


DISCUSSIONS Concerning Skye Terriers have been numerous in the past, the most notable being that of twenty years ago, which dragged its slow length through the columns of the Country for many months, and was repeated ad nauseam in several other journals. In the first Edition of this work were given the views of the contending parties at considerable length. It is unnecessary to do so now, for the description as originally drawn up by the Skye Terrier Club is acknowledged by the Fancy generally.

The dog Gare!och, that was put forth to represent the Roseneath type, was not so long in proportion to height as the prick-eared Monarch, which was chosen to represent the generally accepted type. Gareloch was also, apparently, much shorter in coat. These, and softness in the texture of coat, were the main points that the advocates of the Roseneath strain contended the Monarch type were wrong in. These gentlemen asserted that the dogs that won at English shows were in length of body out of just proportion to height; that the coat was of a "soft, silky, and also a Berlin-wool texture," and that it was in length from 8in. to 12in. Such statements were inaccurate. Eventually the advocates of the Roseneath type of dog drew up a description (and it duly received a number of signatures), as a kind of protest against the description furnished. by the Skye Terrier Club. When, however, the two came to be seriously compared there was little that was not common to both.

There are some fanciers who hold that the Skye Terrier is a comparatively modern production, and that the Scottish Terrier is the oldest of Scotland's Terriers; while there are others who assert that the long-haired dog suggested by Caius in his "English Dogges," is a Skye Terrier, although it was described by that author as an Iseland Dog. Mr. Hugh Dalziel was of opinion that there have been kept, parallel with each other, two strains of these Terriers-one of the Otter type (a Scottish Terrier pure and simple, if we judge it by the modern acceptation), bred for work only, and the other more for its beauty and as a house-dog. There is

nothing, said Mr. Dalziel, to astonish us in long-haired and comparatively short-haired dogs, related to each other, existing side by side, and the more each was bred within itself, the further would be the removal from each other in all points of difference. The Rough and the Smooth Collies furnish an instance in point.

Another supporter of the theory that the Skye Terrier was the Iseland Dog of Dr. Caius was Mr. John Flinn, who thus deals with the subject in the last Edition of this work :

"Early writers on natural history have not left sufficient material to enable us to arrive at the origin of the different breeds of Terriers native to this country, consequently we are left to conjecture what it may have been; and this is all the more unsatisfactory when we consider, as Darwin says, that a breed, like a dialect of a language, can hardly be said to have a definite origin.' Some theorists assert that the Skye Terrier and the Dandie Dinmont are both descended from the original Scotch Terrier; but as the first named appears to have existed as a distinct breed as early as there is any mention of the Scotch Terrier, it would be difficult to prove this assertion. The first mention made of the Scotch Terrier is by the Bishop of Ross, who wrote in the latter half of the sixteenth century, but his description is too meagre to furnish data on which to base any argument as to its affinity to the other breeds. He says: "There is also another kind of scenting dog of low height, indeed, but of bulkier body, which, creeping into subterraneous burrows, routs out foxes, badgers, martens, and wild cats from their lurking-places and dens. Then, if he at any time finds the passage too narrow, opens himself a way with his feet, and that with so great labour that he frequently perishes through his own exertions.'

No subsequent writer, until comparatively recent times, describes the Scotch Terrier with any minuteness; but Caius, who wrote his work on 'Englishe Dogges' a few years before the Bishop of Ross, mentions Iseland' dogges,' which, there can be little doubt, were of the same breed as afterwards came to be known by the name of Skye Terriers. They were fashionable in his time as lap-dogs, and were brought out of barbarous borders from the uttermost countryes Northwards,' etc.; and 'they,' he says, 'by reason of the length of their heare, make show neither of face nor body, and yet these Curres, forsooth, because they are so straunge, are greatly set by, esteemed, taken up, and made of, in room of the Spaniell gentle, or comforter.' It would be vain to conjecture whence this straunge' animal came, or when it first found a home in the western islands, but it seems certain that it was there three centuries ago. Once there, everything was favourable for its preservation as, or development into, a distinct breed. The sea forms a natural barrier which would prevent contamination, and the

only influences likely to effect any change in the characteristics of the dog would be food, climate, and selection, unless other dogs were brought to the island.

An incident did happen in 1588, as we are told on the authority of the Rev. (now Mr.) J. Cumming Macdona, in Webb's 'Book on the Dog,' by which a foreign blood was introduced amongst them. He informs us that the late Lady Macdonald, of Armadale Castle, was possessed of an extraordinary handsome strain of Skye Terrier, which was descended from a cross of some Spanish white dogs that were wrecked on the island at the time when the Spanish Armada lost so many ships on the western coast. So far as this particular strain is concerned, great care appears to have been taken to keep it pure and distinct from the breed common in the island; however, other dogs may have found their way to Skye in a similar manner, although there is no record of the fact. At the time when Professor Low wrote, the distinctive features of the Skye Terrier were well marked. He says: 'The Terriers of the western islands of Scotland have long, lank hair, almost trailing to the ground.' There could not be a happier description than this. There is no ambiguity about the length of the coat, and the word 'lank' conveys the idea that it lay straight and free, and therefore could not be soft or silky in texture. The coat Professor Low described so many years ago as a feature of the Terriers of the western islands-he does not call them Skyes, as probably they were not generally known by that name then-has always been, and is still, considered the proper coat of the true Skye Terrier. He also mentions a Terrier peculiar to the Central Highlands, and describes it as rough, shaggy, and not unlike the older Deerhounds in general form. Richardson likewise mentions this dog, and says it is commonly called the Highland Terrier. A gentleman of high standing in the medical profession in Edinburgh, and whose name is well known in literature, informs me that he remembers seeing Terriers in the island of Skye resembling 'miniature Deerhounds.'

