
Of faith in prayer.

CHAP. XII. Christ's authority questioned.

O feared him, because all the things? and who gave thee this people was astonished at his authority to do these things? I doctrine. 29 And Jesus answered and 19 And when even was come, said unto them, I will also ask he went out of the city. of you one question, and answer 20 ¶ And in the morning, as me, and I will tell you by what they passed by, they saw the authority I do these things. fig-tree dried up from the roots. 30 The baptism of John, was

21 And Peter calling to remem- it from heaven, or of men? anbrance, saith unto him, Master, swer me.

behold, the fig-tree which thou 31 And they reasoned with cursedst is withered away. themselves, saying, If we shall

22 And Jesus answering, saith say, From heaven; he will say, unto them, Have faith in God. Why then did ye not believe him? 23 For verily I say unto you, 32 But if we shall say, Of That whosoever shall say unto men; they feared the people : this mountain, Be thou removed, for all men counted John, that and be thou cast into the sea; he was a prophet indeed. and shall not doubt in his heart, 33 And they answered and but shall believe that those things said unto Jesus, We cannot tell. which he saith shall come to And Jesus answering saith unto pass; he shall have whatsoever them, Neither do I tell you by Pas he saith. what authority I do these things.


24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire The parable of the vineyard. when ye pray, believe that ye re- ND he began to speak unto ceive them, and ye shall have them. them by parables. A cer25 And when ye stand pray- tain man planted a vineyard, ing, forgive, if ye have aught and set a hedge about it, and against any that your Father digged a place for the wine-fat, also which is in heaven may for- and built a tower, and let it out give you your trespasses. to husbandmen, and went into

26 But, if ye do not forgive, a far country. neither will your Father which 2 And at the season he sent is in heaven forgive your tres-to the husbandmen a servant, passes. that he might receive from the 27 And they come again to husbandmen of the fruit of the Jerusalem and as he was walk- vineyard.

ing in the temple, there come 3 And they caught him, and to him the chief priests, and the beat him, and sent him away scribes, and the elders, empty.

28 And say unto him, By 4 And again, he sent unto them what authority doest thou these another servant: and at him they

Parable of the wicked husbandmen. MARK,

Of paying tribute. cast stones, and wounded him in gardest not the person of men, the head, and sent him away but teachest the way of God in shamefully handled. truth: Is it lawful to give tribute

5 And again he sent another; to Cesar, or not? and him they killed, and many 15 Shall we give, or shall we others; beating some, and kill-not give? But he, knowing their ing some. hypocrisy, said unto them, Why 6 Having yet therefore one tempt ye me? bring me a penny, son, his well-beloved, he sent that I may see it. him also last unto them, saying, 16 And they brought it. And They will reverence my son. he saith unto them, Whose is

7 But those husbandmen said this image and superscription? among themselves, This is the And they said unto him, heir; come, let us kill him, and Cesar's.

the inheritance shall be ours. 17 And Jesus answering, said 8 And they took him, and unto them, Render to Cesar the killed him, and cast him out of things that are Cesar's, and to the vineyard. God the things that are God's.

9 What shall therefore, the And they marvelled at him. lord of the vineyard do? He 18 'Then come unto him the will come and destroy the hus- Sadducees, which say there is bandmen, and will give the no resurrection; and they asked vineyard unto others. him, saying,

10 And have ye not read this 19 Master, Moses wrote unto scripture; The stone which the us, If a man's brother die, and builders rejected is become the leave his wife behind him, and head of the corner: leave no children, that his bro

11 This was the Lord's doing, ther should take his wife, and and it is marvellous in our eyes? raise up seed unto his brother.

12 And they sought to lay 20 Now, there were seven hold on him, but feared the brethren: and the first took a people; for they knew that he wife, and dying left no seed. had spoken the parable against 21 And the second took her, them: and they left him, and and died, neither left he any went their way. seed: and the third likewise. 13 ¶ And they send unto him 22 And the seven had her, certain of the Pharisees, and of and left no seed: last of all the the Herodians, to catch him in woman died also.

his words.

23 In the resurrection there

14 And when they were come, fore, when they shall rise, whose they say unto him, Master, we wife shall she be of them? for know that thou art true, and the seven had her to wife. carest for no man: for thou re- 24 And Jesus answering said

The Sadducees confuted.


Christ, David's Lord. unto them, Do ye not therefore God; and there is none other err, because ye know not the but he: scriptures, neither the power of God?

33 And to love him with all the heart, and with all the un

25 For when they shall rise derstanding, and with all the from the dead, they neither mar- soul, and with all the strength, ry, nor are given in marriage; and to love his neighbour as but are as the angels which are himself, is more than all whole in heaven. burnt-offerings and sacrifices.

26 And as touching the dead, 34 And when Jesus saw that that they rise; have ye not read he answered discreetly, he said in the book of Moses, how in unto him, Thou art not far from the bush God spake unto him, the kingdom of God. And no saying, I am the God of Abra- man after that durst ask him ham, and the God of Isaac, and any question.

the God of Jacob?

35 ¶ And Jesus answered and

27 He is not the God of the said, while he taught in the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.

temple, How say the scribes that Christ is the son of David?

