
condition that the Brazilian government would take measures for gradually ameliorating the condition of the slaves in that country, with a view to the final abolition of slavery there; but the Brazilian government had made demands, which precluded such a negotiation; and he lamented to say, that the disposition of that government, and of its people, was not such as to leave much hope of any present advance on the side of emancipation. He denied that the compensation for the slaves had been an equivalent for the whole deterioration of the West Indian properties. He exemplified the general loss from facts relating to particular estates. The silence of the Ministers on Mr. Ewart's Motion had been owing only to a belief on their part, that it would be more convenient for them to make their explanations on the Motion of Mr. Hawes, which involved much the same considerations.

The Committee then divided: for the 34s. duty, 122; against it, 203 majority against it, 81.

The subject of the duties upon another important article of traffic, wool, was brought under discussion on the 17th July, when Mr. Charles Wood moved as an Amend ment on the Motion for going into a Committee of Supply-"That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider so much of the Act 5th and 6th Victoria, c. 47 (Customs Act), as relates to the duties on the importation of foreign sheep and lamb's wool." The trade has been declining for a number of years, going back even before 1819. While the export of British wool has increased from 278,000 pounds in 1827, to 8,578,000 pounds in 1842, and the export of woollen

yarns (made of a wool not subject to duty) has increased from 2,300,000 pounds in 1835, to 5,700,000 pounds in 1842, the export of woollen cloths of all sorts has fallen from 392,000 in 1839, to 166,000 in 1842. He believed that the country could not be mentioned to which our exports of woollen goods had not decreased. The import of wool at the high duty of 1d. the pound has fallen from 32,000,000 pounds in 1838, to 17,000,000 pounds in 1842. The trade of countries competing with us has increased nearly in the same proportion. The import of colonial wool, not subjected to duty, has increased from 10,000,000 pounds in 1838, to 18,360,000 pounds in 1842. The produce of theld. duty has fallen from 135,000Z. in

1838, to 76,000l. in 1842. The depressed state of Leeds is illustrated by the facts, that of 665 gigs, machines used in finishing cloth, last year, 381 were absolutely standing still, and 254 were working short time; and that the amount of wages paid last year in the woollen trade was less than usual by 434,0007.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer opposed the Motion. He disputed the value of the statistics quoted by Mr. Wood, alleging that in no other trade was the importation so uncertain. The diminished import of foreign wool was balanced by the importation of colonial wool; and the diminished export of woollen goods, by the increased export of mixed woollen and cotton fabrics.

Sir Robert Peel admitted the force of the argument for reducing the duty; but contended, that the financial state of the country made it impossible to give up 100,000l. of revenue.

The Amendment was supported by Mr. William Williams, Mr. G. W. Wood, Mr. B. Denison, and Mr. W. R. Stansfield. On a division, it was rejected by 142 to 70.

Among the steps in the direction of commercial relaxation, to which the present Session gave rise, may be enumerated the repeal, at the instance of Government, of the restrictions on the exportation of machinery, imposed by an Act of King William the Fourth. The President of the Board of Trade brought in a Bill for this purpose, the objects of which he explained, on moving the second reading in the House of Commons. The prohibition to export machinery originated in the belief, that if machinery were detained at home, the goods to be made by it would be produced in this country, and thus trade would be increased. But, in fact, the law is nugatory; and the authorities of the Customs, ever since 1824, have pronounced such a law to be impracticable; so easy is it to export machinery in parts, or under cover of the coasting trade. The effect of the law has been simply to enhance the cost of British machinery to the foreign purchaser; and the consequence is that, to a great extent, the trade has passed from us to Belgium, where there is an increasing trade. It is one almost indigenous with us, meriting as much encouragement as other manufactures; and its export is opposed by no arguments that will not equally apply, for instance, to the export of yarns. Mr. Gladstone quoted authorities in favour of removing the prohibition; and mentioned the case of a Leeds machine-maker, whom

it had deprived of extensive orders for Sardinia, which had been transferred to Belgium. Another effect of the present law is, to drive the inventor-and the Americans have obtained a name for invention-from resorting to this countey, where they could get their work best executed.

Mr. Hindley professed his assent to the free-trade principle of the Bill; but, with some sarcastic remarks upon the Ministers who had proposed it, after turning their predecessors out of office, for their adherence to similar principles. He objected also to obliging the British manufacturer, with the millstone of the Corn-laws round his neck, to contend against the unfettered foreigner. He moved as an Amendment, that a Select Committee be appointed to consider the laws relating to the exportation of machinery.

Mr. Stuart Wortley expressed some suspicion of the Bill, but ended by saying, he should vote for it, as gradual relaxations of the law had left very little protection to fight for. Mr. Labouchere rejoiced in assisting at the removal of the last prohibition that disfigured the Statute Book. Mr. Cobden supported the Bill, on the broad ground that it did away with one of the monopolies. It received a similar support from Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Ross, Mr. Hume, Mr. Duncan, and Dr. Bowring. Mr. W. Williams doubted its policy; and Sir Robert Ferguson opposed it altogether.

Sir Robert Peel read some extracts from a letter of Mr. Hirdman, of Belfast, showing that the new French tariff had driven France from competition in foreign markets with our linens, and increased the price to the

French consumer; and the new restriction of Belgium on our yarns, had had the effect of losing that country every market but France; so, there was a prospect, that experience and self-interest would cause a revision of hostile tariffs. On a division, 96 voted for the second reading, and 18 against it.

