said fees, and of the collection and recovery of such of them as were formerly payable to the secretary and surveyors. CHAP. XIV. An act concerning the southern boundary of this state. (Passed December 7th, 1791.) Preamble. SECT. 1. WHEREAS official information hath been received by the General Assembly, that the legislature of the state of North-Carolina have resolved to establish the line commonly called Walker's line, as the boundary between North-Carolina and this Commonwealth, and it is judged expedient to confirm and establish the said line on the part of this state: Be it therefore enacted by the GeneWalker's line ral Assembly, That the line commonly called and known declared to be by the name of Walker's line, shall be, and the same is the southern hereby declared to be the boundary line of this state. boundary of SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, That in all courts Claims to land of law and equity within this Commonwealth, the claims between Wal. for lands lying between the line commonly called Walkker'sand Hen- er's line, and the line commonly called Henderson's line, derson's lines, shall be decided in favour of the oldest title, whether how to be set- derived from this Commonwealth or from the state of this state. tled. North-Carolina. CHAP. XV. An act to amend and explain the act, intituled, "An act to amend the act, intituled, An act concerning a new edition of the Laws of this Commonwealth, reforming certain rules of legal construction, and providing for the due publication of the Laws and Resolutions of each Session. (Passed November 3d, 1791.) SECT. 1. WHEREAS by the third section of the act Preamble. passed at the last session of Assembly, intituled, "An act to amend an act, intituled, an act concerning a new edition of the laws of this Commonwealth, reforming certain rules of legal construction, and providing for the due publication of the laws and resolutions of each session," It is enacted, that the said revisors shall make report of their proceedings to the next session of the General Assembly, and that an act passed at the last session, intituled, "An act repealing part of an ordinance by which certain English statutes were declared to be in force within this Commonwealth," shall be, and the same is hereby continued until the General Assembly shall have acted thereon. And whereas doubts have Part of an act be to arisen, whether by continuing the last recited act, the of Assembly to said ordinance was not repealed, and for removing such have been susdoubts, as well as to declare and explain the law there- pended. on, Be it enacted, That so much of the said act as repeals a part of the ordinance by which certain English statutes were declared to be in force within this commonwealth, shall be deemed, taken, and considered to have been suspended, until the revisors shall make report of their proceedings, and the General Assembly shall have acted thereon. SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said re- Part of an orcited ordinance, so far as the same relates to the said dinance constatutes, shall continue to be in force. cerning the English sta nued. SECT. 3. This act shall commence and be in force tutes conti from the passage thereof. Rate at which tobacco for to be discharged. CHAP. XVI. An act to amend and explain the act, intituled, "An act for the further continuing three acts of Assembly concerning the better regulating and collecting certain officers fees, and for other purposes, therein mentioned. (Passed December 20th, 1791.) BE it enacted, That nothing contained in the act, intituled, " An act for further continuing three acts of Asclerks fees is sembly concerning the better regulating and collecting certain officers fees, and for other purposes therein mentioned," shall be so construed or understood as to entitle the clerks of the several courts in this Commonwealth to more than one penny and a farthing for each pound of tobacco for legal fees. Preamble. CHAP. XVII. An act to amend and explain an act, intituled, "An act remitting certain militia fines, and for other purposes." (Passed December 17th, 1791.) WHEREAS by an act, intituled, "An act remitting certain militia fines, and for other purposes," it is among other things enacted, that where fines have been collected and not actually applied as the law directs, the same shall be refunded to the persons respectively, or their legal representatives, from whom they were collected; and where such fines have been collected and actually applied as the law directs, the persons from whom the same were collected, or their legal representatives, shall be refunded a like sum, out of the first militia fines, which may be hereafter collected; any thing in any law to the contrary hereof, notwithstanding. But no remedy is provided, whereby the person or persons, entitled to have such fine or fines refunded, may compel the payment thereof: For remedy whereof, Be it enacted, Remedy aThat any person or persons entitled by the said act, to gainst persons have any fine or fines refunded, where the same does withholding amount to twenty-five shillings or upwards, shall have re- directed to be medy by motion in the court of the county where such refunded. fine was assessed, against the county-lieutenant or any other person or persons, who may have the same in his or their hands, and it shall be lawful for the said court on such motion, and they are hereby authorised and required, to enter up judgment and to issue execution for the same. Provided, the person or persons against whom such motion is made, shall have ten days notice thereof. And where such fine or fines shall not amount to twentyfive shillings, the person entitled to receive the same, shall have remedy by warrant before a single justice of peace. CHAP. XVIII. An act to amend the act, intituled, "An act for the inspection of pork, beef, flour, tar, pitch, and turpentine." (Passed December 6th, 1791.) rel, SECT. 1. BE it enacted, That from and after the pass- Quantity of ing of this act, the quantity of pork, which each and pork to be put every inspector of that article shall cause to be put into in every barevery barrel of pork, by him or them inspected, shall be two hundred and four pounds nett weight, instead of two hundred and twenty pounds heretofore directed by law. SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, That no inspector Number of shall stamp or brand any barrel of pork which shall not hoops. be full bound, having at least twelve hoops thereon. SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That so much Repealing of all and every act or acts as is contrary to this act, clause. shall be repealed. SECT. 4. This act shall commence and be in force Commencefrom and after the passing thereof. ment of the act. CHAP. XIX. An act respecting the deputy register's office in 2 the district of Kentucky. (Passed December 17th, 1791.) SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That the deputy register of the district of Kentucky, shall retain in his office all plats and certificates of surveys which are now, or which shall come into his office before the first day of June next, there to remain until the general assembly of Kentucky shall give directions respecting them. SECT. 2. This act shall commence and be in force from the passage thereof. County courts to appoint overseers of the poor in certain cases. Annual meeting of overseers of the CHAP. XX. An act to amend the act, intituled, "An act for providing for the poor of the different counties of this Commonwealth. (Passed December 15th, 1791.) SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That whenever it shall so happen that the person appointed to superintend the election of overseers of the poor in any district, shall fail to attend agreeable to his appointment, or in case there be no election, on account of the non-attendance of the electors, or in case of the death, refusal, or disability of any overseer or overseers of the poor, the county court shall, and they are hereby required at their next court, to fill up any vacancy that may so happen. SECT. 2. If the number of the overseers of the poor of any county required by law, shall not assemble on the poor may be day appointed for their annual meeting, it shall be lawon any day in ful for a sufficient number to meet and perform the busiSeptember. ness on any subsequent day in the month of September. |