
Walker's (Rev. T. H.) Gems of Piety in Humble Life. 8 Illustrations.
Foolscap 8vo

Youthful Obligations; or, the Duties which Young People owe
to God, to their Parents, their Brothers and Sisters, to Them-
selves, and to Society.
Foolscap 8vo

Watson's (Rev. R.) Biblical and Theological Dictionary, with Maps,
and Portrait of the Author.

Royal 8vo.

Conversations for the Young; designed to promote the
Profitable Reading of the Holy Scriptures.
Exposition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark,

and of some other detached Parts of Scripture. Life of the Rev. J. Wesley. Cheap Edition,

[blocks in formation]

Royal 18mo 3 6

12mo 3 6

Life of the Rev. J. Wesley.

Life of the Rev. J. Wesley; with Observations on Southey's

Life of Wesley.

Memoirs; By the Rev. T. Jackson.

Observations on Southey's Life of Wesley.
Sermons and Sketches of Sermons.

[blocks in formation]

8vo 6

Royal 18mo

8vo 6




12mo 2

3 vols. 8vo 18 3 vols. 12mo ΤΟ

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Morals, and Institutions of Christianity.

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3 vols., 8vo 18

4 vols., Royal 18m0


[merged small][ocr errors]

The Universal Redemption of Mankind, the Doctrine of the
New Testament.
Royal 18mo
Works; with Memoirs of his Life and Writings. By the Rev. T.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Weir's (Rev. S.) Onward to God; or, the Sure Way to the Crown.

Wesley's (Rev. Charles) Hymns for Children.

Journal, and Selections from his Correspondence and Poetry.
With an Introduction and Notes. By the Rev. T. Jackson.
2 vols. Royal 18mo
comprising Notices of his Poetry, of the Rise and
Progress of Methodism, and of Contemporary Events and
Characters. By the Rev. T. Jackson.


Wesley's (Rev. John) Prose Works.

Appeals to Men of Reason and Religion.
Doctrine of Original Sin.
Instructions for Christians.

Life. By the Rev. R. Watson.



[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Wesley's (Rev. John) Life.


With Observations on Southey's Life of
Wesley. By the Rev. R. Watson.
Life and Work. By the Rev. M. Leliévre.
French by the Rev. A. J. French, B.A.
Notes on the New Testament.


Translated from the

Crown 8vo

Cheap Edition, 8vo
Edition, Fine paper, 8vo
Pocket Edition, 18mo
French Morocco, 18mo

Plain Account of Christian Perfection, with John Fletcher's
Practical Application of the Doctrine to Various Classes of

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Royal 32m0
Gilt edges
With a



3 O



Select Letters, Chiefly on Personal Religion.
Sketch of his Character, by the Rev. S. Bradburn.
Sermons on Several Occasions. With Life by the Rev. John
3 vols., Crown 8vo
3 vols., superfine paper, Crown 8vo ΙΟ

3 vols., 8vo Wesley (Rev. John) The Father of Methodism: A Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M. By Edith Waddy. Numerous Illustrations. Foolscap 8vo Wesley's (Rev. John and Charles) Poetical Works: A New and Complete Edition, reprinted from the Originals, with the last Corrections of the Authors; together with the Poems of Charles Wesley not before Published. Collected and Arranged by G. Osborn, D.D.


[blocks in formation]

I 6

13 vols., Half-bound gilt tops, Roxburghe style. Crown 8vo 78 o Wesleyan Methodist Year Book and Connexional Record. 1878.

Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine. NEW Series.

Yearly Volume.

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Cloth Covers for Yearly Volumes
West (Rev. Francis A.), Memorials of; being a Selection from his
Sermons and Lectures, with a Memorial Sketch by one of his Sons,
and Personal Recollections by the Rev. B. Gregory.
Crown 8vo
Wharton (Henry). The Story of his Life and Labours in the West
Indies, the Gold Coast, and in Ashanti. By the Rev. William Moister.
With Portrait and Illustrations. Crown 8vo
Which is Best? or, Cottage Sketches from Real Life. By the Rev. T. H.
Foolscap 8vo

William the Silent, Prince of Orange. A Biographical Sketch. By the
Rev. J. W. Thomas.
With Portrait. Foolscap 8vo
Williams's (Rev. Henry W.) Exposition of St. Paul's Epistle to the


Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews.

Crown 8vo
Crown 8vo

Life of the Rev. Joseph Wood, with Extracts from his Diary.

