DESCRIPTION OF ROAD. 1. Date when the road or portions thereof were opened for public use: From Visalia to Goshen... 2. Length of main line of road from Visalia to Goshen.. Length of main line in California. 10. Total length of road belonging to this company.. 11. Aggregate lengths of siding and other tracks not enumerated above.... 12. Same in California. 13. Aggregate length of track belonging to this company computed as single track Sept. 1874. 73 miles. 7 miles. 79 miles. 1 mile. 1 mile. 8 miles. 84 miles. R. E. Hyde, President of the Visalia Railroad Company, and Julius Levy, Secretary of said company, being duly sworn, depose and say, that the statements, tables, and answers contained in the foregoing forty-four sheets, have been compiled and prepared by the proper officers of said company, from its books and records, under their direction and supervision; that they, the deponents, have carefully examined the same, and that as now furnished by them to the Board of Railroad Commissioners, they are, in all respects, just, correct, complete, and true, to the best of their knowledge, and, as they verily believe, the same contain a true and full exhibit of the condition and affairs of said company on the thirty-first day of Debember, 1887. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this eighth day of June, 1888. R. E. HYDE. C. J. GIDDINGS, The Carson and Colorado Railroad Company (Third Division) was incorporated November 21, 1881. CAPITAL STOCK. 1. Capital stock authorized by charter... 2. Capital stock authorized by votes of company 3. Capital stock issued [number of shares, 16,200]; amount paid in 5. Total amount paid in as per books of the company. 8. Par value of shares issued 9. Total number of stockholders.. 10. Number of stockholders in California. 11. Amount of stock held in California... 14. Unfunded debt: DEBT. $3,500,000 00 3,500,000 00 1,620,000 00 1,620,000 00 100 00 14 914,425 00 Incurred for construction, equipment, or purchase of property, in $1,620,000 00 COST OF ROAD, EQUIPMENT, AND PROPERTY-ROAD AND BRANCHES. Not known, as the railroad of the company was constructed and its equipment furnished under contract. The company paying for same by issue of capital stock and bonds. REVENUE FOR THE YEAR. NOTE-The revenue of this company is included in that of the Carson and Colorado EXPENSES FOR OPERATING THE ROAD FOR THE YEAR. The railroad and other property of this company is leased to and operated by the Carson and Colorado Railroad Company, an incorporation of the State of Nevada. No separate accounts are, therefore, kept of the operating expenses of this company; same being embraced in the operating expenses of the Carson and Colorado Railroad Company. DESCRIPTION OF ROAD. 1. Date when the road or portions thereof were opened for public use: From State line to Keeler, California 2. Length of main line in California... 10. Total length of road belonging to this company 15. Total length of steel rail in tracks belonging to this company, not including steel top rail; (weight per yard 35).. MILEAGE, TRAFFIC, ETC. 1. Miles run by passenger trains...... 2. Rate of speed of express passenger trains, including stops.... (Statistics not kept.) 14. Highest rate of fare per mile for any distance (excluding one mile).. 16. Lowest rate of fare per mile for any distance (single fare).......... H. M. Yerington, President of the Carson and Colorado Railroad Company, Third Division, and D. A. Bender, Secretary of the said company, being duly sworn, depose and say, that the statements, tables, and answers contained in the foregoing sheets have been prepared and compiled by the proper officers of said company, from its books and records, under their direction and supervision; that they, the deponents, have carefully examined the same, and that as now furnished by them to the Board of Railroad Commissioners, they are, in all respects, just, correct, complete, and true, to the best of their knowledge, and, as they verily believe, the same contain a true and full exhibit of the condition and affairs of said company on the thirty-first day of December, 1887. H. M. YERINGTON, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ninth day of June, 1888. WILLIS G. CLARKE, Notary Public. |