when to be ac SECT. 3. The sheriff or collector of the poor rates in Poor rates, every county or corporation, shall annually on or before counted for by the first day of May, pay, by order of two or more over- the collector. seers of the poor, the money or tobacco to the several persons for whom it was levied or assessed, and on failing or neglecting so to do, it shall be lawful for the party to recover the same by motion in the court of the county or corporation where such failure or neglect happen: Provided always, That the sheriff or collector has ten days previous notice of every such motion. SECT. 4. Wheresoever any overseer or overseers of Remedy the poor have or may hereafter receive of the collectors against overseer of the of the poor rates any money or tobacco, and shall fail to poor for withpay the same to the person or persons entitled thereto, holding rates. when demanded, such person or persons, their heirs, executors, or administrators, shall have the same remedy against such overseer or overseers, their heirs, executors, or administrators, as he, or they, might have had against, the collector if the money or tobacco had remained in his hands. where SECT. 5. In case of the death of any person appointed Another colto collect the poor rates at any time before his collection lector to be begins, the overseers of the poor shall and may have appointed power to assemble and appoint another collector, of first dies. whom they shall take bond with sufficient security in the same manner as is directed to be taken of a collector appointed at their annual meeting; which collector shall have the same powers, and be subject to the same rules and regulations, and be moved against in the same manner, as other collectors of the poor rates. SECT. 6. On all executions which may issue against No security to be taken on any collector of the poor rates, his heirs, executors, or executions administrators, or against any overseer or overseers, of against overthe poor, his or their heirs, executors or administrators, seers or colon any judgment obtained, or which may hereafter be lectors for obtained against him or them, for, or on account of any money or tobacco which have or may hereafter come to his or their hands, levied for the support of the poor, the clerk shall endorse "no security to be taken.” poor rates. to less SECT. 7. And be it further enacted, That all fines and Fines approforfeitures inflicted under the penal laws, which are ap- priated ening the levy propriated to the use of the county towards lessening the for the poor levy for the support of the poor, shall be made distrain- to be distrainable and accounted for by the sheriff in the same manner ed for. Poor rates to be levied in specie. Repealing clause. as the fines appropriated for the use of the county towards lessening the levy thereof. SECT. 8. And be it further enacted, That in future the overseers of the poor shall levy the poor rates in specie only. SECT. 9. So much of all and every act as comes within the purview of this act, shall be and is hereby repealed. the Dismal CHAP. XXI. An act authorising the treasurer of this Commonwealth to subscribe for certain shares in the Dismal Swamp Canal Company. (Passed November 21st, 1791.) Treasurer to SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That subscribe for the treasurer of this Commonwealth shall be authorised fifty shares in and directed to subscribe in behalf of the same, to the Swamp Canal amount of fifty shares in the Dismal Swamp Canal Company, and the money necessary in consequence of such subscription, shall be paid to the order of the president and directors of the Dismal Swamp Canal Company, in the same proportion as shall be required from individual subscribers. Company, to vote in SECT. 2. And the treasurer for the time being, shall meetings of have a right to vote according to such shares, in person, the company, or by proxy, appointed by him, at the meetings of the andreceive said company, and shall receive the proportion of the the state's pro- tolls which shall from time to time become due to this portion of the tolls. state from the shares aforesaid. SECT. 3. This act shall commence and be in force from the passage thereof. Preamble. CHAP. XXII. An act concerning the salary of the Register of the land-office. (Passed November 25th, 1791.) WHEREAS, the act appropriating the fees of the land-office in aid of the public revenue, and placing the register, his deputies and assistants on the civil list, and also one other act, intituled, "An act for regulating and fixing the salaries of the officers of civil government," provide, that the register of the land-office shall have and receive the sum of eight hundred pounds per annum in lieu of the allowance before that time established by law. And whereas the district of Kentucky is about to be erected into a separate, distinct, and independent state, from and after the first day of June next ensuing, whereby the duties of the register will be much lessened; Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, That from Salary of the and after the said first day of June, the register shall be register after allowed the sum of four hundred pounds per annum, in June next. lieu of the allowance heretofore made by law, for performing the duties