"A neat little volume, profusely illustrated with characteristic woodcuts. His work has the merit of fidelity, and those who might be thinking of peneetrating to that region of fire and ice, will find in its pages many useful hints for their guidance.' Weekly Dispatch. "The author of the book before us, which is very tastefully got up and adorned with excellent illustrations, offers a new sensation to travellers, whether they be in search of the scientific or the picturesque, or only of more vigorous health. He suggests that they should try Iceland. His book is full of interest, as well from the manner of treatment, as from the scenes which it describes; the 'Pencil Sketches' of the author are remarkably good; and it has an appendix of some interest containing old Icelandic stories and fables of the north." Courant. "The author of 'Pen and Pencil Sketches' is fully equal to the work of writing excellent pure English; the style and entire literary execution of the volume being worthy of all praise. Without any pretentions to science, the geological features of the country through which the travellers pass are described with the utmost clearness; cloud, sea, hill, and valley are depicted with the graphic skill of a true painter, and the eloquence of a poet; vegetable and animal life are noted with the keen appreciation of one who has marked nature in all her moods, and has intense sympathy with all the handiworks of God. The pencil sketches, while displaying the facile hand of the limner, are in some cases not required, owing to the photographic minuteness and realism of the sketch with the pen." R. P. Magazine. "The fairy tales and stories from the Icelandic, printed in the appendix, may be called true photographs, replete with incidental descriptions of Icelandic habits and manners, and opening a far better insight into the working of the Icelandic mind than any philosphical analysis that could be offered. Real insight into Iceland and the islands visited, is furnished by the author's pencil sketches, and the fairy tales and translations of Icelandic poetry contained in the appendix; all of which go a good way to recommend the book to public favour." The Athenium. "Mr Symington devoted his summer holiday to a journey of which he has rendered a pleasant account in these pages; whilst the volume is rendered doubly interesting through the introduction of numerous clever woodcuts, executed by Mr W. J. Linton, from sketches made on the spot by the traveller." Manchester Examiner and Times. "Mr Symington has hitherto been known to the public through works of an imaginative and contemplative chracter. The work now before us will prove a very agreeable introduction to him as a traveller, and we are are not sorry to encounter a book of travels written in the vein which his earlier works indicate as most congenial to him. This is especially the case with a traveller in such a country as Iceland, where amid the over-awing loneliness of earth' you expect and desire your guide to be susceptible of some sensations different from those matter-of-fact reflections which fill the mind of the ordinary tourist. Mr Symington has enough of the true poet about him, To wander A-down some trolling burn's meander, and he is fitted therefore to meet and welcome the mighty influences, and the snow wastes, and volcanic peaks, of the mountain land which he visited; This and similar passages indicate that poetic faculty which gives a glory and beauty beyond their own to the weird wildness of Icelandic scenes and traditions. We are not surprised at the favourable impressions made on Mr Symington, by the primitive islanders and the magnificent regions which they inhabit; and we think his readers will like both him and his narrative." John Bull. Harebell Chimes; or, Summer Memories and Musings. By ANDREW JAMES SYMINGTON. Fcap. 8vo, pp. 264, cloth, 5s. "Exquisite transcripts of nature, true poet-artist's feeling, with power of giving expression to a beautiful thought in a few words. And, in all he writes, one can trace the man shining through the author, furnishing indications of a nature alive, not mearly to the beautiful, but also to the good. Such qualities are the root and best nourishment of genius.' Chambers's Edinburgh Journal. "Taste, feeling, and rancy, together with a healthy tone of thought." Sun. "Keen observation and love of nature, great power of picturesque description, united with considerable vigour in purely reflective passages.' The Parthenon. "Pleasing and suggestive; replete with natural feeling, and carefully as well as sweetly harmonised." Albion. "He talks with nature on the moor, in the meadows, the forest, and by the river's-side, at all hours of the day and night; and very pleasant converse he holds too. Art Journal. "We notice Mr Symington's little work with all the more pleasure for the rare excellence of botanical accuracy it invariably observes. Scottish Agricultural Journal. "To ardour and intensity of feeling, he unites exquisite taste, purity, and delicacy of thought, versatility as respects both subject and treatment, considerable range of imagination, judgment which holds the reins of fancy, and a curiosa felicitas in his choice of words, an eloquence and correctness of diction which at once astonish and delight us. At home equally in classic and continental literature, he is continually enriching his pages with allusions the most beautiful and recherche. Liverpool Chronicle. "A wide sympathy with the universal music and all-pervading beauty of nature; suffused with warmth of colouring and feeling.' Citizen. "A book of fantastic lyrics, some of them exceedingly good. It contains, besides, a poem entitled, Wanderings and jottings in the Walhalla of Memory," which has some good blank-verse lines on many topics-books, Douglas Jerrold's Weekly News. men, manners, art, and association." "Elevated of sentiment, tender of feeling, and full of delicate descriptive touches." Dumfries Herald. Constitutional. "Mr Symington is a scholar and a man of taste." "Filled with beautiful fancies and dainty conceits, forming quite a Greenock Advertiser. treasure-trove of fairy gifts and graces.' Harebell Chimes, when first "His poetry has found many admirers. published, was highly praised by Samuel Rogers; and another eminent critic has said, 'Every line in the volume is in fullest sympathy with what is lovely and honest, and of good report." The Poets and Poetry of Scotland. THE See "Dayspring" Aug. 1877. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. THE DAYSPRING is entirely an original Magazine, specially devoted to boys and girls, and it contains a "Corner" for contributions from themselves. 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