The Bill, which after meeting with some opposition from Earl Stanhope, was carried in the House of Lords, was subsequently incorporated into an Act for Amending the Customs, which received the Royal Assent before the close of the Session.


EDUCATION-The Queen's Answer to the Address moved by Lord Ashley-the Factory Bill introduced by Sir James Graham-Discussion on the Second Reading-Objections taken to the Education Clauses-Remarks of Mr. Ewart, the Earl of Surrey, Mr. Cobden, Sir R. Inglis, Lord John Russell, Lord Ashley and Sir James Graham-The Bill passes a Second Reading-Active Opposition exerted against the Bill out of doors-Extraordinary number of Petitions presented by its opponents-The Government introduce modifications into the Bill to obviate the objections of Dissenters-Sir James Graham explains the alterations, and makes an earnest Appeal to the House in favour of Education-Lord John Russell approves of the Amendments-Mr. Roebuck moves a resolution declaring that all plans of State Education should be kept clear of any specific religious system-He is opposed by Sir James Graham, who vindicates the plan of the Government, and by Mr. Hawes-The Resolution is rejected by 156 to 60—Continued and vehement opposition to the Factory Bill-Immense number of Petitions against it-The Educational Clauses are abandoned by Government-Sir James Graham announces their withdrawal-Discussion in the House of Commons on that occasion-Remarks of Viscount Melbourne in the House of Lords on the failure of the Factory Bill-Church Extension-Sir Robert Peel brings forward a plan for augmenting small livings and endowing ministers-Detail of the Measure-Remarks of Sir R. Inglis, Lord Dungannon, Mr. Colquhoun, Lord John Russell, Mr. Hume, and other Members-The Motion is carried unanimously. SEES OF BANGOR AND ST. ASAPH-Earl Powis introduces a Bill in the House of Lords to repeal the recent Act for consolidating those Bishoprics-His Speech-The Duke of Wellington opposes the Motion, which is supported by the Bishops of Salisbury, Exeter, Bangor, Lord Lyttleton, and Earl Fitzwilliam, opposed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishops of London, Lincoln, and Norwich, and Earl of Ripon -The Bill is withdrawn for the Session. CHURCH OF SCOTLAND-Lord Aberdeen introduces a Bill to remove doubts respecting the admission of Ministers-His Speech-The Bill is supported by the Earl of Haddington, the Lord Chancellor, and the Earl of Minto, and opposed by the Earls of Rosebury and Burlington, Lords Cottenham, Brougham, and Campbell-Further discussions on the Bill, which passes the House of Lords with considerable opposition -Sir J. Graham moves the Second Reading in the House of Com mons-Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Hume, moves the rejection of the Bill-Mr. Rutherford opposes the Measure in a forcible Speech -Lord John Russell, Mr. Fox Maule, and Mr. A. Campbell speak

against it, and Sir W. Follett, Mr. H. Johnstone, Sir G. Clerk, and Sir R. Peel in its support-The Second Reading is carried by 98 to 80-It is again opposed on the Third Reading, but is ultimately passed-Law Reform-The Registration of Voters Bill-Its objects, as explained by Lord Wharncliffe-Lord Campbell's Bill for the Amendment of the Law of Libel-Nature of its Provisions-Other Measures of Legal Reform are postponed at a late period of the Session-Parliament is prorogued on 24th August by the Queen n person-Her Majesty's Speech-Results of the Session.


E have already given in a former Chapter of this Volume, the discussion which took place on Lord Ashley's Motion for an Address to the Crown on the subject of the Education of the Working Classes, and in the same place will be found the statement made by Sir James Graham on that occasion respecting the measures contemplated by the Government, for the promotion of this vital object. The Queen's Answer to the Address, then voted by the House of Commons, was delivered by Earl Jermyn at the Bar of the House, on the 8th March. It was in these terms :—

"I have received your loyal and dutiful Address. The attention of my Government had been previously directed to the important object of increasing the means of moral and religious education among the working-classes of my people; and the assurance of your cordial co-operation in measures which I consider so necessary, confirms my hope that this blessing will be secured by legislative enact ment."

On the same day Sir James Graham introduced his promised Bill, for regulating the employment of children and young persons in factories; enumerating its chief provisions, first, as to the regulation of the hours of labour, and other details of internal government. The hours of labour VOL. LXXXV.

for children were to be reduced from eight to six-and-a-half hours a day; the whole to be performed in the forenoon or in the afternoon. The minimum age of children to be lowered from nine to eight years. At present, the work-time of "

young persons," those above thirteen and under eighteen, was limited to twelve hours; the maximum age of female "young persons" would be raised to twentyone; the time on Saturday to be limited to nine hours. Machinery to be guarded so as to prevent accidents; and not to be cleaned while in motion. The power of making up for lost time where water-power is used to be limited. Qualified surgeons to be appointed to attend the several mills of a district. With regard to the other part of the Bill, Sir J. Graham said he should not then enter at large into the Education Clauses, for it would be unnecessary for him to restate what he had said upon former occasions, but he hoped that on the whole the measure would give general satisfaction. Thus much, however, he should say with respect to the Education Clauses, that he trusted the effect of the measure would be greatly to increase the number of children receiving the benefits of education. The Bill would include within the scope of its operation all children employod in silk factories, and he hoped still further [0]

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