
Bumby's (Rev. J. H.) Life. With a Brief History of the Wesleyan
Mission in New Zealand. By the Rev. Alfred Barrett.

2 Vols.

s. d.



Crown 8vo


Bunting's (Rev. Dr. Jabez) Sermons.
Bunting (Rev. William Maclardie), Memorials of: being Selections from
his Sermons, Letters, and Poems. Edited by the Rev. G. Stringer Rowe.
With a Biographical Introduction by T. Percival Bunting. Post 8vo
Burton's (Rev. H. R.) The Breakfast Half-Hour. Third Edition.

Royal 16m0. 25 Illustrations.
Cloth, gilt edges. Royal 32m0
Mary Bell Hodgson. A Memorial. Limp cloth, gilt edges. 18mo

Bush's (Rev. Joseph) Bread from Heaven.

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Captive Set Free. An Allegory.
Carvosso's (Rev. B.) Attractive Piety; or, Memorials of W. B. Carvosso.

[blocks in formation]

Carvosso's (W.) Memoirs. By Himself. Edited by his Son. Gilt edges,
Royal 18mo 2 6
Cheap Edition, Royal 32m0 I O
Gilt edges I 4
Three Parts in One Vol.

Catechisms of the Wesleyan-Methodists.

Illustrated by Imagery and Narrative. By the Rev. B. Smith.


Crown 8vo

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Crown 8vo.

3 6

[blocks in formation]

Christ in the Wilderness; or, Practical Views of Our Lord's Temptation.
By the Rev. Luke H. Wiseman, M.A.
Christian Armed against Infidelity. Treatises in Defence of Divine
Revelation. Selected by the Rev. Thomas Jackson.
Christian Miscellany, and Family Visitor. 48 pp. Illustrated. Monthly.
Yearly Volume, 1877. 576 pp. Coloured Frontispiece and 36 Engravings
1846 to 1876.
8vo. Each Volume
Cloth Covers for the Yearly Volumes. Each
Christmas Stories. By Mark Guy Pearse. Numerous Illustrations.
Gilt edges. Crown 8vo
Christopher's (Rev. S. W.) Class Meetings in relation to the Design
and Success of Methodism.
Chronicles of Capstan Cabin; or, the Children's Hour. By J. Jackson
Imperial 16mo. 28 Illustrations
Clark's (Dr. Samuel) Scripture Promises. With a Life of the Author by
the Rev. David M'Nicoll.

Clarke's (Dr. Adam) Life. By the Rev. J. W. Etheridge, M.A.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


Numerous Illustrations. Foolscap 8vo Climbing a Manual for the Young who desire to Rise in Both Worlds. By the Rev. B. Smith.

[blocks in formation]

Crown 8vo Coke's (Dr. Thomas) Life. By the Rev. J. W. Etheridge, M.A. Post 8vo. Cheap edition, Royal 32m0. Gilt edges

2 6

3 6

I 6

2 O

Clifford's (J. R. S.) Homes and Home Life in Bible Lands.

Roan, 32m0

s. d. I

Companion to the Christian's Pattern. By Kempis.
Companion to the Wesleyan Hymn-Book: being a Selection of Tunes,
comprising all the Metres in the (Old) Hymn-Book, arranged in Four
Parts, with Accompaniment for the Organ and Pianoforte. Crown 8vo
Confessional (The) in the Church of England, and Essays on the
Anglican Controversy. By the Rev. J. C. Leppington. Royal 18mo
Cottage Sketches, from Real Life. By the Rev. T. H. Walker. Fcap. 8vo
Coulson's (Rev. J. E.) Peasant Preacher. Memorials of Mr. C. Richardson
Royal 32m0
Gilt edges

Coultas' (Harland) The Zoology of the Bible. With Preface by the
Rev. W. F. Moulton, D.D. With 126 Illustrations. Imperial 16mo
Cruden's (A.) Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Crump's (Rev. S.) Soon and Safe. A Short Life Well Spent. Illus. 18mo
Cryer's (Mrs.) Devotional Remains. With an Introduction by the Rev.

Alfred Barrett.

Cubitt's (Rev. G.) Enoch; or, Personal Piety.
Obed-Edom; or, the Ark in the House.


[blocks in formation]




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Scriptural Expositions; containing Philippian Jailer, Enoch,

Philippian Jailer; or, Conversion.

Obed-Edom, and Antioch.

Columbus; or, the Discovery of America.

Cortes; or, the Discovery and Conquest of Mexico.
Granada; or, the Expulsion of the Moors from Spain.

