

76. The proof necessary to establish the citizenship of applicants for mining patents must be made in the following manner: In case of an incorporated company, a certified copy of their charter or certificate of incorporation must be filed. In case of an association of persons unincorporated, the affidavit of their duly authorized agent, made upon his own knowledge or upon information and belief, setting forth the residence of each person forming such association, must be submitted. This affidavit must be accompanied by a power of attorney from the parties forming such association, authorizing the person who makes the affidavit of citizenship to act for them in the matter of their application for patent.

77. In case of an individual or an association of individuals who do not appear by their duly authorized agent, you will require the affidavit of each applicant, showing whether he is a native or naturalized citizen, when and where born, and his residence.

78. In case an applicant has declared his intention to become a citizen or has been naturalized, his affidavit must show the date, place, and the court before which he declared his intention, or from which his certificate of citizenship issued, and present residence.

79. The affidavit of the claimant as to his citizenship may be taken before the register or receiver, or any other officer authorized to administer oaths within the land district; or, if the claimant is residing beyond the limits of the district, the affidavit may be taken before the clerk of any court of record or before any notary public of any State or Territory.

80. If citizenship is established by the testimony of disinterested persons, such testimony may be taken at any place, before any person authorized to administer oaths, and whose official character is duly verified.


81. Section 2326, and the act of April 26, 1882, provide for adverse claims, fix the time within which they shall be filed to have legal effect, and prescribe the manner of their adjustment, etc.

82. An adverse mining claim must be filed with the register and receiver of the land office where the application for patent was filed, or with the register and receiver of the district in which the land is situated at the time of filing the adverse claim. It must be on the oath of the adverse claimant, or it may be verified by the oath of any duly authorized agent or attorney-in-fact of the adverse claimant, cognizant of the facts stated.

83. Where an agent or an attorney-in-fact verifies the adverse claim, he must distinctly swear that he is such agent or attorney, and accompany his affidavit by proof thereof.

84. The agent or attorney-in-fact must make the affidavit in verification of the adverse claim within the land district where the claim is situated..

85. The adverse notice must fully set forth the nature and extent of the interference or conflict; whether the adverse party claims as a purchaser for valuable consideration or as a locator; if the former, a

certified copy of the original location, the original conveyance, a duly certified copy thereof, or an abstract of title from the office of the proper recorder should be furnished, or if the transaction was a merely verbal one he will narrate the circumstances attending the purchase, the date thereof, and the amount paid, which facts should be supported by the affidavit of one or more witnesses, if any were present at the time, and if he claims as a locator he must file a duly certified copy of the location from the office of the proper recorder.

86. In order that the "boundaries" and "extent" of the claim may be shown, it will be incumbent upon the adverse claimant to file a plat showing his entire claim, its relative situation or position with the one against which he claims, and the extent of the conflict. This plat must be made from an actual survey by a United States deputy surveyor, who will officially certify thereon to its correctness; and in addition there must be attached to such plat of survey a certificate or sworn statement by the surveyor as to the approximate value of the labor performed or improvements made upon the claim by the adverse party or his predecessors in interest, and the plat must indicate the position of any shafts, tunnels, or other improvements, if any such exist, upon the claim of the party opposing the application, and by which party said improvements were made: Provided, however, that, if the application for patent describes the claim by legal subdivisions, the adverse claimant, if also claiming by legal subdivisions, may describe his adverse claim in the same manner without further survey or plat.

87. Upon the foregoing being filed within the sixty days as aforesaid, the register, or in his absence the receiver, will give notice in writing to both parties to the contest that such adverse claim has been filed, informing them that the party who filed the adverse claim will be required within thirty days from the date of such filing to commence proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction to determine the question of right of possession, and to prosecute the same with reasonable diligence to final judgment, and that, should such adverse claimant fail to do so, his adverse claim will be considered waived, and the application for patent be allowed to proceed upon its merits.

88. When an adverse claim is filed as aforesaid, the register or receiver will indorse upon the same the precise date of filing, and preserve a record of the date of notifications issued thereon; and thereafter all proceedings on the application for patent will be suspended, with the exception of the completion of the publication and posting of notices and plat, and the filing of the necessary proof thereof. until the controversy shall have been adjudicated in court, or the adverse claim waived or withdrawn.

89. Where an adverse claim has been filed and suit thereon commenced within the statutory period, and final judgment determining the right of possession rendered in favor of the applicant, it will not be sufficient for him to file with the register a certificate of the clerk of the court, setting forth the facts as to such judgment, but he must, before he is allowed to make entry, file a certified copy of the judgment, together with the other evidence required by section 2326, Revised Statutes.

90. Where such suit has been dismissed, a certificate of the clerk of the court to that effect, or a certified copy of the order of dismis sal, will be sufficient.

91. In no case will a relinquishment of the ground in controversy, or other proof, filed with the register or receiver, be accepted in lieu of the evidence required.

92. Where an adverse claim has been filed, but no suit commenced against the applicant for patent within the statutory period, a certificate to that effect by the clerk of the State court having jurisdiction in the case, and also by the clerk of the Circuit Court of the United States for the district in which the claim is situated, will be required.

93. A party who is not an applicant for patent under section 2325, Revised Statutes, or the assignee of such applicant, is not entitled to make entry under said section, and in no case will the name of such party be inserted in the certificate of entry. This regulation has no reference to proceedings under section 2326.

94. Any party applying to make entry as trustee must disclose fully the nature of the trust and the name of the cestui que trust; and such trustee, as well as the beneficiaries must furnish satisfactory proof of citizenship; and the names of beneficiaries as well as that of the trustee must be inserted in the final certificate of entry.