28 ¶ And one of the scribes 36 For David himself said by came, and having heard them the Holy Ghost, The LORD said reasoning together, and perceiv- unto my Lord, Sit thou on my ing that he had answered them right hand, till I make thine well, asked him, Which is the enemies thy footstool.

first commandment of all?

37 David therefore himself

29 And Jesus answered him, calleth him Lord, and whence is The first of all the command- he then his son? And the com'ments is, Hear, O Israel; The mon people heard him gladly. Lord our God is one Lord: 38 And he said unto them

30 And thou shalt love the in his doctrine, Beware of the Lord thy God with all thy heart, scribes, which love to go in long and with all thy soul, and with clothing, and love salutations in all thy mind, and with all thy the market-places, strength: this is the first com- 39 And the chief seats in the mandment. synagogues, and the uppermost 31 And the second is like, rooms at feasts: namely this, Thou shalt love thy 40 Which devour widows' neighbour as thyself: there is houses, and for a pretence make none other commandment great-long prayers: these shall receive er than these. greater damnation.

32 And the scribe said unto 41 T And Jesus sat over him, Well, Master, thou hast against the treasury, and beheld said the truth for there is one how the people cast money into

The widow's two mites.

were rich cast in much.

MARK, Christ foretelleth the persecutions the treasury and many that| 7 And when ye shall hear of wars, and rumours of wars, be 42 And there came a certain ye not troubled: for such things poor widow, and she threw in must needs be; but the end two mites, which make a far- shall not be yet.


8 For nation shall rise against 43 And he called unto him his nation, and kingdom against disciples, and saith unto them, kingdom: and there shall be Verily, I say unto you, That this earthquakes in divers places, poor widow hath cast more in, and there shall be famines, and than all they which have cast troubles: these are the begininto the treasury. nings of sorrows.

44 For all they did cast in of 9 But take heed to yourtheir abundance: but she of her selves: for they shall deliver want did cast in all that she you up to councils; and in the had, even all her living. synagogues ye shall be beaten : and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for


Destruction of the temple foretold.
ND as he went out of the a testimony against them.

A temple, one of his disciples

10 And the gospel must first

saith unto him, Master, see what be published among all nations. manner of stones, and what 11 But when they shall lead buildings are here! you, and deliver you up, take

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2 And Jesus answering, said no thought beforehand what ye unto him, Seest thou these great shall speak, neither do ye prebuildings? there shall not be meditate: but whatsoever shall left one stone upon another, that be given you in that hour, that shall not be thrown down. speak ye: for it is not ye that' 3 And as he sat upon the speak, but the Holy Ghost. mount of Olives, over against 12 Now, the brother shall the temple, Peter, and James, betray the brother to death, and and John, and Andrew, asked the father the son: and children him privately, shall rise up against their pa4 Tell us, when shall these rents, and shall cause them to things be? and what shall be the be put to death. sign when all these things shall

be fulfilled?

13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but 5 And Jesus answering them, he that shall endure unto the began to say, Take heed lest end, the same shall be saved. any man deceive you: 14 But when ye shall see the

6 For many shall come in abomination of desolation, spomy name, saying, I am Christ; ken of by Daniel the prophet, and shall deceive many. Istanding where it ought not, (let


and calamities preceding his second coming. him that readeth understand) 26 And then shall they see then let them that be in Judea the Son of man coming in the flee to the mountains: clouds with great power and

15 And let him that is on the glory. house-top not go down into the 27 And then shall he send his house, neither enter therein, to angels, and shall gather together take any thing out of his house: his elect from the four winds,

16 And let him that is in the from the uttermost part of the field not turn back again for to earth to the uttermost part of take up his garment. heaven.

28 Now learn a parable of

17 But wo to them that are with child, and to them that give the fig-tree: When her branch suck in those days! is yet tender, and putteth forth 18 And pray ye that your leaves, ye know that summer is flight be not in the winter.


19 For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from ye the beginning of the creation to which God created unto this even at the doors. time, neither shall be.

29 So ye in like manner, when shall see these things come pass, know that it is nigh,

30 Verily, I say unto you,

20 And except that the Lord That this generation shall not had shortened those days, no pass, till all these things be done. flesh should be saved: but for 31 Heaven and earth shall the elect's sake, whom he hath pass away: but my words shall chosen, he hath shortened the not pass away. days.

32¶ But of that day and that 21 And then, if any man shall hour knoweth no man, no, not say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or the angels which are in heaven, lo, he is there; believe him not. neither the Son, but the Father.

the elect.

22 For false Christs, and false 33 Take ye heed, watch and prophets shall rise, and shall pray for ye know not when the shew signs and wonders, to se-time is. duce, if it were possible, even 34 For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who 23 But take ye heed: behold, left his house, and gave authority I have foretold you all things. to his servants, and to every man 24 ¶ But in those days, after his work; and commanded the that tribulation, the sun shall be porter to watch. darkened, and the moon shall

not give her light,

35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of 25 And the stars of heaven the house cometh, at even, or shall fall, and the powers that at midnight, or at the cockare in heaven shall be shaken. crowing, or in the morning:

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