
Beeton's Dictionary of Geography. A Universal s Gazetteer. Illustrated by Maps, and several Hundred Engravings, in separate plates, on tinted paper. Containing in all upwards of Ten Thousand Distinct and Complete Articles. Edited by S. O. BEETON, F.R.G.S.

Post 8vo, cloth gilt

900 pages.

Dictionary of Natural History. With the Pronunciation of the name of every Animal. Illustrated with a large number of Engravings from drawings taken from life. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt. half-calf

Dictionary of Universal Information


of Geography, History, and Biography.
23,000 Distinct Articles, Twelve large Coloured Maps, and
110 separate tinted plates of Views and Portraits.
In Two Vols. demy 8vo, half bound .

of Science, Art, and Literature.
Illustrated with 128 full-page and 1,500 smaller Engravings.
2,044 pages, and 4,088 columns.
In Two Vols., demy 8vo, half-bound .

A to Z, comprising Geography,

History, Biography, &c.
Demy 8vo, half-roan.

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Englishwoman's Cookery Book. 255th

Thousand. By Mrs. ISABELLA BEETON. Being a collection
of Economical Recipes, taken from her "Household Manage-
ment." The Best Shilling Cookery. New Edition. Illustrated
by a large number of appropriate and useful Engravings.

Post 8vo, cloth.


7 6 IO 6

7 6


21 0

21 O

15 O


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With four coloured plates, half-bound, cloth i
Erckmann-Chatrian Library. See page 36.
Every-Day Handbooks. See page 37.
Family Washing Book. Containing double

check perforated lists for fifty-two weeks.
Demy oblong, wrapper

Gardening Book. Containing full and Prac-
tical Instructions concerning Garden Operations, the Fruit,
Flower, and Kitchen Garden, Pests of the Month, and a
Monthly Calendar of work to be done in the Garden.

Post 8vo, cloth.



With four coloured plates, half-bound, cloth i 6
Good Aim Series. See page 110.

Great Book of Poetry. From Cædmon
and King Alfred's Boethius to Browning and Tennyson. Con-
taining nearly Two Thousand of the best pieces in the English
Language. With sketches of the History of the Poetry of our
Country, and Biographical Notices of the Poets. A collection
of Poems never before gathered together in a Single Volume.
Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt side and edges.
half-calf, marbled edges

[ocr errors]

Guide to the Stock Exchange and Money Market. With Hints to Investors and the Chances of Speculators.

Fcap. Svo, linen cover

Household Amusements and Enjoy-
ments, Acting Charades, Burlesques, Conundrums,
Enigmas, Rebuses, and New Puzzles. Coloured frontispiece.
Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges

. 21 O

25 0

[merged small][ocr errors]

Beeton's Humorous Books. See page 55.

Investing Money with Safety and
Profit. Entirely New and Revised Edition.
Fcap. 8vo, linen cover

and Guide to the Stock Exchange and Money Market.

In One Vol., fcap. 8vo, half-bound.

Jokes and Jests; or, Good Things Said

and Sung.

Demy 8vo, coloured wrapper.

Law Book: A Practical Compendium of

the General Principles of English Jurisprudence. upwards of 13,000 Statements of the Law.

With a full Index.

25,000 references. Every numbered paragraph in its particular place and under its general head.

Post 8vo, cloth gilt

Legal Handbooks. See page 61.

Library of Humour. See page 61.

Men of the Age and Annals of the Time: An Account of Eminent Persons, and Record of Events. Post 8vo, half-bound, cloth

NATIONAL REFERENCE BOOKS. 1. Beeton's British Gazetteer. Compiled from the Latest and best Authorities. States all Railway Stations, Post Towns, Money Order Offices, and Population.









British Biography. From the Earliest Times to the Accession of George III.

Modern Men and Women. From the Accession

of George III. to the Present Time.
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and Narratives of the Holy Scriptures.

Classical Dictionary. A Treasury of Greek and
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Medical Dictionary. A Safe Guide for every
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Dictionary of Commerce and Manufactures of
the World. Terms used in Commerce, Business, Ports and
Markets; Modes of Transacting Business in each Hemisphere.
Modern European Celebrities. A Biography of
Continental Men and Women of Note who have lived during
the last Hundred Years, or are now living.

Post 8vo, cloth.

[ocr errors]

Penny Books. See page 76.

Penny Children's Books. See page 109.

Pictorial Speller. The Cheapest Illustrated

Spelling Book. 196 pages, 430 illustrations.

Crown 8vo, cloth plain

Public Speaker.

Containing the remark

able Speeches of the World's Greatest Orators. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt.

Ready Reckoner. With all kinds of New

Tables, and information, never before collected. 240 pages.

Crown 8vo, cloth


Crown 8vo, wrapper boards.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

. I O

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[blocks in formation]

Sixpenny Ready Reckoner.

Post 8vo, cloth plain.

100 pages.

Behave (How to); or, Etiquette of Society. With coloured Frontispiece.

Demy 32mo, cloth, gilt edges.
picture boards

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

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Crown Svo, picture boards

[ocr errors]

Berlin Wool Instructions (Madame GOUBAUD'S).

With 18 Illustrations.

Imperial 16mo, wrapper

Bezique and the New Card Games. By Captain
CRAWLEY, Author of "The Billiard Book."
Fcap. 8vo, coloured wrapper.
cloth gilt


The Companion Bible. The Authorized Version.
Notes on Oriental and Scriptural History, Scenery, and
Customs. Page Engravings and Maps.

