
For yet ne was ther no man that him sewed.
O destinee, that mayst nat ben eschewèd!
Allas, that Chauntecleer fleigh fro the

Allas, his wyf ne roghte nat of dremes! 520
And on a Friday fil al this meschaunce.
O Venus, that art goddesse of plesaunce,
Sin that thy servant was this Chauntecleer,
And in thy service dide al his poweer,
More for delyt, than world to multiplye, 525
Why woldestow suffre him on thy day to

O Gaufred, dere mayster soverayn,

That, whan thy worthy king Richard was slayn

With shot, compleynedest his deth so sore, Why ne hadde I now thy sentence and thy lore,


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Whan he hadde hent king Priam by the berd,
And slayn him (as saith us Eneydos),
As maden alle the hennes in the clos,
Whan they had seyn of Chauntecleer the

But sovereynly dame Pertelote shrighte,
Ful louder than dide Hasdrubales wyf,
Whan that hir housbond hadde lost his lyf,
And that the Romayns hadde brend Cartage,
She was so ful of torment and of rage, 546
That wilfully into the fyr she sterte,
And brende hir-selven with a stedfast herte.
O woful hennes, right so cryden ye,
As, whan that Nero brende the citee
Of Rome, cryden senatoures wyves,
For that hir housbondes losten alle hir

Withouten gilt this Nero hath hem slayn.
Now wol I torne to my tale agayn:


This sely widwe, and eek hir doghtres two, Herden thise hennes crye and maken wo, 556 And out at dores sterten thay anoon, And syen the fox toward the grove goon, And bar upon his bak the cok away; And cryden, 'Out! harrow! and weylaway! Ha, ha, the fox!' and after him they ran, And eek with staves many another man; 562 Ran Colle our dogge, and Talbot, and Gerland,

And Malkin, with a distaf in hir hand; 564 Ran cow and calf, and eek the verray hogges

So were they fered for berking of the dogges
And shouting of the men and wimmen eke,
They ronne so, hem thoughte hir herte breke.
They yelleden as feendes doon in helle;
The dokes cryden as men wolde hem quelle;
The gees for fere flowen over the trees; 571
Out of the hyve cam the swarm of bees;
So hidous was the noyse, a! benedicite!
Certes, he Iakke Straw, and his meynee,
Ne maden nevere shoutes half so shrille, 575
Whan that they wolden any Fleming kille,
As thilke day was maad upon the fox.
Of bras thay broghten bemes, and of box,
Of horn, of boon, in whiche they blewe and

And therwithal thay shrykèd and they houped;


It semèd as that hevene sholde falle.
Now, gode men, I pray yow herkneth alle!
Lo, how fortune turneth sodeinly

The hope and pryde eek of hir enemy!
This cok, that lay upon the foxes bak, 585
In al his drede, un-to the fox he spak,
And seyde, 'Sire, if that I were as ye,
Yet sholde I seyn (as wis God helpe me),
"Turneth agayn, ye proude cherles alle!
A verray pestilence up-on yow falle!
Now am I come un-to this wodes syde,
Maugree your heed, the cok shal heer


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I shal seye sooth to yow, God help me so.' 'Nay than,' quod he, I shrewe us bothe two, And first I shrewe my-self, bothe blood and bones, 607

If thou bigyle me ofter than ones.
Thou shalt namore, thurgh thy flaterye
Do me to singe and winke with myn yë. 610
For he that winketh, whan he sholde see,
Al wilfully, God lat him never thee!'
'Nay,' quod the fox, but God yive him

That is so undiscreet of governaunce,
That iangleth whan he sholde holde his pees.'



Lo, swich it is for to be recchelees, And necligent, and truste on flaterye. But ye that holden this tale a folye, As of a fox, or of a cok and hen, Taketh the moralitee, good men. For seint Paul seith, that al that writen is, To our doctryne it is y-write, y-wis. Taketh the fruyt, and lat the chaf be stille. Now, gode God, if that it be thy wille, 624 As seith my lord, so make us alle good men; And bringe us to his heighe blisse. Amen.

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SIR THOMAS MALORY (c. 1400-1471)

Concerning the life of the author of the Morte d'Arthur little is known. He was born about the year 1400, lived at Newbold Revell, was knighted, and represented Warwickshire in parliament in 1445. He was a gentleman of an ancient house and a soldier,' belonging to the most highly cultivated society of his day. Malory was prominent on the Lancastrian side in the Wars of the Roses, and his military service extended to France, where he was associated with Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, a knight distinguished throughout Europe as the embodiment of the chivalric ideal and as the father of courtesy.' Certain of the Earl of Warwick's exploits provide a rapid and highly colored narrative not unlike that of the Morte d'Arthur itself. It would seem, then, that Sir Thomas Malory was in every way endowed for composing the chivalric compilation by which he is now chiefly known.

