



"It is either we or they."


In 1924 Hitler wrote Mein Kampf-My Struggle— and since that date millions have mistaken it for a battle toward a new life for poor people. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Mein Kampf seeks nothing new; it returns to the old; it is a battle for barbarism. Hitler is just a smallpox germ writing of its fight with Jenner; an anthrax bacillus describing its struggle against Pasteur. Our Fathers fought many Hitlers. We thought that they were stamped out. A new one has bobbed up; and we must stamp him out again.

This Hitler is worse than his predecessors. This time despotism arrives in particularly ugly form. It is a call for revenge. Germany, once prostrate, now must arise and take command of the earth. Admiral Raeder recently told the shipyard workers that they would soon have jobs all over the world. These Nordics-superior people, according to Hugh Black more in a single

county of Scotland than in the entire Reich—are to rule the world and grind under heel those who once humbled Germany. Control is effected by violence. The State rests on murder. Man is only a cog in the machine. The State orders him, what he learns, what he hears. It determines what shelters him, feeds and clothes him, what drugs and stimulants are chosen to be administered to him.

Hitler fights Mein Kampf; we fight Unser Kampf; Hitler fights his battle; we fight our battle. The struggle is to kill off for good this smallpox and anthrax, to cut down this evil, to keep this serpent from creeping into our paradise.

Leland Stowe recently in a public address said that our struggle all boils down to this, "Are you a man or are you a worm?" The Greeks, the Finns, the British strike themselves on the chest and say, "This job is mine. I am responsible. Come what may I am a man; and, to be able to face my Creator and look Him in the eye, I cannot collaborate with the Devil. If I must be with the worms, at least I shall be dead."

This is Unser Kampf, Our Struggle.

This struggle is not new. It has been going for ages. Our fathers fought this battle. We are their successors. We shall carry on the fight, and with God's help we shall triumph.

It is the purpose of this book to make clear Our Struggle, why we fought and fight, and what our objectives have been and are.



"La collaboration Franco-Allemande pour la reconstruction de la paix en Europe est un chemin vers l'esclavage.


In the South of France there is a town which before the War was most comfortable and pleasant. The people rode to work on their bicycles, the farmers' wives brought their produce to town, every Tuesday there was the market, and twice a month the Horse Fair was held to bring in money. Maréchal Foch was born there; and from there D'Artagnan started out on his queer horse to join the Three Musketeers. People used to growl about politics; they objected to Communist meetings in the park on Sunday; but those who wished could go to the cathedral, and all were free to say their say. For recreation, the people would go to the movies, climb the mountains, fish the streams, and of evenings sit in the cafés. There was a local society which would practice in the City Hall of evenings. Whenever there was a local feast or special occasion they would provide the entertainment, playing

the hautboy and other ancient instruments, dancing the old dances, singing the old songs, all in the old


These people dreaded war; the husbands and fathers seemed to be just back from the last one; and the long lists of dead on the War Monuments, even in the small villages round about, made them mourn. So when the new war came and then was over so quickly, one can understand why there was such relief. The boys were saved. The husbands would return. The cathedral at Chartres had not been destroyed. Paris was intact. Maybe the Germans would not be so bad. The Lavals and Flandins had said that French could get along with Germans, and Hitler had proclaimed that he had no quarrel with France.

Tarbes is in Free France. It is under the control of Maréchal Pétain. Yet certain items in the local newspapers during last November show that the country is not the same as it used to be. The first item reads as follows:

Reception of Radio Programs

All radio reception from Britain or from other countries conducting anti-French propaganda is prohibited on the streets or in any public place. Every violator shall be brought to Court immediately. The radio receiver shall be confiscated.

The second is a series of notices which read as follows:

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