
Bibliotheca Americana Nova.




Printed since the Year 1700.


1 A TWO YEARS' JOURNAL in New York: and part of its territories 1701. in America. By C.W. A. M.

12mo. pp. 104.



very curious and uncommon little book; the author appears to have been
an English minister, who went to New York with Gov Andros in
1678. It commences with the following "address to the reader :”–
"The materials of this Journal have laid by me several years, expecting
that some Landlooper or other in those parts would have done it more
methodically; but neither hearing nor reading of any such as yet, and I
being taken off from the proper studies and offices of my function, for
my unprofitableness, I concluded that when I could not do what I ought,
I ought to do what I could, which I shall further endeavour in a second
part in the meanwhile, adieu."

2 A FULL ACCOUNT of the Proceedings in relation to Capt. Kidd.
In two letters. Written by a person of quality to a kinsman
of the Earl of Bellomont in Ireland.

Small 4to. pp. 52.


Captain Kidd was employed by the Earl of Bellomont to go against the pirates which infested the coast of North America in 1696, but turned pirate himself. He was afterwards taken at Boston, sent to England, and hung with several others. There are many traditional stories of Kidd extant in New England, and a ballad, containing his last words and dying speech, commencing

[blocks in formation]

was to be had of the pedlars in New England not many years ago.



Bibliotheca Americana Nova.

1701. 3 *A NEW DARIEN Artifice laid open, in a notable instance of Captain Maclean's name being used to vouch for the Caledonian Company, &c. Authore Anti-Dariensi.

Quarto, pp. 14.

Bib. Am. Prim. p. 182.

4 *PLANTATION JUSTICE; shewing the Constitution of their Courts, and what sort of Judges they have in them. By which Merchants may see the occasions of their great losses and sufferings in the Plantation trade; Lawyers may see such a model of justice as they could not have thought of; and others may see how those parts of the world are governed. London. Quarto, pp. 12.

Bib. Am. Prim. p. 182.

5 *SEVERAL CIRCULAR LETTERS to the Clergy of Maryland, subsequent to their late visitation, to enforce such resolutions as were taken therein. By Thomas Bray, D.D. London. Folio, pp. 21.

Bib. Am. Prim. p. 183.

6 EL NUEVO MUNDO, poemma heroyco de D. Francisco Botello de Moraes y Vasconcelos; con las Alegorias de D. Pedro de Castro, Cavallero Andaluz.

Small 4to.


7 *HISTORIA de la Provincia de San Antonio del nuevo Reyno de Granada del orden de predicadores. Por el P. M. Fr. Alonso de Zamora, su Coronista, hijo del convento de N. S. del Rosario de la ciudad de Santa Fè su patria. Barcelona.

Small folio.

8 HISTORIA de la Conquista de la Provincia de el Itza, Reduccion y progressos de la de el Lacandon y otras naciones de Indios barbaros, de la mediacion de el Reyno de Guatemala à las Provincias de Yucatan, en la America Septentrional. Primera Parte. Escrivela D. Juan de Villagutierre Sotomayor, Madrid.

&c. Folio.

With an engraved frontispiece of the arms of Spain, and at the end the
Colophon on a separate leaf; both of which are frequently wanting.
This work, the second part of which was never published, appears to have

been unknown to Meusel.

Bibliotheca Americana Nova.



1 MAGNALIA CHRISTI AMERICANA: or, the ecclesiastical history of New-England, from its first planting in 1620, unto the year of our Lord 1698. In seven books.-1. Antiquities.-11. Lives of the Governors and names of the Magistrates of NewEngland. III. The lives of sixty famous divines.-Iv. An account of the University of Cambridge in New-England.v. Acts and monuments of the faith and order in the Churches of New-England.—vı. A faithful record of many illustrious wonderful providences.-VII. The wars of the Lord, being an history of the manifold afflictions and disturbances of the churches in New-England. By the Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, M.A. and pastor of the North Church in Boston, N.E. London.


"One of the most singular books in this or any other language. Its puns
and its poems, its sermons and its anagrams, render it unique in its kind."
Quart. Rev.-
.—“Liber quidem superstitionis plenus, utilis tamen illis, qui
nasum habent." Meusel.-In the North American Review (vol. vi. p.
255,) there is an excellent analysis of this work. There are copies on
LARGE PAPER, but they are rare. There is one in the choice library of

Col. Aspinwall, who possesses, probably, the best private collection of
books relating to America to be found any where.

