NEGLIGENCE — continued. in mining on lands of others, 690, 694, 701. law of, in relation to health and safety statutes, 785-793. of lessee in working mine, 100-102, 106. of tenants for life in working mine, 8, 12. NON-ABANDONMENT, proof of, 358, 361–363. NON-EXISTENCE OF MINERALS, effect of, on lease, 88-100. on covenant to mine, 106-108. NON-RESIDENTS, application for patent by, 359, 360. NON-USER, abandonment not presumed from, 670, incorporeal right not lost by, 66. right to minerals not lost by, 568, 571-574. NOTICE, of abandonment, 171, 172. of application for patent, 357, 358, 364–368. no one entitled to personal, 534, 538. of forfeiture, 149–153, 156. of Land Office proceedings, 364, 368. of location, 234, 239. contents of, 234, 235, 239. posting without discovery gives no right, 223. removal and defacement of, 235. rules and regulations as to, 282, 288-290, 293. time of posting, 223, 236. usually same as location certificate, 243, 244. when required, 234, 235, 237, 238. of mining operations, 141. of release of obligation of surface support, 676, 683, 684. to quit, 68-71, 142–144, 151. to subsequent purchaser, 243. NUISANCE, blasting, 680. interference with water right, 641, 643, 650. pollution of stream, 613, 615–620, 622, 624, 626, 627. OATH. See AFFIDAVITS. OCCUPANCY, title by, 319-330. OIL AND GAS LEASES, 74-83, 157. See LEASE. abandonment of, 75, 112, 171, 174. covenants in, 110-112. distinguished, 103. from incorporeal right, 79, 80. duty of lessee under, 101, 103. restrictions on operations under, 79, 82. when title is inchoate under, 171, 174. OIL AND GAS RIGHTS. See OIL AND GAS LEASES. disturbance of, 81. ejectment will not lie for, 81. OIL AND NATURAL GAS, nature of, 30, 32, 33, 175. covenants to conduct operations for, 110-112. trespass or trover for, 700, 702. OIL LANDS, location of, 198, 478. OPEN MINES, tenant for life may work, 8-15. tenant for years may work, 15-17. OPTION, 72, 75, 108, 140, 167. ORE LEAVE, value of, 26, 27. OUTCROP, 442, 444, 465, 466. OUTLETS, right of way for, 592. OWNER OF LAND. See LANDOWNER'S RIGHTS. PAINT ROCK, location of, 481. PARALLELISM OF END LINES. See LINES OF LODE CLAIM. injunction pending, 19, 20, 720. of ditches and water rights, 748, 749. of incorporeal rights, no, 54, 56. of land containing mines, 19-25, 28, 29. of mines, 747-750. of mining claims, 318, 325, 747–750. PARTNER. See ACCOUNT; MINING PARTNERSHIP. fraud by, 706, 707, 709, 713, 715. location by, 208-213, 314, 339, 345. PARTNERSHIP, 750-765. agreement not a conveyance, 339, 345. PATENT, 347-436. application for, 357-368. as evidence, 415, 419, 431, 464. cancellation of, 415, 416, 421, 425. conclusiveness of, 392, 415-431, 481, 489, 490, 511, 513, 515, 518–520, 522, 523, 525, 533-536, 543. description in, 373, 427. effect of, 392, 415–431. for lode discovered in tunnel, 496. for mill site, 504-510. for mineral land in town site, 513, 524, 525. for placer claim, 477, 481. for tunnel claim, none will issue. 