Reference Catalogue of Current Literature, Volum 4Whitaker, 1877 |
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... Lord's Prayer , & c . 24mo . In 1s . packets of 16 Books . 1. Our Father who art in Heaven . - 2 . Hallowed be Thy Name . -3 . Thy Kingdom Come . - 4 . Thy Will be Done . & c . , & c . Penny Books . By COUSIN KATE . 18mo . In 1s ...
... Lord's Prayer , & c . 24mo . In 1s . packets of 16 Books . 1. Our Father who art in Heaven . - 2 . Hallowed be Thy Name . -3 . Thy Kingdom Come . - 4 . Thy Will be Done . & c . , & c . Penny Books . By COUSIN KATE . 18mo . In 1s ...
Side 19
... Lord's Day of the Year . 10. SPIRIT OF THE OLD DIVINES . II . CHOICE GLEANINGS FROM SACRED Writers . 12. DIRECTION IN PRAYER ; or , The Lord's Prayer Illustrated in a Series of Expositions . BY PETER GRANT , D.D. , Author of ' Emblems ...
... Lord's Day of the Year . 10. SPIRIT OF THE OLD DIVINES . II . CHOICE GLEANINGS FROM SACRED Writers . 12. DIRECTION IN PRAYER ; or , The Lord's Prayer Illustrated in a Series of Expositions . BY PETER GRANT , D.D. , Author of ' Emblems ...
Side 14
... Lord Bishop of the Falkland Islands . With Maps and Portrait . Crown 8vo . 2s . Cloth . GARRATT . The Midnight Cry . A New Edition of the Exposition of the Parable of the Ten Virgins , and the Prophecy on the Mount . By the Rev. SAMUEL ...
... Lord Bishop of the Falkland Islands . With Maps and Portrait . Crown 8vo . 2s . Cloth . GARRATT . The Midnight Cry . A New Edition of the Exposition of the Parable of the Ten Virgins , and the Prophecy on the Mount . By the Rev. SAMUEL ...
Side 18
... Lord . Sunday in the Christian Year . Private Study . 16mo . 1s . 6d . Sunday - School Lessons . Explaining and ... Lord's Advent . By the Rev. E. HOLLOND , M. A. Crown Svo . Cloth . 1s . HOLWORTHY . Scylla and Charybdis ; or ...
... Lord . Sunday in the Christian Year . Private Study . 16mo . 1s . 6d . Sunday - School Lessons . Explaining and ... Lord's Advent . By the Rev. E. HOLLOND , M. A. Crown Svo . Cloth . 1s . HOLWORTHY . Scylla and Charybdis ; or ...
Side 20
... Lord ; being the Fourth Series of Lectures Preached at the Request of the Edinburgh Association for Promoting the Study of Prophecy . By the Rev. JAMES KELLY , M.A. Crown 8vo . 48. Cloth . The Apocalypse Interpreted in the Light of ...
... Lord ; being the Fourth Series of Lectures Preached at the Request of the Edinburgh Association for Promoting the Study of Prophecy . By the Rev. JAMES KELLY , M.A. Crown 8vo . 48. Cloth . The Apocalypse Interpreted in the Light of ...
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A. B. FROST Author BEETON'S bevelled boards Bible Book bound in cloth calf Cards Christ Christian Church cloth boards cloth extra cloth limp Coloured Frontispiece Coloured Illustrations containing Demy 8vo ditto EDINBURGH Engineers England English Engravings ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN F. W. Newman fancy wrapper cloth Fcap folio Foolscap 8vo Foolscap folio Frontispiece and Vignette full-page gilt edges GUSTAVE AIMARD half-bound Henry History Holy Hugh Miller Hymns inches JAMES JOHN late Rev Lectures Library limp cloth Little LL.D London Lord Lord's Prayer MARIA MONK Memoir morocco Mounted on rollers NELSON AND SONS numerous Oxford Packet Philips picture boards picture wrapper Pilgrim's Progress Plates Poems Portrait Post 8vo Prayer printed in Colours rollers and varnished Royal 18mo Royal 32mo royal 8vo School Scripture Second Edition Sermons sewed Sketches Small crown 8vo Story Tale Testament Text THOMAS Translated varnished Vignette volume WILLIAM Woodcuts wrapper cloth gilt Young
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Side 11 - The Greek Testament: with a critically revised Text; a Digest of Various Readings; Marginal References to verbal and Idiomatic Usage; Prolegomena; and a Critical and Exegetical Commentary. For the Use of Theological Students and Ministers, By HENRY ALFORD, DD, Dean of Canterbury. Vol. I., containing the Four Gospels.
Side 12 - And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand ; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. And Miriam answered them, Sing ye to the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously ; the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
Side 10 - College, and Rector of St. Botolph's, and the Rev. WJ Beamont, MA, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. With a Preface by the Lord Bishop of Winchester.
Side 9 - Thy ways like lost sheep ; we have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts ; we have offended against Thy Holy laws ; we have left undone those things which we ought to have done ; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done, and there is no health in us.
Side 13 - REIGN OF HENRY IV. 1399-1404. Edited by the Rev. FC HINGESTON, MA, of Exeter College, Oxford. 1860. This volume, like all the others in the series containing a miscellaneous selection of letters, is valuable on account of the light it throws upon biographical history, and the familiar view it presents of characters, manners, and events.
Side 19 - RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. 1864-1869. The present collection of Monastic Annals embraces all the more important chronicles compiled in religious houses in England during the thirteenth century.
Side 10 - Regis qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited by HENRY RICHARDS LUARD, MA, Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1858. The first is a poem in Norman French...
Side 4 - And Moses came and told the people all the words of the LORD, and all the judgments: and all the people answered with one voice, and said, All the words which the LORD hath said will we do.
Side 45 - A Treatise on Ropemaking as practised in public and private Rope-yards, with a Description of the Manufacture, Rules, Tables of Weights, etc., adapted to the Trade, Shipping, Mining, Railways, Builders, etc. By R. CHAPMAN, formerly foreman to Messrs. Huddart and Co., Limehouse, and late Master Ropemaker to HM Dockyard, Deptford. Second edition, I2mo, cloth, 3^. Laxtons Builders and Contractors' Tables ; for the use of Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, Builders, Land Agents, and others.