1 COWELL. A SHORT INTRODUCTION TO THE ORDINARY PRAKRIT OF THE SANSKRIT DRAMAS. With a List of Common Irregular Prákrit Words. By E. B. Cowell, Professor of Sanskrit in the University of Cambridge, and Hon. LL.D. of the University of Edinburgh. Crown 8vo, pp. 40, limp cloth. 1875. 3s. 6d. CRANBROOK.-CREDIBILIA; or, Discourses on Questions of Christian Faith. By the Rev. James Cranbrook, Edinburgh. Reissue. Post 8vo, pp. iv. and 190, cloth. 1868. 3s. 6d. CRANBROOK -THE FOUNDERS OF CHRISTIANITY; or, Discourses upon the Origin of the Christian Religion. By the Rev. James Cranbrook, Edinburgh. Post 8vo, pp. xii. and 324. 1868. 6s. CROSLAND.-APPARITIONS; An Essay explanatory of Old Facts and a New Theory. To which are added Sketches and Adventures. By Newton Crosland. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 166, cloth. 1873. 2s. 6d. CUNNINGHAM. THE ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA. I. The Buddhist Period, including the Campaigns of Alexander, and the Travels of Hwen-Thsang. By Alexander Cunningham, Major-General, Royal Engineers (Bengal Retired). With 13 Maps. 8vo, pp. xx. and 590, cloth. 1870. £1, 8s. CURRENT (THE) Gold and Silver Coins of ALL COUNTRIES, their Weight and Fineness, and their Intrinsic Value in English Money, with Facsimiles of the Coins. By Leopold C. Martin, of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, and Charles Trübner. In 1 vol. medium 8vo, 141 Plates, printed in Gold and Silver, and representing about 1000 Coins, with 160 pages of Text, handsomely bound in embossed cloth, richly gilt, with Emblematical Designs on the Cover, and gilt edges. 1863. £2, 2s. DANA.-A TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY, designed for Schools and Academies. By James D. Dana, LL.D., Professor of Geology, &c., at Yale College. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, pp. vi. and 354, cloth. 1871. 7s. 6d. DANA.--MANUAL OF GEOLOGY, treating of the Principles of the Science, with special Reference to American Geological History; for the use of Colleges, Academies, and Schools of Science. By James D. 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Par Octave Delepierre. Crown 8vo, pp. 184, cloth. 1860. 5s. DELEPIERRE.-MACARONEANA ANDRA; overum Nouveaux Mélanges de Litterature Macaronique. Par Octave Delepierre. Small 4to, pp. 180, printed by Whittingham, and handsomely bound in the Roxburghe style. 1862. 10s. 6d. This volume, together with the one published by the Author in 1852, form the completest collection of that peculiar form of poetry in existence. DELEPIERRE. -ANALYSE DES TRAVAUX DE LA SOCIETE DES PHILOBIBLON DE LONDRES. Par Octave Delepierre. Small 4to, pp. viii. and 134, bound in the Roxburghe style. 1862. 10s. 6d. DELEPIERRE. —Revue Analytique DES OUVRAGES ÉCRITS EN CENTONS, depuis les Temps Anciens, jusqu'au xixième Siècle. Par un Bibliophile Belge. Small 4to, pp. 508, stiff covers. 1868. £1, 10s. DELEPIERRE.-ESSAI HISTORIQUE ET BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE SUR LES RÉBUS. Par Octave Delepierre. Svo, pp. 24, with 15 pages of Woodcuts, sewed. 1870. 3s. 6d. 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DOWSON.-A HINDUSTANI EXERCISE BOOK; containing a Series of Passages and Extracts adapted for Translation into Hindustani. By John Dowson, M. R.A.S., Professor of Hindūstānī, Staff College, Sandhurst. Crown 8vo, pp. 100, limp cloth. 1872. 2s. 6d. EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY.-Subscription, one guinea per annum. Extra Series. Subscriptions-Small paper, one guinea; large paper, two guineas, per annum. List of publications on application. EASTWICK-KHIRAD AFROZ (the Illuminator of the Understanding). By Maulaví Hafizu❜d-dín. A New Edition of the Hindústaní Text, carefully revised, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory. By Edward B. Eastwick, F.R.S., F.S.A., M.R.Á.S., Professor of Hindústaní at Haileybury College. Imperial 8vo, pp. xiv. and 319, cloth. Reissue, 1867. 18s. ECHO (DEUTSCHES). THE GERMAN ECHO. A Faithful Mirror of German Conversation. By Ludwig Wolfram. With a Vocabulary. By Henry P. Skelton. Post 8vo, pp. 130 and 70, cloth. 1863. 3s. ECHO FRANÇAIS. 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Translated from the German by William Smith. Second Edition. Post Svo, pp. vii. and 131, cloth. 