INDEX TO LAWS. [REFERENCES Are to paragrapH NUMBERS.] ACTS TO REGULATE COMMERCE: defined not repealed or modified by Trade Commission law.. AGENTS: criminally liable for corporations' violations.. AGREEMENT: in restraint of trade unlawful in restraint of import trade unlawful.......... AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS NOT FOR PROFIT: excepted from provisions of anti-trust acts.. members of, also excepted..... ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS OF TRADE COMMISSION: to be under oath if required.... may be compelled by court order... criminal offense to refuse to make.. ANTI-TRUST LAWS: defined in Trade Commission law to include Sherman antitrust law and sections 73 to 77 as amended of the Wilson tariff law defined in Clayton law to include: Sherman anti-trust law..... 40 sections 73 to 77 as amended of the Wilson tariff law and the Clayton law itself...... 40 Federal Trade Commission law not included in.. defined as included within word "persons". Clayton law includes all, whether for profit or not for profit... for profit only under Trade Commission law. ATTEMPT TO MONOPOLIZE: a misdemeanor ATTORNEY GENERAL: 99 40 7, 48 93 to direct institution of proceedings under Sherman, Wilson and Clayton laws...... .74, 95, 101 upon application of, Trade Commission to investigate, etc.... upon application of, District Courts to issue writs of mandamus to compel compliance with Trade Commission's order 22 31 [REFERENCES ARE TO PARAGRAPH NUMBERS.] ATTORNEY GENERAL-Continued. to prosecute for recovery of forfeitures.... Interstate Commerce Commission to report violations of Clay- ATTORNEY'S FEES: recoverable for person injured under Sherman, Clayton and BANKS (see Corporations; Interlocking Directors): Trade Commission has no power to prevent banks from using 12 Trade Commission act applies to banks in following particu- commission may investigate manner in which decree upon the direction of the President or either house of ........ upon the application of the attorney general commission ..... mutual banks without shares of stock not subject to inter- 55 pending investigations to be continued by Trade Commission jurisdiction of: to enforce provisions of sections 2, 3, 7, and 8 of Clay- .... same jurisdiction at suit of party as in suit by commission 4 66 for enforcement of commission's or board's order...... 14, 67 [REFERENCES Are to paragrapH NUMBERS.] CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS-Continued. jurisdiction of-continued. may review commission's or board's order at suit of 14, 67 may order additional evidence to be taken before the 13, 66 exclusive jurisdiction to enforce, set aside or modify 15, 68 decree of, subject to review by Supreme Court upon 13, 66 no power to relieve from liability under anti-trust laws.. 16, 69 16, 69 no provision for taking testimony in court, except upon petition to be filed....... ...... 13, 66 14, 67 copy of petition to be served upon commission or board.. 14, 67 proceedings to be expedited. 14, 67 16, 69 in proceedings to enforce commission's or board's orders, 13, 66 71 CLAYTON LAW (also known as SUPPLEMENTAL ANTI- may be officer and director of one member bank.... 55 COMBINATION: in restraint of import trade, unlawful... 100 ..... in restraint of interstate and foreign commerce, unlawful... 93 41 41 limited to interstate and foreign commerce... powers and jurisdiction of commissions and board: to order compliance with sections 2, 3, 7 and 8 of Clay- 64 [REFERENCES ARE to paragraph NUMBERS.] COMMISSION OR BOARD-Continued. powers and jurisdiction of commissions and board-continued. 1. one corporation in a competing corporation...... .... to order compliance with provisions against interlocking to issue and serve complaint if of the opinion law has to hold hearings at least 30 days after service of com- ..... to permit intervention by third persons. to issue "cease and desist" orders..... 49 50 64 .... 13, 65 13, 65 to make findings of fact which shall be conclusive if sup- to institute suit in circuit court of appeals to enforce 13, 66 ....... no power to prevent stock ownership for investment pur- 51 no power to relieve from liability for violation of anti- 16, 69 no power to prevent legitimate formation of and stock proceedings before: commission or board to file complaint only when it has 51 13, 65 hearing after 30 days........... 13, 65 intervention permitted ... 13, 65 report in writing to be made if commission or board is 13, 65 13, 65 of opinion law has been violated................. findings of fact to be made as part of report.. for enforcement of orders..... 13, 66 review of commission's or board's order by party in circuit court of appeals ......... 14, 67 COMMISSIONERS. (See Federal Trade Commission.) COMMON CARRIERS (see Interlocking Directors): Trade Commission has no power to prevent common carriers 12 [REFERENCES ARE TO PARAGRAPH NUMBERS.] COMMON CARRIERS—Continued. Trade Commission law applies to common carriers in following commission may investigate manner in which decree against common carriers in anti-trust proceeding has upon the direction of the President or either house of upon the application of the attorney general commission ....... commission may classify corporations commission may investigate trade conditions with foreign elimination of competition by stock ownership prohibited. 49, 50 interlocking of directors, etc., between railroad common .......... criminal liability of director, agent, manager or officer... 60 ཆེ❁ 60 56 63 .... 60, 62 61 stock ownership in other corporations for investment not 51 ...... 58 offenses against regulation of relations with such com- ..... embezzlement by director, officer or manager of common injunctive relief may be granted against any common car- COMPETITION (see Substantial Lessening of Competition): elimination of, by price discrimination unlawful. tying clause contracts, etc., unlawful.......... labor excepted 75 44 43 44 48 56 control of, by stock ownership regulated and forbidden...... 49, 50 60 56 60 |