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Part Third DEMONSTRATES THE INTEREST WHICH THOSE IN HEAVEN FEEL IN EARTH, AND PROVES, WITH Remarkable CLEARNESS, THAT SUCH AN Interest exists NOT ONLY WITH THE ALMIGHTY AND AMONG THE ANGELS, BUT ALSO AMONG THE SPIRITS OF DEPARTED FRIENDS. We unhesitatingly give our opinion that this volume is one of the most delightful productions of a religious character which has appeared for some time; and we would desire to see it pass into extensive circulation.'-Glasgow Herald. A CHEAP EDITION OF HEAVEN OUR HOME,' Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt side and edges, Thirty-first Thousand, price 3s. 6d., 2. MEET FOR HEAVEN. A State of Grace upon Earth the only Preparation for a State of Glory in Heaven. "The author, in his or her former work, "Heaven our Home," portrayed a SOCIAL HEAVEN, WHERE SCATTERED FAMILIES MEET AT LAST IN LOVING INTERCOURSE AND IN POSSESSION OF PERFECT RECOGNITION, to spend a never-ending eternity of peace and love. In the present work the individual state of the children of God is attempted to be unfolded, and more especially the state of probation which is set apart for them on earth to fit and prepare erring mortals for the society of the saints. The work, as a whole, displays an originality of conception, a flow of language, and a closeness of reasoning rarely found in religious publications.. The author combats the pleasing and generally accepted belief, that DEATH WILL EFFECT AN ENTIRE CHANGE ON THE SPIRITUAL CONDITION OF OUR SOULS, and that all who enter into bliss will be placed on a common level.'-Glasgow Herald. A CHEAP EDITION OF 'MEET FOR HEAVEN,' In crown 8vo, cloth limp, price Is. 6d., is also published. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt side and edges, Twenty-second Thousand, price 3s. 6d., 3. LIFE IN HEAVEN. There, Faith is changed into Sight, and Hope is passed into blissful Fruition. 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