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William Caxton (c. 1422-1491) deserves a place by the side of Malory in the literary history of the fifteenth century not only because he edited and published the Morte d'Arthur, but also because he brought into print numerous other works of romance. After a considerable period of activity as a merchant, Caxton began his career as printer, translator, and editor by issuing at Bruges, about 1475, the first book printed in English, The Recuyell of the Histories of Troy. Caxton translated this work himself, from the French of Raoul le Fevre. In 1476 he returned to England, and set up his press in Westminster, where he finished printing, on November 18, 1477, The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers, the first dated book issued in England. From his press in Westminster, Caxton issued some seventy-one separate works, of which Malory's Morte d'Arthur was the fifty-second.



and the third, Julius Cæsar, Emperor of Rome, of whom the histories be well known and had. And as for the three Jews which also were to-fore the Incar5 nation of our Lord, of whom the first was Duke Joshua which brought the children of Israel into the land of behest; the second, David, King of Jerusalem; and the third, Judas Maccabæus: of these three

After that I had accomplished and finished divers histories, as well of contemplation as of other historical and worldly acts of great conquerors and princes, and also certain books of ensamples and doctrine, many noble and divers gentlemen of this realm of England came and demanded me, many and ofttimes, wherefore that I 10 the Bible rehearseth all their noble histohave not do made and enprint the noble ries and acts. And since the said Incarhistory of the Sangreal, and of the most nation have been three noble christian renowned christian king, first and chief of men stalled and admitted through the unithe three best christian and worthy, King versal world into the number of the nine Arthur, which ought most to be remem- 15 best and worthy, of whom was first the bered among us Englishmen to-fore all noble Arthur, whose noble acts I purpose other christian kings. For it is noto- to write in this present book here followriously known through the universal world ing. The second was Charlemagne, or that there be nine worthy and the best Charles the Great, of whom the history is that ever were. That is to wit three pay- 20 had in many places, both in French and nims, three Jews, and three christian men. English; and the third and last was GodAs for the paynims they were to-fore frey of Boloine, of whose acts and life I the Incarnation of Christ, which were made a book unto the excellent prince and named, the first, Hector of Troy, of whom king of noble memory, King Edward the the history is come both in ballad and in 25 Fourth. The said noble gentlemen inprose; the second, Alexander the Great; stantly required me to enprint the history



of the said noble king and conqueror, King
Arthur, and of his knights, with the his-
tory of the Sangreal, and of the death and
ending of the said Arthur; affirming that I
ought rather to enprint his acts and noble
feats, than of Godfrey of Boloine, or any
of the other eight, considering that he was
a man born within this realm, and king
and emperor of the same; and that there
be in French divers and many noble vol- 10
umes of his acts, and also of his knights.
To whom I answered, that divers men
hold opinion that there was no such Ar-
thur, and that all such books as been made
of him be feigned and fables, because that 15
some chronicles make of him no mention,
nor remember him no thing, nor of his
knights. Whereto they answered, and one
in special said, that in him that should
say or think that there was never such a 20
king called Arthur, might well be aretted
great folly and blindness; for he said that
there were many evidences of the con-
trary: first ye may see his sepulture in the
monastery of Glastonbury. And also in
Polichronicon, in the fifth book the sixth
chapter, and in the seventh book the
twenty-third chapter, where his body was
buried, and after found, and translated
into the said monastery. Ye shall see 30
also in the history of Bochas, in his book
De Casu Principum, part of his noble acts,
and also of his fall. Also Galfridus in his
British book recounteth his life; and in
divers places of England many remem- 35
brances be yet of him and shall remain
perpetually, and also of his knights. First
in the Abbey of Westminster, at Saint
Edward's shrine, remaineth the print of
his seal in red wax closed in beryl, in 40
which is written Patricius Arthurus, Brit-
annie, Gallie, Germanie, Dacie, Imperator.
Item in the castle of Dover ye may see
Gawaine's skull and Craddock's mantle :
at Winchester the Round Table: in other 45
places Launcelot's sword and many other
things. Then all these things considered,
there can no man reasonably gainsay but
there was a king of this land named Ar-
thur. For in all places, christian and 50
heathen, he is reputed and taken for one
of the nine worthy, and the first of the
three christian men. And also he is more
spoken of beyond the sea, more books
made of his noble acts, than there be in 55
England, as well in Dutch, Italian, Span-
ish, and Greek, as in French. And yet of
record remain in witness of him in Wales,

in the town of Camelot, the great stones and marvelous works of iron, lying under the ground, and royal vaults, which divers now living have seen. Wherefore it is a marvel why he is no more renowned in his own country, save only it accordeth to the Word of God, which saith that no man is accept for a prophet in his own country.