1. Cr. 8vo, cl. ant. red edges, lett. on side
2. French morocco, blind, gilt edges.

3 Pigskin, bevelled boards, blind, gilt edges
4. Turkey morocco extra, blind, gilt edges
5.antique, bevelled, red and gold edges
Best dull gilt clasp for either of the above

Cobbin's Portable Commentary. With 15,000
Critical and Illustrative Notes, and 50,000 References and
Readings, together with a History connecting the Old and
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7. Fcap. 8vo, French morocco, paste grain.
8. Cloth, gilt edges

9. French morocco, blind gilt edges.

9A.French morocco circuit

10. Pigskin, bevelled boards, blind, gilt edges
11. Turkey morocco extra, blind, gilt edges
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13. Turkey morocco, limp circuit, gilt edges.
antique bevelled, red and gold edges


Best dull gilt clasp for either of above

The Analytical Bible. Authorized Version. 50,000
References and Readings, Analytical Notes, Historical Con-
nection of Old and New Testaments, various useful Tables, and
9 Coloured Maps.

15. Fcap. 8vo, French morocco, blind, gilt edges
15A.French morocco circuit

16. Pigskin, bevelled boards, blind, gilt edges
17. Turkey morocco extra, blind, gilt edges.
18. limb, blind, gilt edges

19. Turkey morocco, limp circuit, gilt edges.
20. antique bevelled, red and gold edges
21. Cloth, gilt edges

22. French morocco, paste grain
Best dull gilt clasp for either of above

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2 0

7 6



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6699 OO

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6 6

The Illustrated Christian Family Bible. With
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full-page Coloured Plates and Maps, Chronological Tables,
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Morocco, full gilt
Cobbin's Illustrated Family Bible and
People's Commentary. With Family Register, numerous
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4to, cloth, red edges

[ocr errors]

half bound, red edges

2nd morocco, hard grained.

2nd morocco, hard grained, illuminated
morocco, gilt edges.

Turkey morocco extra

Teacher's Pictorial Bible and

[ocr errors]


52 6

21 о

31 6

[blocks in formation]

Bible Dic

tionary. The Authorized Version. Engravings and Maps,
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tions. By Rev. INGRAM COBBIN, M. A.
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French morocco

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with rims and clasp

cloth gilt extra, gilt edges.

Bible Dictionary (BEETON'S) A Cyclopædia of the

Truths and Narratives of the Holy Scriptures.

Post 8vo, cloth.

(HAYDN'S). See page 48.

Bible Narratives; or, Scripture Stories. By the Rev.

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7 6

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Crown Svo, cloth gilt.


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2 6

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Stories for Little Folks. With Sixteen Coloured Illustrations
and 130 Engravings. 350 pages, large type.
Imperial 16mo, cloth gilt

In Separate Books. With Coloured and other Illustrations.

1. The Story of the Creation and the Deluge.

2. Story of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 3. Story of Joseph and his Brothers. 4. The Story of Moses.

5. The Story of the Judges.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

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and Saxe's Poems.

Fcap. 8vo, picture boards

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

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[ocr errors]

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Billiards: Its Theory and Practice. With a Chapter
on Bagatelle. By Captain CRAWLEY, Author of the Articles on
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Billiards and Bagatelle: Their Theory and Practice.
By Captain CRAWLEY, Author of "The Billiard Book," &c.
Fcap. 8vo, coloured wrapper.
cloth gilt

Biography (Beeton's Dictionary of). With Portraits
engraved after original Pictures, Prints, &c. Containing in all
upwards of Ten Thousand Distinct and Complete Articles.
Post 8vo, cloth gilt
half calf

Biography (Vincent's). See Haydn Series, page 48.
Birds of Prey. By M. E. BRADDON.

Fcap. 8vo, fancy boards

cloth gilt

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15 0





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2 O

: 10

7 6


Birds (Beeton's Book of). Showing how to Rear and Manage them. Coloured Plates and other Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges

Birds' Nests and Eggs and Bird Stuffing.

loured Plates.

Post 8vo, coloured wrapper

Birthday Treasure Books. See page 95.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

BLAIR'S CATECHISMS. New and Improved Editions.
1. The First, or Mother's Catechism. By Rev. DAVID BLAIR.
2. The Second, or Mother's Catechism. By ditto.
3. The Third, or Mother's Catechism. By ditto.

Small 8vo, wrapper


each o 9

WILSON'S CATECHISMS. By Rev. T. WILSON, M. A. 1. The Child's First Catechism.

2. First Catechism of Common Things.

3. Second Catechism of Common Things.
4. Third Catechism of Common Things.
5. The First Catechism of Geography.
6. First Lessons in Natural Philosophy.
7..Second Lessons in Natural Philosophy.
8. Third Lessons in Natural Philosophy.
9. The Catechism of Bible History.
10. The Catechism of Gospel History.
II. The Catechism of English History.
12. The Catechism of English Grammar.
13. The Catechism of Modern History.
14. The First Catechism of Botany.
15. The Second Catechism of Botany.

16. The Young Musician's First Catechism of Music.
17. The Catechism of Astronomy.

18. The Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry.

19. The First Catechism of Biography.
20. The Second Catechism of Biography.
21 The Catechism of Sacred Geography (Old and New
Small 8vo, wrapper .

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