of the said office, and no more. the first of CHAP. XXIII. An act for the regulation of Ferries. (Passed December 15th, 1791.) SECT. 1. BE it enacted, That all ferries heretofore Ferries which established, and which have been wholly disused and have been or may be disunfrequented for the space of two years, shall be, and used for two the same are hereby discontinued, unless the persons en-years discontitled to keep the same, shall within the space of twelve tinued. months after the passing of this act, procure all necessary boats and ferrymen for the transportation of passengers at their respective ferries. SECT. 2. All ferries now established, and which may be hereafter disused and unfrequented for the space of Ferries heretwo years, shall be likewise discontinued, unless neces- after establishsary boats and ferrymen are prepared for the same with- ed and not provided with in the space of six months after the expiration of the boats &c. in said two years. SECT. 3. And all ferries which may be hereafter established, and which shall not be furnished with necessary boats and ferrymen within the space of six months after the establishment thereof, or shall at any time thereafter be wholly disused and unfrequented for the space of two years, shall be, and the same are hereby discontinued. VOL. XIII.-L1 six months, County courts SECT. 4. And it shall be lawful for the court of the to summon county in which such ferry or ferries shall be, on comproprietors and hear com- plaint to them made, to summon the proprietor or proplaints. prietors of the same, to shew cause why it shall not be discontinued, and to decide according to the testimony Exception as adduced. Nothing contained in this act shall extend to to the district the district of Kentucky. of Kentucky. CHAP. XXIV. An act to amend the act, intituled, "An act for the better securing certain debts within mentioned, due and owing to the Common wealth." (Passed December 6th, 1791.) Preamble. SECT. 1. WHEREAS it is represented to the present General Assembly, that doubts have arisen whether tobacco can be received at the treasury in discharge of the bonds given to the commissioners appointed under the act of the last session, intituled, " An act for the better securing certain debts within mentioned, due and owing to the Commonwealth:" For remedy whereof, Tobacco to be Be it enacted, That the treasurer of this Commonwealth received in shall be, and he is hereby authorised and directed to redischarge of certain debts ceive crop or transfer tobacco in discharge of the said bonds, at the same rates and under the same restrictions, as are prescribed in the admission of tobacco from sheriffs in discharge of the arrearages of the revenue taxes for the years one thousand seven hundred and eightytwo, and one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three; any law to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. due to the state. Commencement of the act. SECT. 2. This act shall commence and be in force from and after the passing thereof. CHAP. XXV. An act to amend the act concerning Pilots. (Passed December 15th, 1791.) Preamble. SECT. 1. WHEREAS by an act passed at the October session, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six, intituled, "An act to amend and reduce into one act, the several acts for regulating pilots, and ascertaining their fees," certain persons were appointed to examine such as were desirous to be admitted pilots, previous to their undertaking that business: And it has been represented to the present General Assembly that the number of examiners appointed by the said recited act, has been reduced by death, resignation, or otherwise: Be Certain perit therefore enacted, That James Cunningham, Francis sons added to Ballard, John Parish, and Edward Rudd, shall be, and the examiners of pilots; they are hereby added to the remaining examiners appointed by the said act, and shall exercise the duties of their office in manner therein prescribed: Provided, That every examiner shall previously take an oath in some oath to be tacourt of record within this Commonwealth, truly and im- ken by them. partially to discharge the duties of his office according to law. SECT. 2. From and after the first day of March next, Pilots to be the pilots belonging to this Commonwealth shall be ar- divided into ranged into three distinct classes, and distinguished by the classes. numbers first class, second class, third class. It shall be lawful for those pilots only who, in the opinion of the said examiners, are qualified to obtain a branch or permit in the first class, to take the charge and pilotage of every vessel of whatsoever burthen or description. Those arranged in the second class, shall be confined to the charge and pilotage of such vessels whose draft of water do not exceed twelve feet; and those arranged in the third class, shall be confined to the charge and pilotage of such vessels whose draft of water shall not exceed nine feet. and take out SECT. 3. That on or before the first day of June next, To return every person who has obtained a branch to exercise the their branches business of a pilot, shall return the same to the examin- others. ers, who shall thereupon deliver a new branch without fee or reward. Any pilot failing to renew his branch |