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Wiseman's (Rev. Luke H., M.A.) Christ in the Wilderness; or,
Practical Views of our Lord's Temptation.
Crown 8vo
Wood's (Rev. Joseph) Help to Extempore Prayer. To which is added,
a Treatise on Secret and Social Prayer. By the Rev. R.
Treffry, sen.
Royal 32m0
Gilt edges

Life, with Extracts from his Diary. By the Rev. H. W.
Crown 8vo
Wray's (Rev. J. Jackson) Chronicles of Capstan Cabin; or, the
Children's Hour.
28 Illustrations. Imperial 16mo
Peter Pengelly; or, “True as the Clock." 40 Illust., Crown 8vo

Yeames's (Rev. James) Vignettes from English History. First Series.
From the Norman Conqueror to Henry the Fourth.

[blocks in formation]

23 Illustrations. Royal 16mo Young's (Dr. E.) Night Thoughts and Last Day. With Notes by the Rev. J. Wesley.


Royal 32m0
Gilt edges


I 4


(Rev. Robert) Importance of Prayer Meetings in Promoting a Revival of Religion. Stiff covers, 18mo (Rev. Samuel) Missionary Narrative of the Triumphs of Grace; as seen in the Conversion of Natives of South Africa. 18mo Youthful Obligations; or, the Duties which Young People owe to God, to their Parents, their Brothers and Sisters, to Themselves, and to Society. By the Rev. T. H. Walker. Foolscap 8vo Youthful Sufferer Glorified: A Memorial of Sarah Sands Hay. Limp cloth, gilt edges, 18mo Zoology of the Bible. By Harland Coultas. With Preface by the Rev. W. F. Moulton, D.D. Cloth, extra, with 126 Illustrations. Impl. 16m0


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Atherton's (Rev. W.) Wesleyan Methodism. A Centenary Sermon. 8vo
Charge, delivered August 4th, 1847.




Atkins' (Rev. J. B.) The Mountain Top; or, Glimpses of the Higher

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Authentic Report of the Discussion held in Rome on the Evenings of
February 9th and 10th, 1872, between Catholic Priests and Evangelical
Ministers, concerning the Coming of St. Peter to Rome. Translated by
the Rev. William Arthur, M.A.

s. d.

Crown 8vo



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Beecham's (Rev. J., D.D.) Immutability of Christ the Hope of the
Church. A Sermon preached before the Conference of 1851.
Blanshard's (Rev. T. W.) Death in the Coal Pit; or, Brief Memoirs of
Benjamin J. Noble.
Crown 32m0 (6s. per 100)
Brief Biographies of Eminent Christians. Well printed upon good paper,
with a Portrait, adapted for loan circulation among rich or poor.

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A discount of 25 per cent. is allowed from the above prices for distribution.
Brown's (Rev. J.) The Christian in his Family.
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Bush's (Rev. J.) How to Make the Most of Life.

Royal 32m0 for enclosing in letters. 6s. per 100
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Royal 32m0
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Royal 32m0, for enclosing in letters, per 100




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Calvinism. A Solemn Caution against the Ten Horns of Calvinism. By

Champness' (Rev. Thomas) A Word to Young Methodists.

Finding Peace. Intended for the use of Anxious Souls

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Royal 32m0, 2s. 8d. per 100; or, per dozen


Cooke's (Rev. Corbett) Church Membership: a Call to those who are
Staying Outside the Fold.

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Cooper's (Jane) Letters, with an Account of her Life and Death. 12mo Covenant Service. Directions to Penitents and Believers for Covenanting with God.

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s. d.

Cox's (Rev. Stephen) Holiness unto the Lord: Illustrated in the
Character and Life of Miss Bosanquet, of Leytonstone, afterwards Mrs.
Fletcher, of Madeley. Compiled Chiefly from her Journal. Royal 32m0
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District-Meetings, Order and Form of Business in.

New Edition in preparation.

Eldridge (Rev. C. O., B.A.) The Revision of the English Bible. A digest of the Nature and Progress of the Work of the Revision Companies. With an Introduction by Dr. Moulton.

Faded Flower (The).



Farrar's (Rev. J.). A Charge to Young Ministers on their Ordination
to the Christian Ministry, at Manchester, 1871.
Crown 8vo
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being the First Lecture on the Foundation of John Fernley,
Esq. By the Rev. Dr. Osborn.
Second Edition, 8vo

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Penitent's Inquiry.

32mo, 6s. per 100. 32mo, 12s. per 100.








Fletcher's (Rev. J.) Address to Earnest Seekers of Salvation.
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Royal 32m0., 6s. per 100. Each
Limp cloth, 12s. per 100.
Paper covers, 8vo I
Limp cloth, gilt lettered, 8vo I
Paper covers, 8vo I
Limp cloth, gilt lettered, 8vo 1 6
Gregory's (Rev. B.) Tracts for the Times.-No. 1. Honest Doubt.

Words and Music.

Words and Music, Tonic Sol-Fa Notation.

No. 2. Reason and Revelation.




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