A General Catalogue of Old and New Books

1834 - 137 sider

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Side 76 - Encyclopaedia of Plants : Comprising the Specific Character, Description, Culture, History, Application in the Arts, and every other desirable Particular respecting all the Plants found in Great Britain.
Side 2 - Small 4to. 7 *HISTORIA de la Provincia de San Antonio del nuevo Reyno de Granada del orden de predicadores. Por el PM Fr. Alonso de Zamora, su Coronista, hijo del convento de NS del Rosario de la ciudad de Santa Fe su patria.
Side 8 - III. The Native Indians, their Religion, Laws and Customs, in War and Peace. IV. The Present State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Government, and the Improvements of the Land.
Side 1 - A FULL ACCOUNT of the Proceedings in relation to Capt. Kidd. In two letters. Written by a person of quality to a kinsman of the Earl of Bellomont in Ireland.
Side 13 - The | Deplorable State | of New England, | By Reason of a Covetous and Treacherous | Governour, | and Pusillanimous Counsellors | With a Vindication of the Honl,:u Mr.
Side 71 - History of New York, from the beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty.
Side 10 - To | Caratuck, | On the Continent of | North-America. | By George Keith, AM | Late Missionary from the Society for the Pro-|pagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts ; and | now Rector of Edburton in Sussex.
Side 4 - NEW VOYAGES TO NORTH AMERICA. Containing an account of the several nations of that vast continent; their customs, commerce, and way of navigation upon the lakes and rivers...
Side 10 - AN ACCOUNT of the Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign parts, established by the royal charter of King William III. With their proceedings and success, and hopes of continual progress under the happy reign of Queen Anne.
Side 5 - A COLLECTION of Voyages undertaken by the Dutch East-India Company for the improvement of trade and navigation. Containing an account of several attempts to find out the NE passage, and their discoveries in the East Indies and the South 8vo.

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