The fact that Terriers similar to those of the Central Highlands, but probably with a slight admixture of Skye blood in them, were also bred in the island of Mull, seems to have caused confusion in the minds of a few people as to what really is a Skye Terrier. The name Skye Terrier is of comparatively recent application, and it was applied to the Terriers of the western islands of Scotland, which were covered with long, lank hair, almost trailing to the ground. Richardson describes the Skye as long in the body, low on the leg, and covered with very long hair; and he says the name was given 'from its being found in greatest perfection in the western isles of Scotland, and the island of Skye in particular.' Any other name might have been given to this breed of Terrier, and had it been

known by a different one it would be absurd to think of changing it now. The dog for which the name has lately been claimed, if not the Highland Terrier itself, appears to be closely related to it, and its being bred in Skye can change it into a Skye Terrier in no other sense than it would change a Dandie Dinmont into a Skye Terrier if it were bred there.

The researches of naturalists prove that the covering of animals adapts itself to the climate in which they are placed. Many examples might be given to show that the coat Nature provides for quadrupeds which have to endure cold and wet resembles that of the Skye Terrier in having an outer covering of hair and an inner coat of short wool. The Collie may be taken as one. There is no dog in this country so much exposed during all weathers as the Scotch Sheepdog, and his coat, like that of the Skye, is a combination of hard and soft hair. However great the advantage of the outer coat may be in throwing off the rain and sleet, unless the dog were also provided with the inner coat, which not only excludes the wet, but keeps him warm, he would be unable to withstand the rigorous climate of the Scotch Highlands. The swine native to the northern parts of Scotland were covered with short wool, and the sheep of Shetland and Iceland had, in addition to their wool, an outer covering of hair.

How long Nature might take to change the coat of any animal it is impossible to say, but in the case of the Skye Terrier there was at least three centuries during which the process of adaptation to climate might be going on. That it would require such a length of time is not likely. The fact that the descendants of dogs brought from Skye about forty years ago, and which have all along been carefully housed and fed, continue to exhibit the same peculiarity of coat, shows that it does not change readily, and that the adaptation must have been completed long before these dogs left the island, else the hereditary influences could not be so great. Martin, Pennant, Macculloch, and others, who wrote of the Hebrides, inform us that the houses of the inhabitants were of the rudest description in their time; and where men are themselves badly housed it is not likely they would pay much attention to the kennels of their dogs. That Skyes were left a good deal to their own resources at one period of their history some of their habits sufficiently prove.

A gentleman who wrote about forty years ago says of them: 'The Terriers which I have had of this breed show some curious habits, unlike most other dogs. I have observed that, when young, they frequently make a kind of seat under a bush or hedge, where they will sit for hours together, crouched like a wild animal. Unlike most other dogs, too, they will eat (though not driven by hunger) almost anything that is given them, such as raw eggs, the bones and

meat of wild ducks or wood-pigeons, and other birds, that every other kind of dog, however hungry, rejects with disgust. In fact, in many particulars their habits resemble those of wild animals ; they always are excellent swimmers, taking the water quietly and fearlessly when very young.' It is only in young animals that the habits of remote ancestors can be seen. Training speedily obliterates all trace of them.

It is seldom they quarrel amongst themselves; however, if they do begin, they fight viciously, and take every opportunity of having a new settlement of their differences. Two of unequal weight sometimes fall out, and the weaker, instead of acknowledging defeat, requires upon every fresh occasion to have it demonstrated that he is not the better dog of the two. To all vermin they are determined enemies, but when attacking the larger sorts they do so with generalship; yet a bite from the adversary often makes them forget their tactics, and when they do close they can both give and take as much punishment as any deg of their weight. They are keen hunters, have good scent, and are fond of the gun. Their speed is not great, but they stick to a scent most pertinaciously, and will follow a wounded animal for miles.

For all purposes for which the Terriers are used they are of service. As house-dogs they have much to recommend them. They are watchful to a fault; and they require less exercise to keep them in health than almost any other Terrier. When kept as house-dogs merely, it is of little consequence what weight they are; but when required to go to ground, they must neither be big in size nor too light in weight. There has been much difference of opinion expressed as to what should be considered the proper weight of a Skye Terrier. The claim has frequently been made on behalf of the Dandie that there is no Terrier so game as he is. This claim may or may not be a just one; but it does seem very strange, if it is just, that the Dandie Dinmont Club should consider 20lb. not too heavy for a Dandie, and professed judges of the breed outside the Club should think an additional half-stone not too heavy to exclude from the prize list; while men who at least pretend to know about Skyes maintain that dogs of this breed should not exceed 14lb., and that preference should be given to even lighter weights. Both breeds are used for the same kind of work, and surely it is too much to expect a 14lb. Skye to be successful in doing what it requires a 24lb. Dandie to accomplish, especially when the latter is the 'gamest of all Terriers.' Foxterriers are not considered too large at 20lb., and as a Skye has the advantage of two or three pounds in shape, breeders cannot be called unreasonable if they limit themselves to that weight. It does not follow that, because a Skye weighs 20lb., he must necessarily be of large size. Bone and muscle weigh well, and if he has plenty

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