Laws of the State of New York1825 |
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ACT to incorporate aforesaid amend amount annual election appoint appraisers April 13 assessed board of directors bottomry bridge by-laws canal capital stock cents certificate Champlain canals CHAP city of New-York clerk commissioners common seal comptroller construed contracted courts and places debt deemed duty election of directors erected Erie canal funds further enacted hereafter hereby authorised hereby granted hold their offices horse impleaded inspector lands lawful legislature Leonard Fuller loan lot number manner manufacturing meeting Monday monies mortgages neral owner paid Passed April 20 Passed March payment penalties person or persons poration president privileges public act purchase purpose real estate regulations repeal repre respectively river road salt secured Senate and Assembly Seneca lake sented in Senate shares stockholders subscribed successors sued supervisors thence therein thereof thousand dollars thousand eight hundred tion toll town town of Salina treasurer trustees turnpike vacancy village whatsoever
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Side 154 - York" and by that name they and their successors shall and may have continual succession, and shall be persons in law, capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, defending and being defended, in all courts and places whatsoever...
Side 177 - For a violation of the provisions of this section, the directors, under whose administration the same may have happened (except those who may have caused their dissent therefrom to be entered at large on the minutes of the...
Side 168 - ... whatsoever; and that they and their successors may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at their pleasure; and also that they and their successors, by the name of "The Society of the Lying-in Hospital of the City of New York...
Side 168 - ... to carry on the business of banking by obtaining and issuing circulating notes in accordance with the provisions of this act; by discounting bills, notes, and other evidences of debt...
Side 69 - That, in case it should at any time happen, that an election of directors should not be made upon any day when pursuant to this act it ought to have been made, the said corporation shall not, for that cause, be deemed to be dissolved ; but it...
Side 138 - Such as shall be conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously contracted in the course of its dealings.
Side 310 - ... capital stock, and the increase and profits thereof, and of enlarging the same, from time to time, by new subscriptions, in such manner and form as they shall think proper, if such enlargement shall be...
Side 172 - ... not under the seal of the said corporation, shall be binding and obligatory upon the same, in the like manner, and with the like force and effect, as upon any private person or persons, if issued by him, her or them, in his. her or their private or natural capacity or capacities, and shall be assignable and negotiable...
Side 88 - ... or any engine, machine or structure, or any matter or thing appertaining to the same, shall be stopped, obstructed, impaired, weakened, injured or destroyed, the person or persons so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and...
Side 177 - To divide, withdraw, or in any manner pay to the stockholders, or any of them, any part of the capital stock of the corporation ; or to reduce such capital stock without the consent of the legislature ; or 3.