2322 WRIGHT's (Tho.) Account of the Life of Wilson the Painter, 4to. portrait, 6s. 6d. (published at 11. 7s.) 2323 1824 (W.) Plain Advice for all Classes of Deaf Persons, the Deaf and Dumb, and those having Diseases of the Ears, 12mo. 2s. 6d. 1826 2324 WYNNE'S (Mr.) General History of the British Empire in America, 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. 12s. 1770 2325 XENOPHONTIS. De Cyri Expeditione Commentarii, recensuit annotationibus criticis et illustravit A. Lyon, 8vo. 2 vols. Gottinga, 1822 Opera Gr. et Lat. ex recensione Wells, accedunt Dissertationes et Notæ virorum doctorum, cura Thieme, 8vo. 4 vols. neatly half-bound, 11. 12s. 2326 Lipsia, 1801-4 Schneider, 8vo. 6 vols. ib. 1815 2328 XIMENO (Vicente), Escritores del Reyno de Valencia, folio, 2 vols. in 1, 1l. 8s. 2329 Valencia, 1747 Continuada hasta nuestros dias, con adiciones y enmiendas por Don Justo Pastor, folio, Vol. 1, 15s. ib. 1827 2330 XODAR (F.), Cinco Discursos con que se confirma la antigua Tradicion que el Apostol Santiago vino à España, 4to. Madrid, 1612 2331 YEPES (Diego de), Historia Particular de la Persecucion de Inglaterra y de los martirios mas insignes que en ella ha avido, desde el año 1570, 4to. rare, 18s. Madrid, 1599 2332 YOUNG'S (Arthur) Six Weeks' Tour through the Southern Countries of England and Wales, 8vo. plates, 2s. 6d. 2333 2334 5s. 1772 (Will.) Portugal in 1828: comprising Sketches of the State of Private Society and of Religion in that Kingdom, under Don Miguel, 8vo. 3s. 6d. (pub. at 10s. 6d.) 1828 (Dr. Thomas) Account of some recent Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and Egyptian Antiquities, 8vo. 5s. 1823 2335 YRIARTE (Don Tomas de), Fabulas Literarias, 12mo. 2s. 6d. bound Madrid, 1830 La Musica, Poema. First edition, 8vo. plates, rare, Madrid, 1779 Music, a Poem, translated by Belfour, 8vo. calf, gilt leaves, 7s. 2336 2337 12s. 1807 2338 ZAMORA. Comedias, 4to. 2 Vols. in 1, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, 15s. ib. 1744 (Alf.), Grammaticæ Hebraica, small 4to. extremely rare, 21. 2s. 2339 Impresse in Acad. Complutensi in Edibus Mich. de Eguia, 1526 2340 ZARATE (F. Lopez de), Poema Heroico de la Invencion de la Cruz, por el Emperador Constantino Magno, 4to. 12s. Madrid, 1648 2341 (D. Augustin), Histoire de la Découverte et de la Conquete du Pérou, traduite de l'Espagnol, 8vo. 2 vols. 16s. Paris, 1830 One of the works printed at the expense of the French government, to give employment to the journeymen printers, and not intended for sale. 2342 ZAYAS (Doña Maria de) Novelas exemplares y amorosas, small 4to. rare, 16s. Madrid, 1659 These novels are very interesting, and the unacknowledged source of many more modern productions. 2343 ZIMMERMANN (E. A. de), Specimen Zoologiæ Geographica Quadrupedem domicilia et migrationes sistens, 4to. 6s. 2344.. Lug. Bat. 1777 (J. G.) on Solitude, 8vo. 2 vols. plates, fine 1798-99 copy, in green morocco, gilt leaves, 18s. 2345 ZIPOLI (Perlone), Il Malmantile racquistato, 8vo. Milan, 1807 2346 ZOOLOGICAL (The) Journal, conducted by Bell, Children, and Sowerby, 8vo. 2 vols. coloured plates, half-bound calf, 11. 16s. (pub. at 41. 4s.) 1825-6 2347 ZOPFF. Précis d'Histoire Universelle, Politique, Ecclésiastique et Littéraire, depuis la Creation jusqu'à la Paix de Schoenbrunn, traduit de l'Allemand, 12mo. 5 vols. calf gilt, 18s. Paris, 1810 2348 ZURITA (Geron), Anales de la Corona de Aragon, 6 vols. Zaragoza, 1579-85.- Continuado por Argensola, ib. 1630, LARGE PAPER, folio, 7 vols. half-russia, 71. 7s. Argensola's continuation of Zurita, on LARGE PAPER, is of extraordinary rarity. 2349 2350 Indices Rerum ab Aragoniæ Regibus Gestarum ab initiis Regni ad annum мCDX. folio, vellum, 15s. 1582 Enmiendas y Advertencias a las Coronicas de los Reyes de Castilla, D. Pedro, D. Enrique el Segundo, D. Juan el Primero, y D. Enrique el Tercero, 4to. 10s. 6d. Zaragoça, 1683 T Lately published, in 8vo. price 5s. bound in cloth and lettered, A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA, PRINTED BEFORE THE YEAR 1700. BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA NOVA: A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO AMERICA, PRINTED SINCE THE YEAR 1700. SPECIMEN. *** This Work, about one half of which is printed, will form an octavo Volume of upwards of 600 pages, and will be completed in the course of the present year. As the Edition is limited to 250 copies, orders for it should be given with as little delay as possible. |