
Here's the Jacobite Crew,

Now believe me, 'tis true,

Invited the Fre.... nch to this Nation;

Who was crossing the Seas,

With the Teague Rapparees,

True Cut-Throats, true Cut-Throats, upon my Salvation.

But alas! they did find
A true-Protestant Wind,
Which five Weeks or lon

Till the most Royal Fleet,

And the Dutch both compleat,

ger it lasted;

They with Thunder, with Thunder, this Project soon blasted.

On the Nineteenth of May,

The French Fleet made way,

To make of our Cou.... rage a Tryal;

They suppos'd we'd ne'r fight,

But they won't in the right,

For we show'd them, we show'd them, we were

true and Loyal.

Our Admirals bold,

With their brave hearts of Gold,

They fell on like bra . . . . ve Sons of Thunder;

And their Chain-Shot let fly,

As the Fleet they drew nigh,

Where they tore them, and rent them, and tore them asunder.

Our Squadron True-Blew,

Fought their way through and through,

At length in Lob's Po.... und, Boys, we got 'um Where we gave the proud French,

Such a Fiery Drench,

That we sent them, we sent them, straight down to the bottom.

Such a Slaughter we made,

While the loud Cannons play'd,

Which laid the poor Mo...

Nay, their Chief Admiral,

We did bitterly Maul,

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nsieurs a bleeding;

And have taught him, have taught him, I hope,

better Breeding.

Our brave Admiral,

Being stout Dellaval,

Whose actions all M .

For the French Rising-Sun,

Was not able to run,

en may admire ;

Which with seven, with seven more Ships did he Fire.

Valiant Rook Sail'd straightway,

Where a French Squadron lay,

Close amongst the Ro

But we fell on Gillore,

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And we Fir'd Twelve more,

cks then for shelter;

Thus we Fir'd and Burn'd the French Fleet, helter-skelter.

Being Sunk, Took and Burn'd,

There's not many return'd,

Was this not a wo ... full Disaster?

How they far'd on our Coast,

Let 'em Sail Home and boast,

To Old Lewis, Old Lewis, their Fistula-Master.

Gillore] in plenty.

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When he hears how they sped,
It will strike him near Dead,

Losing what he lo . . . . ng has been getting;
But we'll have him to know,

That we'll still keep him low,

He shall never, shall never, Boys, conquer GreatBritain.


The Duke of Ormond's Health

NEPTUNE frown, and Boreas roar,
Let thy Thunder bellow;
Noble ORMOND's now come o'er,
With each gallant English fellow :
Then to welcome him ashore
To his Health a brimmer pour,

Till every one be mellow,

Remembring Rodondello, remembring Rodondello,

Remembring, remembring Rodondello,

Remembring, remembring Rodondello.

Tho' at Cales they scap'd our Guns,
By strong wall'd umbrello:

Civil Jarrs and Plundring Dons,

Curse upon the metal yellow:

Had the valiant Duke more Men,
He a Victor there had been,

As late at Rodondello,

As late, &c.

Mounsieur and Petite Anjou,
Plot your state Intrigo:

Take new Marshall Chateaurenault,
Then consult with Spanish Deigo :
And new Glory to advance

Sing Te Deum through all France,
Pour la Victoire at Vigo,
Pour la, &c.

We mean while to crown our Joy,
Laughing at such folly,

To their Health full Bowls employ,
Who have cur'd our Melancholy :
And done more to furnish Tales
Now at Vigo, then at Cales,
Fam'd Essex did, or Rawleigh,
Brave Essex, &c.

Great Eliza on the Main,

Quell'd the Dons Boastado;

In Queen ANN's Auspicious Reign,
Valour conquers, not Bravado :
Come but such another Year,
We the spacious Sea shall clear,
Of French and Spain's Armado,
Of French, &c.

Once more then tho' Boreas roar,
And loud Thunder bellow;
Since Great ORMOND is come o'er,
With each gallant English fellow :
Let us welcome all a Shore,
To each Health a brimmer pour,
Till everyone be mellow,
Remembring Rodondello, &c.


The Death of Admiral Benbow

The brother tars' song

COME all you sailors bold,

Lend an ear, lend an ear,

Come all you sailors bold, lend an ear:
"Tis of our admiral's fame,
Brave Benbow was his name,
How he fought on the main

You shall hear, you shall hear.

Brave Benbow he set sail
For to fight, for to fight,

Brave Benbow he set sail for to fight:
Brave Benbow he set sail,
With a fine and pleasant gale,
But his captains they turn'd tail

In a fight, in a fight.

Says Kirby unto Wade,

I will run, I will run,

Says Kirby unto Wade, I will run:

I value not disgrace,

Nor the losing of my place,

My enemies I'll not face

With a gun, with a gun.

'Twas the Ruby and Noah's Ark

Fought the French, fought the French,

"Twas the Ruby and Noah's Ark fought the French: And there was ten in all,

Poor souls they fought them all,

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