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History of the Trout. — Value of an Acquaintance with its
Habits.-Generic Character of the Trout.-Its Varieties.
- Comparative nutritious Qualities of these, and In-
fluence of Food upon the Form and Colours of the Fish.
- Mr. Stoddart quoted in illustration. Size of Trout.
-Caution against killing small Fish. A few Words
about the History of the Salmon. - Mr. Shaw's Experi-
ments and their Results.—Mr. Young's Correction of
an important Error of that Gentleman's.- Is the Salmon-
peal identical with the Salmon, but in an imperfect State


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of its Growth? - What is the Parr? - These Questions
considered. Seasons of Trout.-The Process of Spawn-
ing described by Mr. Mudie. — Mr. Stoddart's new
Theory of the Spawning of Fishes commented on. —
Effects of Spawning on the Health of the Fish. - The
Lernea trutta. —Feeding Times and Haunts of Trout.
Senses of Fishes: Smelling, Seeing, and Hearing. —
Foundation of Professor Rennie's Non-imitation Theory.
-Our Remarks thereon. Mr. Erasmus Wilson's Opinion
on Vision in Fishes. - An Experiment on the Hearing
of Fishes.-Professor James Wilson's Opinion.-Voracity
of Trout.-Intellectuality of Fly-fishing Page 13 to 44

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Selection of the Tackle concluded. -The Line. The
"Point."-The Reel. - The Collar, and the proper


Method of fitting it up with Flies. The Angler's Knot
described. Silkworm Gut.-Process of its Manufacture,




Fly-making. Introductory Remarks.

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Selection of the
requisite Materials. — Silk. — Fur or Dubbing. — Herls.
-Twist. - Hackles. Materials for Wings. — Wax. -
Scissors.-Principal Characteristics of Artificial Flies.—
Different Methods of making them, and a Word about
Instructions for making a Red Palmer, with

Illustrations of all the principal Operations. — Instruc-

tions for making Buzz and Wing-flies, also illustrated. —

A Word to our Pupils

95 to 123

our own. -

Remarks on Imitation.-Our own Opinion.-Size, Colour,
and Form the "main Points" of Imitation. Occasional

Necessity for Imitation of Natural Flies.-Caution against
over-fastidiousness. — Imitation of Action highly im-
portant. The "Sporting Review" quoted.-The Duns
recommended, and why. Correction of an erroneous
Idea. List and Tables of Flies


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&c. &c.




My good scholar, we may say of angling as Dr. Boteler said of strawberries, 'Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did;' and so, if I might be judge, God never did make a more calm, quiet, innocent recreation than angling."— IZAAC WALTON.

GLORIOUS old Izaac! What delightful thoughts - what poetical imaginings — the bare mention of thy name evokes! They come fresh and uncontaminated from the pure fountains of nature

as if haloed with cowslip garlands, bespangled with the blue-bell and the water-lily-stealing along amid the murmur of the summer stream, the hum of insects, and the song of birds!


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