Then all these things foresaid alleged, I could not well deny but that there was such a noble king named Arthur, and reputed one of the nine worthy, and first and chief of the christian men; and many noble volumes be made of him and of his noble knights in French, which I have seen and read beyond the sea, which be not had in our maternal tongue, but in Welsh be many and also in French, and some in English, but nowhere nigh all. Wherefore, such as have late been drawn out briefly into English I have after the simple conning that God hath sent to me, under the favor and correction of all noble lords and gentlemen, emprised to enprint a book of the noble histories of the said King Arthur, and of certain of his knights, after a copy unto me delivered, which copy Sir Thomas Malory did take out of certain books of French, and reduced it into English. And I, according to my copy, have done set it in enprint, to the intent that noble men may see and learn the noble acts of chivalry, the gentle and virtuous deeds that some knights used in those days, by which they came to honor; and how they that were vicious were punished and oft put to shame and rebuke; humbly beseeching all noble lords and ladies, with all other estates, of what estate or degree they been of, that shall see and read in this said book and work, that they take the good and honest acts in their remembrance, and to follow the same. Wherein they shall find many joyous and pleasant histories, and noble and renowned acts of humanity, gentleness, and chivalries. For herein may be seen noble chivalry, courtesy, humanity, friendliness, hardiness, love, friendship, cowardice, murder, hate, virtue, and sin, Do after the good and leave the evil, and it shall bring you to good fame and renown. And for to pass the time this book shall be pleasant to read in; but for to give faith and belief that all is true that is contained herein, ye be at your liberty; but all is written for our doctrine, and

for to beware that we fall not to vice nor sin; but to exercise and follow virtue; by which we may come and attain to good fame and renown in this life, and after this short and transitory life, to come unto everlasting bliss in heaven, the which he grant us that reigneth in heaven, the blessed Trinity. Amen.

teen chapters. The twelfth book treateth of Sir Launcelot and his madness, and containeth fourteen chapters. The thirteenth book treateth how Galahad 5 came first to King Arthur's court, and the quest how the Sangreal was begun, and containeth twenty chapters. The fourteenth book treateth of the quest of the Sangreal, and containeth ten chapters. The fifteenth book treateth of Sir Launcelot, and containeth six chapters. The sixteenth book treateth of Sir Bors and Sir Lionel his brother, and containeth seventeen chapters. The seventeenth book treateth of the Sangreal, and containeth twenty-three chapters. The eighteenth book treateth of Sir Launcelot and the queen, and containeth twenty-five chapters. The nineteenth book treateth of Queen Guenever and Launcelot, and containeth thirteen chapters. The twentieth book treateth of the piteous death of Arthur, and containeth twenty-two chapters. The twenty-first book treateth of his last departing, and how Sir Launcelot came to revenge his death, and containeth thirteen chapters. The sum is twenty-one books, which contain the sum of five hundred and seven chapters, as more plainly shall follow hereafter.

Then to proceed forth in this said book, which I direct unto all noble princes, lords, 10 and ladies, gentlemen or gentlewomen, that desire to read or hear read of the noble and joyous history of the great conqueror and excellent king, King Arthur, sometime king of this noble realm, then 15 called Britain. I, William Caxton, simple person, present this book following, which I have emprised to enprint; and treateth of the noble acts, feats of arms of chivalry, prowess, hardiness, humanity, 20 love, courtesy and very gentleness, with many wonderful histories and adventures. And for to understand briefly the content of this volume, I have divided it into twenty-one books, and every book chap- 25 tered as hereafter shall by God's grace follow. The first book shall treat how Uther Pendragon gat the noble conqueror King Arthur, and containeth twenty-eight chapters. The second book treateth of 30 Balin the noble knight, and containeth nineteen chapters. The third book treateth of the marriage of King Arthur to Queen Guenever, with other matters, and containeth fifteen chapters. The fourth 35 book, how Merlin was assotted, and of war made to King Arthur, and containeth twenty-nine chapters. The fifth book. treateth of the conquest of Lucius the emperor, and containeth twelve chapters. 40 The sixth book treateth of Sir Launcelot and Sir Lionel, and marvelous adventures, and containeth eighteen chapters. The seventh book treateth of a noble knight called Sir Gareth, and named by Sir Kay, Beaumains, and containeth thirty-six chapters. The eighth book treateth of the birth of Sir Tristram the noble knight, and of his acts, and containeth forty-one chapters. The ninth book treat-50 eth of a knight named by Sir Kay, Le Cote Male Taille, and also of Sir Tristram, and containeth forty-four chapters. The tenth book treateth of Sir Tristram and other marvelous adventures, and 55 containeth eighty-eight chapters. The eleventh book treateth of Sir Launcelot and Sir Galahad, and containeth four





As Sir Mordred was ruler of all England, he did do make letters as though that they came from beyond the sea, and the letters specified that King Arthur was slain in battle with Sir Launcelot. Wherefore Sir Mordred made a parliament, and called the lords together, and there he made them to choose him king; and so was he crowned at Canterbury, and held a feast there fifteen days; and afterward he drew him unto Winchester, and there he took the Queen Guenever, and said plainly that he would wed her which was his uncle's wife and his father's wife. And so he made ready for the feast, and a day prefixed that they should be wedded; wherefore Queen Guenever was

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