496. form of, 371, 372, 514, 519, 521, 522, 539. form of placer, 484, 490, 492, 494. is a grant, 415, 418, 425, 428, 430. is a judgment, 415, 418, 420, 428, 529. is prima facie evidence of title, 338. may include several claims, 256, 259–261. presumption of validity of, 431, 433, 434, 490. proceedings to obtain, 347-382. qualifications of applicant for, 318. relates to what date, 417, 418, 421-423, 425, 426, 428, 430. right to, under Statute of Limitations, 349, 351, 361, 568, 572. Statute of Limitations runs from date of, 569–572. to co-owner, 744, 746. vacation of, 415, 416, 421, 425, 431-436, 524, 538, 555. what passes by placer, 484-494. when void, 415-417, 419, 420, 425, 426, 429, 430, 491, 511, 519, 522, 542, when voidable, 429, 431-436. PATENTEE, when adverse claim must be filed by, 382, 392, 401, 406. PAYMENT OF PURCHASE MONEY. See PURCHASE MONEY. PENALTY FOR BREACH OF COVENANT OR CONDITION, 149, 157, 158, 161–165, 167. PERCOLATIONS. See SUBTERRANEAN STREAMS. PERMANENT MONUMENT, in description of mining claim, 243, 244, 246-250. PHOSPHATE DEPOSITS, lxxvii, 180-183, 200, 540, 545. PIPE LINE, minerals under, 191-193. support of, 191–193, 677. PLACER, what is, xciii, cxvi, cxxi, 476, 481, 488. annual work on, 265, 266, 273, 274, 277, 279. by association, 220, 222, 480. lodes in. See LODES IN PLACERS. marking on ground, 229, 231, 232, 234, 477, 479. patent for, 477, 481. shape of, 260. survey of, 353-355, 477, 480, 481. what passes by patent of, 484-494. PLATINUM, xcvii. PLEADING, in action on adverse claim, 385, 386, 389, 391, 393-400. of abandonment, 296–298. of forfeiture, 301, 305, 338, 401. of custom as to appropriation of water, 658. POCKETS OF ORE, cxvi, cxx. POLICE, mining, 783. POLLUTION OF STREAMS, 613–629. POSSESSION. See ADVERSE POSSESSION; POSSESSION OF MINING CLAIM. action for, 331-338. based on location, 307, 308, 312, 317, 321-323, 325–360. defined by boundary marks, 230. of lode claim, what is embraced by, 437-472. of placer claim, what is embraced by, 478, 480. of surface. See SURFACE RIGHTS. of water, 644, 646, 656. pending performance of acts of location, 223–226. prevents relocation, 199, 309-312, 315. POSSESSION OF MINING CLAIM, actual possession not necessary to, 272, 317, 320, 321, 325–330. conveyance of, 211, 295-299, 323, 338-346. depends on priority of location, 318–330. is real estate, 318-320, 322-325, 328, 329, 331, 333, 338-346 necessary to support ejectment, 317-330. POSSESSION OF MINING CLAIM-continued not resting on location, 318-322, 324–326. termination of, 318,319, 323. See ABANDONMENT OF MINING CLAIM ; when vests, 229. POSSESSORY TITLE TO MINING CLAIM. See POSSESSION OF PREFERENCE, of rent, 117, 121. of wages, 711-780. right of purchase of coal land, 548, 552, 553, 556, 558-561. description in lease of, 123-127. PREROGATIVE 178, 179. PRESCRIPTION, RIGHT TO MINES OF PRECIOUS METALS, title to water right by, 667-669. PRESUMPTION, as to character of land, 376-382. as to existence of lodes in placer ground, 484, 490. in action on adverse claim, no, 386, 390. of abandonment, 295, 296, 299. of citizenship, 202, 205, 207. of discovery, 221, 239, 241, 373. of location, 346. of marking location, 228, 230, 232. of ownership of minerals in lode claim, 443, 468. of posting of notice of location, 235-238. of validity of location, 239, 241, 322, 568. of validity of patent, 431, 433, 434, 490. that lands are public, 198. that lode extends full length of claim, 464. PRICE, of coal lands, 549, 550, 556, 559. of lodes, 800. of lodes in placers, 482. of placers, 804. PRINCIPAL AND AGENT. See AGENT. PRIORITY, of appropriation of water right. See WATER RIGHTS. |