
visitors that may venture to intrude. Too frequent combing, particularly with a small comb, is not recommended, however, as the coat of the Toy Spaniel is tender, and the comb may rob it of its glory, but the more it is brushed the glossier and more beautiful it will become.

A warm bath, in soft rain water if possible, not less than once in two or three weeks, will usually keep our pets clean and fresh, and fit for the lap of ye daintiest ladie; but the bath requires both care and hard work, because the coat of the Toy Spaniel is long and fine, and the skin is sensitive and delicate. After the lathering has been done and the coat well washed-care being taken to keep the soap out of the ears, eyes, and nose of our pet, to prevent which it is best to wash the head last-the water should be changed for the purpose of rinsing out all the remaining soap and dirt; the coat then requires first wringing with the hands, and then to be vigorously rubbed with dry towels, until it is as dry as practicable, after which the dog should be placed in a blanket, near a fire if the weather is cold or damp, or in the sunshine in summer time. Care must be taken to keep the dog out of the cold or draught until after the coat is dry, and before then it should not be allowed to move even over an ordinary carpet or floor, as the long coat catches up all the dust or dirt that may exist. Before the coat is dry it may be carefully combed and brushed, as it can be more easily disentangled while damp than if left until it is quite dry, and, like the human hair, will better retain its position afterwards.

If the hair is short or falling out, grooming serves as massage, causing activity in the cells of the skin and stimulating the growth Cocoanut oil or ordinary vaseline may be advantageously employed, if used moderately and well rubbed in; but the rubbing is half the virtue. Of course, in the case of specific disease it is advisable to secure experienced treatment.

The labour involved in preparing Toy Spaniels for an exhibition is always tedious, even to the ardent fancier. The special washing, brushing, and combing, which is so essential, and then the watchful care required to keep the would-be champions from soiling their parade coats, always precedes the show-ring, from which cares many other breeds of dogs are exempt.

Unfortunately, like the rest of the canine race, our highly bred Spaniels are short lived, and seldom exceed more than fifteen years. For the brilliancy of their colourings, the variety of their markings, the amiability and innate refinement of their dispositions, their sagacity and activity, they may be rightly considered the most attractive pets, for both palace and home, that it is possible to find.

Since the foregoing article was written there has been a movement among Toy Spaniel fanciers in England and America to consider the advisability of classing all varieties of Toy Spaniels as one breed,

under the title of King Charles, only subdividing them by colour. His Majesty King Edward VII., with his usual interest in such matters, upon learning this expressed his wish that the historic name of "King Charles" should be retained, as it appeared threatened with extinction. There seems a reasonable necessity for the new classification suggested, as the four varieties are sometimes produced in one litter, thus showing that they are all one family, and experienced breeders find that judicious crossing is necessary to preserve type and colour. Undoubtedly in the olden days the same varieties existed and all were called Spaniels.



UNTIL Comparatively recent years these beautiful little dogs were too difficult and expensive to procure and in too few hands for them to be anything like common or often seen. Indeed, for a long time they used oftenest to make their appearance in classes for the small varieties of foreign dogs. Added to this, those imported were very delicate and difficult to rear, and the mortality amongst them was considerable. This mortality was also increased by the amount of inbreeding that was resorted to, and by the craze that for a while seemed likely to end disastrously for the breed-namely, the fashion for the infinitely small. Dr. Grindrod at the time wrote deprecatingly of the practice, and though it still continues, the constitution has been improved somewhat. It would have been a fatal mistake to sacrifice everything to diminutiveness, which at one time was threatened. That the dogs as met with in their native countries were very small admits of no doubt, as it was the custom in both China and Japan to carry one of them in the capacious sleeves; hence the name of "Sleeve Dogs." The tendency once was to go for the very small dog quâ small, and the result not infrequently was the production of "weeds."

