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Unitarian Christianity, by S. Sharpe.
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Channing, Dr., Lecture on the Life of, by E.

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Dawson, George, Funeral Sermon on, by
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Furness, Dr., Christian View of the Atone


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Hopps, J. P., Light for Bible Readers.
Kell, Edmund, God is One.

Materialism and Atheism Refuted.

Suffield, R. R., Five Letters on a Conversion to Roman Catholicism.

Wright, J., Are Unitarians Christians?

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[The following Liberal Periodicals may be had of any Newsvendor, of Mr. Whitfield, 178, Strand, or at the Book Room of the Association, 37, Norfolk Street, Strand, London.]

The Inquirer (weekly), 5d. E. T. Whitfield. The Unitarian Herald (weekly), 1d. J. Phillips, 74, Market-street, Manchester. The Christian Life (weekly), 2d. 125, Fleetstreet, London.

The Christian Freeman (monthly), 14d. E. T. Whitfield.

The Truthseeker (monthly), 3d. Trübner and Co., Paternoster-row, London. The Free Word (monthly), 1d. Rev. T. Leyland, Moneyrea, Co. Down.

The Ymofynydd (monthly), 14d. Editor, Rev. R. J. Jones, Aberdare.

The Theological Review (quarterly), 2s. 6d. Williams and Norgate, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, London.

Young Days (monthly, illustrated), 1d. 37, Norfolk Street, London, W.C.

The Theistic Annual for 1877, 2s. Edited by P. C. Mozoomdar, Calcutta.

[Orders for the following American Papers will be taken by Mr. H. Y. Brace, 37, Norfolk Street, London, W.C.]

The Inquirer (weekly), 4s. per quarter, post free. New York.

The Christian Register (weekly), 3s. 6d. per quarter, post free. Boston.

The Universalist (weekly), 3s. 6d. per quarter, post free. Boston.

The Unitarian Review and Religious Magazine (monthly), 3s. 6d. per quarter, post free. Boston.

Printed by C. Green & Son, 178, Strand.

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