Crossing track 1 Collision Stepped on cars. 1 Fell from box car 1 Fell from brakebeam Fell under train.. 1 Crossing track Rail turned Pulling engine on track. September 29. Derailed at frog Rail turned Collision October 31 Collision October 31 Collision October 31. Collision October 31 Collision October 31 Collision October 31 Collision October 31 Collision October 31 Collision October 31 Collision October 31 Collision October 31 Collision October 31 Collision.. October 31 Collision .Ankle turned. Side injured. Slight injury. Slight injury. Leg crushed. Ankle sprained. Killed. Ankle sprained. Eye slightly injured. Killed. Back bruised. Killed. Foot mashed. Bruised. Hand injured. Three toes cut off. Foot injured slightly. Killed. Eye hurt slightly. Hand and arm injured. Concussion. Slight injury. Foot sprained. Knee and arm injured. Ankle sprained. Head hurt. Arm, head, and hands. Head and shoulder. Leg and breast. Leg and arm. Wrist and knee. Seriously injured. Foot and side. Foot and back. Coupling cars. Caught between cars.. Coupling cars. Fire from firebox.... 1 Drunk, struck lying on track. Jumped from train Sudden stop, automatic brake. Sudden stop Sudden stop Caught between buffers. Getting on train November 15. November 17. November 18. Jumped from train Put hand on rail.. Scalp wound. Hip injured slightly. Four ribs broken. Bruised. Two fingers injured. Arm broken. Hand injured. Finger mashed. Eye burned. Killed. Leg hurt. Head and face injured. Toes cut off. Arm injured. Back and hip. Collar bone broken. Killed. Knee bruised. Elbow and knee. Head and neck injured. Head bruised. Nose scratched. Ribs bruised. Toes mashed. Slight concussion. Scalp wound. Four fingers cut off. Back hurt. Toes mashed. Face scratched. Eye injured. Leg crushed. Slight injury. Internal injury. Ribs injured slightly. Toes crushed. Scalp wound. Fingers mashed. Killed. Arm sprained. Head and back hurt. Toe mashed. Killed. December 9. December 10. December 10. December 11. December 12. December 12. December 12. December 12. December 15. December 16. December 21. December 23. December 24. December 24. December 26. December 26. December 28. December 29. Ankle sprained. Ankle hurt (sprained). Finger mashed. Slight injury. Leg crushed. Head slightly injured. December 29. December 31. December 31. June 2 June 16 June 16 June 30 June 30 July 6. July 17. July 18. July 26. August 5. August 7. August 8. August 10. August 26. Charles F. Crocker, the Third Vice-President of the Southern Pacific Company, and G. L. Lansing, the Secretary of the said company, being duly sworn, depose and say, that the statements, tables, and answers contained in the foregoing sheets have been compiled and prepared by the proper officers of said company, from its books and records, under their direction and supervision; that they, the deponents, have carefully examined the same, and that as now furnished by them to the Board of Railroad Commissioners, they are, in all respects, just, correct, complete, and true, to the best of their knowledge, and, as they verily believe, the same contain a true and full exhibit of the condition and affairs of said company on the thirty-first day of December, 1887. CHAS. F. CROCKER. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this twelfth day of July, 1888. The Stockton and Copperopolis Railroad Company was incorporated November 17, 1877, and formed by consolidation of the companies whose names and dates of incorporation are shown in the table below: Names of Railroad Companies. Stockton and Copperopolis Railroad Stockton and Visalia Railroad Dates of Incorporation. October 11, 1865. December 16, 1869. CAPITAL STоск. 1. Capital stock authorized by charter... 2. Capital stock authorized by votes of company 3. Capital stock issued [number of shares, 2,345]; amount paid in 5. Total amount paid in as per books of the company. 8. Par value of shares issued.... 9. Total number of stockholders December 31, 1887. 10. Number of stockholders in California December 31, 1887. 11. Amount of stock held in California... DEBT. $7,000,000 00 7,000,000 00 234,500 00 234,500 00 100 00 15 13 200,520 00 COST OF ROAD, EQUIPMENT, AND PROPERTY-ROAD AND BRANCHES. 13. Derived from rents for use of road and equipment when leased....... 1884: Error in charge of general expense.. $50,669 99 710 00 $51,379 99 Less general expense 12.00 $51,367 99 |