The colour of the Japanese Spaniel is usually white with more or less black markings; but there are sometimes seen specimens with yellow or pale tan markings. The black-marked ones are, however, generally preferred. They are broad in head and muzzle, with good-sized black nose, and very short face. The large, dark, lustrous eyes, set wide apart, are full and round in shape. There is a profuseness of silky coat on neck, chest, body, and hindquarters. The straight fore legs are set rather wide, and, like the thighs and hind legs, well feathered. The ears are not so long in leather as they appear to be, on account of the long feathering on them; they are set rather high on the head and hang gracefully down. The tail should be covered with long hair of the body colours, and be carried jauntily over the back-resting, in fact, upon it.

Japanese Spaniels (Figs. 124 and 125) have a most fascinating general appearance of quaintness, perkiness, and dignity, and are

very showy and attractive. When the writer kept them, many years since, they were nothing like so small as they are now. They may be obtained well under 5lb. in weight, and are being somewhat extensively bred in this country, as they are in great demand, and high prices may be readily obtained for anything like decent specimens. They are well worth the attention of those willing and able to devote time and attention to their production, and the use of reliable stud dogs can now be obtained at moderate fees.

As showing how this variety has grown in favour and popularity, it may be instanced that at a large show held near London a few


years ago, it was to a Japanese Spaniel belonging to Mrs. Addis, one of the warmest supporters of the variety in England, that the judges awarded the Rother ham Cup, which vessel was capacious enough to contain the little winner, as the "Champion of Champions" of the show in question.

At one time the Japanese Spaniel was known as the Japanese Pug, and it was under the latter name that the breed was introduced to show frequenters. Pug-type is what the majority of fanciers aim at producing, though the Japanese Spaniel should be smaller


and rather finer boned than many Pugs, and of course covered with the long silky hair. The compact body, smart carriage, small ears, and cheeky ways of a Pug are equally essential to a good Jap. Reference was made above to one of Mrs. E. C. Addis's famous dogs that was awarded the Champion of Champions prize on 1895. The name of the dog was Dai Butzu II, and though many years have elapsed since that event, the dog, so far as type is concerned, is quite one of the best for the young breeder to take as his model (Fig. 125).

Mrs. Addis says that Japanese Spaniels "require an indoor kennel room, heated in cold weather, or else to live as pets about the house. They cannot stand stables or outdoor houses, as English Toy Spaniels can." A great many puppies fall victims to distemper, due no doubt to the inherent delicacy of the breed, largely brought about by the " very small" craze referred to above. The fact is,

only the small Japanese Spaniels have any chance of winning on the show-bench. By this is meant dogs from 4lb. upwards; those over 7lb. never get a look in. A Japanese Spaniel as a puppy has a fluffier coat than that possessed by an adult, and, curiously enough, as a rule a puppy is better in points than an adult. Many quite cobby puppies with short faces develop long backs, long noses, and become weedy-looking in later life. In choosing a Japanese Spaniel as a puppy take the cobbiest in shape, with the largest head and a round skull-that is, prominent, not domed-a very short face, large eyes, and stylish


carriage, and very light small bone. It should be a Pug in miniature, with abundant coat and tight tail-carriage. Markings should be regular and even, but otherwise they are a matter of individual taste.

Some of the best known amongst the exhibitors of Japanese Spaniels have been the Hon. Mrs. McLaren Morrison, Mrs. Addis, Mrs. G. Lloyd, Miss M. Serena, Miss Ethel Clinton, Mrs. Clara Griffin, Mrs. Harcourt Clare, the Countess of Warwick, Mrs. Samuelson, Mrs. W. Hull, Mrs. Grindrod, Mrs. Wimbush, Mrs. Rintoul, Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs. Walter, Mrs. C. Harvey, Mrs. H. Jones, and Mrs. C. R. Lewis, most of whom are breeders of the variety also, and the entries at the larger shows are often very strong and representative, and are sometimes divided into over 7lb. in weight and under 71b.


The washing and preparation incidental to the show-ring have already been fully dealt with under the English Toy Spaniels. There is therefore no need for further information here.

The following are the points of the Japanese Spaniel, as drawn up by the Japanese and Pekinese Spaniel Club :

General Appearance. That of a lively, highly bred dog with dainty appearance, smart, compact carriage, and profuse coat. These dogs should be essentially stylish in movement, lifting the feet high when in motion, carrying the tail (which

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