95. No entry will be allowed until the register has satisfied himself, by a careful examination, that proper proofs have been filed upon all the points indicated in official regulations in force, and that they show a sufficient bona fide compliance with the laws and such regulations.

96. The administration of the mining laws as prescribed by these regulations will be, as far as applicable, adopted for and extended to Alaska.

(1) The ex-officio register, receiver, and surveyor-general, while acting as such, and their clerks and deputy surveyors, will be deemed subject to the laws and regulations governing the official conduct and responsibilities of similar officers and persons under general statutes of the United States.

(2) The Commissioner of the General Land Office will exercise the same general supervision over the execution of the laws as are or may be exercised by him in other mineral districts.


97. Section 2334 provides for the appointment of surveyors of mineral claims, authorizes the Commissioners of the General Land Office to establish the rates to be charged for surveys and for newspaper publications.

Under this authority of law the following rates have been established as the maximum charges for newspaper publications in mining


(1) Where a daily newspaper is designated, the charge shall not exceed seven dollars for each ten lines of space occupied, and where a weekly newspaper is designated as the medium of publication, five

dollars for the same space will be allowed. Such charge shall be accepted as full payment for publication in each issue of the newspaper for the entire period required by law.

It is expected that these notices shall not be so abbreviated as to curtail the description essential to a perfect notice, and the said rates established upon the understanding that they are to be in the usual body-type used for advertisements.

(2) For the publication of citations in contests or hearings involving the character of lands, the charges shall not exceed eight dollars for five publications in weekly newspapers, or ten dollars for publications. in daily newspapers for thirty days.

98. The surveyors-general of the several districts will, in pursuance of said law, appoint in each land district as many competent deputies for the survey of mining claims as may seek such appointment; it being distinctly understood that all expenses of these notices and surveys are to be borne by the mining claimants and not by the United States; the system of making deposits for mineral surveys, as required by previous instructions, being hereby revoked as regards field work; the claimant having the option of employing any deputy surveyor within such district to do his work in the field.

99. With regard to the platting of the claim and other office work in the surveyor-general's office, that officer will make an estimate of the cost thereof, which amount the claimant will deposit with any assistant United States treasurer or designated depository in favor of the United States Treasurer, to be passed to the credit of the fund created by individual depositors for surveys of the public lands," and file with the surveyor-general duplicate certificates of such deposit in the usual manner.


100. The surveyors-general will endeavor to appoint mineral deputy surveyors, so that one or more may be located in each mining district for the greater convenience of miners.

101. The usual oaths will be required of these deputies and their assistants as to the correctness of each survey executed by them.

The duty of the deputy mineral surveyor ceases when he has executed the survey and returned the field-notes and preliminary plat thereof with his report to the surveyor-general. He will not be allowed to prepare for the mining claimant the papers in support of an application for patent, or otherwise perform the duties of an attorney before the land office in connection with a mining claim.

The surveyors-general and local land officers are expected to report any infringement of this regulation to this office.

102. The law requires that each applicant shall file with the register and receiver a sworn statement of all charges and fees paid by him for publication of notice and for survey, together with all fees and money paid the register and receiver, which sworn statement is required to be transmitted to this office for the information of the Commissioner.

103. Should it appear that excessive or exorbitant charges have been made by any surveyor or any publisher, prompt action will be taken with the view of correcting the abuse.

104. The fees payable to the register and receiver for filing and acting upon applications for mineral land patents are five dollars to each

officer, to be paid by the applicant for patent at the time of filing, and the like sum of five dollars is payable to each officer by an adverse claimant at the time of filing his adverse claim. (Sec. 2238, R. S., paragraph 9.)

105. All fees or charges under this law may be paid in United States currency.

106. The register and receiver will, at the close of each month, forward to this office an abstract of mining applications filed, and a register of receipts, accompanied with an abstract of mineral lands sold, and an abstract of adverse claims filed.

107. The fees and purchase money received by registers and receivers must be placed to the credit of the United States in the receiver's monthly and quarterly account, charging up in the disbursing account the sums to which the register and receiver may be respectively entitled as fees and commissions, with limitations in regard to the legal maximum.


108. The Rules of Practice in cases before the United States district land offices, the General Land Office, and the Department of the Interior," approved August 13, 1885, will, as far as applicable, govern in all cases and proceedings arising in contests, and hearings to determine the mineral or non-mineral character of lands.

109. No public land shall be withheld from entry as agricultural land on account of its mineral character, except such as is returned by the surveyor-general as mineral; and the presumption arising from such a return may be overcome by testimony taken in the manner hereinafter described.

110. Hearings to determine the character of lands are practically of two kinds, as follows:

(1) When lands are returned as mineral by the surveyor-general. When such lands are sought to be entered as agricultural under laws which require the submission of final proof after due notice by publication and posting, the filing of the proper non-mineral affidavit in the absence of allegations that the land is mineral will be deemed sufficient as a preliminary requirement. A satisfactory showing as to character of land must be made when final proof is submitted.

In case of application to enter, locate, or select such lands as agricultural, under laws in which the submission of final proof after due publication and posting is not required, notice thereof must first be given by publication for thirty days and posting in the local office during the same period, and affirmative proof as to the character of the land submitted. In the absence of allegations that the land is mineral, and upon compliance with this requirement, the entry, location, or selection will be allowed, if otherwise regular.

(2) When lands which are sought to be entered as agricultural are alleged by affidavit to be mineral or when sought as mineral their nonmineral character is alleged. The proceedings in this class of cases

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