Daniel Quorm and his Religious Notions. By Mark Guy Pearse,
Illustrated, gilt edges. Crown 8vo 2

Dixon's (Dr.) Life. By his Son, Rev. R. W. Dixon, M.A., Minor Canon
in Carlisle Cathedral Church. With Three Portraits of Dr.
Dixon, and a Vignette of his Birthplace.
Life of the Rev. W. E. Miller.

Doddridge's Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul.

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Limp cloth,

Crown 8vo
Foolscap 8vo
Cloth extra
Royal 32m0

7 6




Gilt edges

1 4

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Doncaster's (Rev. John) Friendly Hints, addressed to the Youth of Both
Sexes, on Mind, Morals, and Religion.

Dove (Christopher) Memoir of. By the Rev. Peter M'Owan.

(M. and A.) Memoirs of. By the Rev. Peter M'Owan.
Limp cloth, gilt edges, 18mo
Dream of Pythagoras, and other Poems. By Emma Tatham. Fifth
Edition. With Memoir by the Rev. B. Gregory.
Crown 8vo
French Morocco, extra, gilt edges
Dunn's (Rev. Lewis R.) The Mission of the Spirit; or, the Office and
Work of the Comforter. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Bush. Crown 8vo
Dutch Tiles; being Narratives of Holy Scripture; with Pictorial Illustra-
tions; for the Use of Children and Young Persons.
Dwyer's (Rev. John) Christian Thoroughness. A Memorial of T. A.
Shillington, Esq., J.P., of Portadown.
Crown 8vo

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s. d.




Royal 18mo
Royal 18mo


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Dwyer's (Rev. John) Christian Work for Gentle Hands. Thoughts on
Female Agency in the Church of God.
Early Days; 1861, 1862, 1864, to 1876. Each Yearly vol.
Cloth covers for the Yearly Volumes.
Early Days; New Series, 1877. Profusely Illustrated, Cn. 4to. coloured covers
Cloth, illuminated, gilt edges
Early Methodist Preachers (Lives of), Chiefly Written by Themselves.
With an Introductory Essay by the Rev. Thomas Jackson.

Library Edition. 6 vols. Crown 8vo
Cheap Edition. 6 vols. Foolscap 8vo
Edmondson's (Rev. J.) Scripture Views of the Heavenly World. 18m0
Short Sermons on Important Subjects. With an Introduction
by the Rev. T. Jackson.
2 vols. Crown 8vo
Eggleston's (Rev. J.) Christianity compared with Popery. A Lecture.
Limp cloth, gilt edges, 18mo
Elliott's (Rev. Charles, D.D.) Delineation of Roman Catholicism, drawn
from the Authentic and Acknowledged Standards of the Church of
Rome; in which her peculiar Doctrines, Morals, and Usages are
Stated, Treated at Large, and Confuted. NEW EDITION with a
SUPPLEMENT; being an Exposition of certain changes which the
Papacy has undergone during the Pontificate of Pius IX. By
William Harris Rule, D.D.

The Supplement is sold separately.

Entire Sanctification Attainable in This Life:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

12 6 Half-bound in Morocco 17 6 Price 2s. 6d. being John Wesley's

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Entwisle's (Rev. J.) Memoirs. By his Son.
Etheridge's (Rev. J. W., M.A.) Life of Dr. Adam Clarke.
Life of Dr. Thomas Coke.


[blocks in formation]



Post 8vo
Post 8vo

3 6

3 6



Faraday, Michael. By W. R. Burgess. Illustrations.
Farrar's (Rev. John) Biblical and Theological Dictionary; Illustrative
of the Old and New Testaments. 4 Maps and 96 Engravings.
Crown 8vo
Half-bound, in calf
Ecclesiastical Dictionary; Explanatory of the History, Anti-
quities, Heresies, Sects, and Religious Denominations of the
Christian Church.
Crown 8vo
Half-bound, in calf

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

I 6


Proper Names of the Bible; their Orthography, Pronunciation, and Signification. With a Brief Account of the Principal Persons and Places. 18mo Key to the Pronunciation of the Names of Persons and Places mentioned in the Bible. 18mo Father of Methodism (The): A Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., for the Young. By Edith Waddy. Numerous Illustrations. Foolscap 8vo Father Reeves, the Methodist Class Leader. By Edward Corderoy. 18mo I

I 6

Fernley Lectures: Lectures on the Foundation of John Fernley, Esq.,
Delivered in the years 1870, 1871, 1872, and 1873. By the Rev. George
Osborn, D.D., Rev. William B. Pope, D.D., Rev. John Lomas, and Rev.
Benjamin Gregory.
Volume I. Demy 8vo
Field (James, of Cork, formerly Serjeant in the Royal British Regiment
of Artillery). Memoirs of. By the Rev. R. Huston.
Field's (Rev. B.) Sincere Devotion: Exemplified in the Life of Mrs.
C. E. Martin, of Sevenoaks.

s. d.