2 AN ACCOUNT of the illegal Prosecution and Tryal of Coll. Nicholas
Bayard, in the province of New York, for supposed high
treason in the year 1701. Collected from several memorials
taken by divers persons privately, the commissioners having
strictly prohibited the taking of the tryal in open Court.
Folio, pp. 44.

New York.

3 *PROPOSALS for carrying on an effectual War in America against the French and Spaniards.

Quarto, pp. 24.

Bib. Am. Prim. p. 184.


4 *THOME CAMPANII, Holmiensis, Kort Beskryfnnig om Provincien Nya Swerige uti America som nu för tyden af the Engel

ske callas Pensylvania.



Quarto, plates.




Bibliotheca Americana Nora.

A very scarce work relating to the establishment of the Swedes in New
Sweden, afterwards Pennsylvania. It is to be regretted that it has never
been translated into any language more generally understood than the
Swedish. In some American catalogues its author is erroneously called

5 *ACTS AND LAWS of his Majesty's colony of Connecticut, in
New England.


In the British Museum.



1 NEW VOYAGES TO NORTH AMERICA. Containing an account of the several nations of that vast continent; their customs, commerce, and way of navigation upon the lakes and rivers; the several attempts of the English and French to dispossess one another; with the reasons of the miscarriage of the former; and the various adventures between the French and the Iroquese confederates of England, from 1683 to 1694. A geographical description of Canada, and a natural history of the country, with remarks upon their government, and the interest of the English and French in their commerce. Also a dialogue between the author and a general of the savages, giving a full view of the religion and strange opinions of those people; with an account of the author's retreat to Portugal and Denmark, and his remarks on those courts. To which is added, a Dictionary of the Algonkine language, which is generally spoken in North America. Illustrated with twentythree maps and cuts. Written in French by the Baron Lahontan, Lord Lieutenant of the French colony at Placentia in Newfoundland, now in England. Done into English. In two volumes. A great part of which never printed in the


8vo. 2 vols.


Reprinted in 1735. First printed in French in this year. Lahontan was a freethinker, and consequently had but little respect for the clergy; it is not therefore to be wondered at that he was persecuted in France, and his work traduced. The character given of the author and of the work by the Jesuits has been adopted by later writers, who ought to have known better. A writer in the North American Review observes, that the Baron seems to have been an ardent and enterprising character, with more wit than discretion, but that his accounts bear every mark of

Bibliotheca Americana Nova.


authenticity, and are quite confirmed by cotemporary as well as subse. 1703.
quent writers on the same country. The English edition having been
translated under the inspection of the author, is probably more correct
than the French editions. It contains also several additions published for
the first time; particularly the celebrated dialogue "between the author
and Adario, a noted man among the savages."

2 *THE PRESENT STATE of affairs in Carolina. By John Ash,
Gent. Sent by several of the inhabitants of that colony, to
deliver their representations thereof to, and seek redress from
the Lords Proprietors of that province.

Bib. Am. Prim. p. 186.

are described, the Canary Islands, the isles of Mayo and St.
Jago, the bay of All Saints, with the fort and town of Bahia
in Brazil. Cape Salvadore. The winds on the Brazilian coast.
Abrohlo shoals. A table of all the variations observed in this
voyage. Occurrences near the Cape of Good Hope. The
course to New Holland. Shark's Bay. The isles and coast,
&c. of New Holland. Their inhabitants, manners, customs,
trade, &c. Their harbours, soil, beasts, birds, fish, &c. trees,
plants, fruits, &c. Illustrated with several maps and draughts;
also divers birds, fishes and plants, not found in this part of
the world, curiously engraven on copper-plates. Vol. 3. By
Capt. William Dampier.


The first volume was printed in 1697, the second in 1699.


4 NEW ENGLAND JUDGED by the Spirit of the Lord, &c. (see 1661.)
In two parts. Formerly published by George Bishop, and
now somewhat abbreviated. With an appendix, &c.
8vo. pp. 498.


The preface is signed Joseph Grove. At the end is the following work,
with the date of 1702:

Truth and Innocency defended against Falsehood and Envy, &c.
in answer to Cotton Mather's calumnies, &c. By John Whiting.
pp. 212 and Index.

5 A COLLECTION of Voyages undertaken by the Dutch East-India
Company for the improvement of trade and navigation. Con-
taining an account of several attempts to find out the N. E.
passage, and their discoveries in the East Indies and the South

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