1848. 3s. FICHTE. THE SCIENCE OF KNOWLEDGE. By J. G. Fichte. Translated from the German by A. E. Kroeger. Crown 8vo, pp. 378, cloth. 1868. Ss. 6d. FICHTE. THE SCIENCE OF RIGHTS. By J. G. Fichte. Translated from the German by A. E. Kroger. Crown Svo, pp. 506, cloth. 1869. 8s. 6d. FICHTE.-NEW EXPOSITION OF THE SCIENCE OF KNOWLEDGE. By J. G. Fichte. Translated from the German by A. E. Kroger. 8vo, pp. vi. and 182, cloth. 1869. 63. FISKE. MYTHS AND MYTH-MAKERS; Old Tales and Superstitions, interpreted by Comparative Mythology. By John Fiske, M A., LL.B., Assistant Librarian, and late Lecturer ou Philosophy at Harvard University. Crown 8vo, pp. 260, cloth. 1873. 10s. 6d. FOX.-MEMORIAL EDITION OF COLLECTED WORKS, by W. J. Fox. cloth. 5s. each. 12 vols. 8vo, FRIEDRICH.-PROGRESSIVE GERMAN READER, with Copious Notes to the First Part. By P. Friedrich. Crown Svo, pp. 166, cloth. 1868. 4s. 6d. FRIEDRICH-A GRAMMATICAL COURSE OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. By P. Friedrich. Crown 8vo, pp. viii. and 102, cloth. 1869. 2s. 6d. By P. FRIEDRICH.-A GRAMMAR OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE, WITH EXERCISES. Friedrich. Crown Svo, pp. viii. and 200, cloth. 1870. 4s. 6d. FREMBLING.-GRADUATED GERMAN READER. Consisting of a Selection from the most Popular Writers, arranged progressively; with a complete Vocabulary for the first part. By Friedrich Otto Frombling. Third Edition. 306, cloth. 1873. 3s. 6d. Without Vocabulary, 3s. 12mo, pp. viii. and FROMBLING.-GRADUATED EXERCISES FOR TRANSLATION INTO GERMAN. Consisting of Extracts from the best English Authors, arranged progressively; with an Appendix, containing Idiomatic Notes. By Friedrich Otto Frombling, Ph.D., Principal German Master at the City of London School. Crown Svo, pp. xiv. and 322, cloth. With Notes, pp. 66. 1867. 4s. 6d. Without Exercises, 4s. FROUDE. THE BOOK OF JOB. By J. A. Froude, M. A., late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. 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I vol. 8vo, pp. xxviii. and 300, cloth. 1872. 10s. 6d. GRAMMATOGRAPHY. A MANUAL OF REFERENCE TO THE ALPHABETS OF ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. Based on the German Compilation of F. Ballhorn. In 1 vol. royal 8vo, pp. 80, cloth. 1861. 7s. 6d. GRAY. INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURAL AND SYSTEMATIC BOTANY AND VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY, being a Fifth and Revised Edition of the Botanical Text-Book, illustrated with over 1300 Woodcuts. By Asa Gray, M.D., Fisher Professor of Natural History in Harvard University. 8vo, pp. 556, cloth. 15s. GRAY.-FIRST LESSONS IN BOTANY and Vegetable PHYSIOLOGY, illustrated by over 360 Wood Engravings, from original Drawings by Isaac Sprague. To which is added a copious Glossary or Dictionary of Botanical Terms. By Asa Gray, M.D., Fisher Professor of Natural History in Harvard University. 8vo, pp. 236, half bound. 7s. GREEN. SHAKESPEARE AND THE EMBLEM-WRITERS: An Exposition of their Similarities of Thought and Expression. Preceded by a View of the Emblem-Book Literature down to A.D. 1616. By Henry Green, M. A. In one volume, pp. xvi. 572, profusely illustrated with Woodcuts and Photolith. Plates, elegantly bound in cloth gilt, 1870. Large medium 8vo, £1, 11s. 6d. ; large imperial 8vo. £2, 12s. 6d. GREEN-ANDREA ALCIATI, and his Books of Emblems: A Biographical and Bibliographical Study. By Henry Green, M.A. With Ornamental Title, Portraits, and other Illustrations. Dedicated to Sir William Stirling-Maxwell, Bart., Rector of the University of Edinburgh. Only 250 copies printed. Demy 8vo, pp. 360, handsomely bound. 1872. £1, 1s. GREENE.- A NEW METHOD OF LEARNING TO READ, WRITE, AND SPEAK THE FRENCH LANGUAGE; or, First Lessons in French (Introductory to Ollendorff's Larger Grammar). By G. W. Greene, Instructor in Modern Languages in Brown University. Third Edition, enlarged and rewritten. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 248, cloth. 1869. 3s. 6d. GREG.-TRUTH VERSUS EDIFICATION. By W. R. Greg. 1869. 1s. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 32, cloth. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 40, cloth. GREG.-WHY ARE WOMEN REDUNDANT? By W. R. Greg. |