12 O

I 6

Royal 32m0
Gilt edges




Fishwick (Miss Mary) Memorials of. With an Introduction by the Rev.
Peter M'Owan.
With a Portrait. Gilt edges
Fletcher's (Rev. J.) Address to Earnest Seekers of Salvation.

Appeal to Matter of Fact and Common Sense.
Five Checks to Antinomianism.
Life. By the Rev. J. Benson.


Roan, gilt edges


[blocks in formation]

12mo 4 6 12mo 3 6

[blocks in formation]

For Ever! An Essay on Eternal Punishment. By the Rev. Marshall
New Edition preparing.

Geden's (J. D.) Doctrine of a Future Life as contained in the Old
Testament Scriptures.
Second Edition, enlarged. Paper covers

Gems of Piety in Humble Life.

By the Rev. T. H. Walker.


Cloth 2

2 6

Illustrated. Foolscap 8vo Gems Re-Set. The Wesleyan Catechism Illustrated by Imagery and Narrative. By the Rev. B. Smith. Crown 8vo George (Elizabeth), Memoirs of. By the Rev. H. J. Piggott, B.A. Crown 8vo

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2 6

I о

Giants (The); and How to Fight Them. By Dr. Richard Newton.
15 Illustrations. Royal 16mo
Gleanings in Natural History. Gathered from Early Days."
Sixty-eight illustrations. Royal 16m0 I 6
Gilt edges

Gregory's (Rev. B.) The Holy Catholic Church, The Communion of
Saints: being the Fernley Lecture for 1873. With Notes and Essays on
the History of Christian Fellowship, and on the Origin of "High Church."
and "Broad Church" Theories.
8vo., paper covers

Grimshaw (William) Incumbent of Haworth. By the Rev. R. Spence
Crown 8vo

2 O

3 6

4 6

3 0

Hannah's (Dr. John) Introductory Lectures on the Study of Christian
Theology; with Outlines of Lectures on the Doctrines of
Christianity. To which is prefixed a Memoir of Dr. Hannah,
by the Rev. William B. Pope, D.D.
Letter to a Junior Methodist Preacher,
Studies in Christian Theology.

s. d.

Crown 8vo concerning his

3 6


I 3

Path of the Just. A Sermon on Occasion of the Death of Thomas
Farmer, Esq., with Biographical Sketch.

Hannah's (Rev. John) Infant Baptism Scriptural; and Immersion
Limp cloth, 18m0
Hartley's (Rev. J.) Hid Treasures, and the Search for them: being
Lectures to Bible-Classes.

Foolscap 8vo
Illustrations. 18mo

Hattie and Nancy, or The Everlasting Love.
Hay's (Rev. D.) Father's Religious Counsels, addressed to his Son at

Home; or, the Way to Make Home Happy. With an Intro-
duction by the Rev. A. Barrett.
Gilt edges, 18mo
Youthful Sufferer Glorified: A Memorial of Sarah Sands Hay.
Limp cloth, gilt edges, 18mo
Hill's (Rev. W.) Alphabetical Arrangement of the Wesleyan-Ministers
and Missionaries, with their Stations from the Commencement of their
Itinerancy. 13th edition. Edited by the Rev. M. C. Osborn. Crown 8vo
Holy Spirit; The Witness of the. By the Rev. Charles Prest. Crown 8vo
Homes and Home Life in Bible Lands. By J. R. S. Clifford.

[blocks in formation]

2 0

Numerous Illustrations. Foolscap Horner's (Francis) Tiny Tim: A Story of London Life, founded on Fact. 22 Illustrations. Royal 16mo I O How to Pray and What to Pray For. An Exposition of the Lord's Prayer and Christ's Introductory Sayings. By the Rev. E. J. Robinson. Crown 8vo Humphreys (Capt. W. H.), Brief Memorial of. By the Rev. R. Newstead. 18mo

Hunt's (Rev. John) Letters on Entire Sanctification. Its Nature, the
Way of its Attainment, and Motives for its Pursuit, with Preface
by the Rev. J. Calvert.
Crown 8vo
Life. (Missionary to the Cannibals of Fiji). By the Rev. G. S.
With Portrait. Crown 8vo
Limp cloth, Foolscap 8vo

Hurst's (C. R.) The Royal Disciple: Louisa, Queen of Prussia.
With Illustrations. Royal 16mo
Huston's (Rev. R.) Cautions and Counsels addressed to the Young:
Enforced by Illustrations chiefly drawn from Scripture Narratives.

5 0


3 0

2 6



I 0


I 6

Letters on the Excellencies of Remarkable Scripture
Personages. Addressed to the Young.


1 6

"I'll Try;" or, How the Farmer's Son became a Captain.

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