. Passenger cars (including sleeping and parlors cars).... 14. Total number of freight cars, including coal, etc., on a basis of eight wheels... 16. Number of cars equipped with train brakes (Kind of brake: Westinghouse.) 17. Number of passenger cars with Miller platform and buffer. MILEAGE, TRAFFIC, ETC. 1,773 1,826 47 1. Miles run by passenger trains.. 2. Rate of speed of express passenger trains, including stops. 3. Rate of speed of accommodation trains, including stops. 4. Miles run by freight trains..... 6. Rate of speed of accommodation freight trains, including stops 7. Miles run by other trains, and for what purpose: Number of through passengers going east (or north). 57,333 90,629 10. Total passenger mileage, or passengers carried one mile Number of local passengers going east (or north), and west (or south). 11. Passenger mileage to and from other roads.. 128,028,170 Average number of miles traveled by each local passenger. Number of tons freight produced in this State, carried. Number of tons of each class of freight produced in this State, carried: 2,606,936 13. Total freight mileage, or tons carried one mile.. 14. Freight mileage to and from other roads... 15. Highest rate of fare per mile for any distance (excluding one mile).. 1,096,553,889 559,746,049 6 cents. 16. Lowest rate of fare per mile for any distance (single fare): Main line......... Ferry Ferry commutation 17. Average rate of fare per mile received from local passengers on roads operated by this company.. Average rate of fare per mile received from local passengers on roads operated by this company, not including ferry or season tickets.... 18. Average rate of fare per mile received from passengers to and from other roads... 20. Average rate of fare per mile for all passengers.. 21. Highest rate of freight per ton per mile for any distance.. 22. Lowest rate of freight per ton per mile for any distance.... 23. Average rate of local freight per ton per mile on roads operated by this company.... 24. Average rate of freight per ton per mile to and from other roads. 25. Average rate of freight per ton per mile for all 26. Average number of cars in passenger trains (including baggage cars) (Pacific System).. 27. Average number of cars in freight trains-basis eight-wheel (Pacific System).... 30. Number of persons regularly employed (Pacific system and Northern Division) including officers... Average monthly pay of employés, other than officers Average monthly pay of engine drivers Average monthly pay of passenger conductors. Average monthly pay of freight conductors... Average monthly pay of baggage masters. Average monthly pay of section men Average monthly pay of brakemen, flagmen, and switchmen. Average monthly pay of mechanics in shops.. Average monthly pay of laborers at stations RELATING TO PASSENGERS. 2. Passengers to San Francisco (including ferry) LIST OF ACCIDENTS IN CALIFORNIA. 1.66 cents. 1.05 cents. .040 cents. 2.29 cents. 2.75 cents. 1.79 cents. 2.13 cents. 15 cents. 1% of a cent. 2.09 cents. .87 cents. 1.47 cents. 5.80 17.28 12,845 $65 46 133 83 110 00 90 00 70.00 72 52 39 15 71 85 52 92 4,250.534 4,144,474 |