[REFERENCES ARE TO PARAGRAPH NUMBERS.] COMPETITION-Continued. power to prevent elimination of, vested in Federal Trade power to prevent vested in attorney general and U. S. attor- ..... makes price discrimination lawful.... unfair methods of, unlawful... 64 74 43 11 ...... CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY: used or owned in violation of Sherman and Wilson laws..86, 97, 103 CONSPIRACY: to monopolize, unlawful... CONTEMPT OF COURT (see District Court): crimes form basis for contempt proceedings.. violations of orders entered in suits by United States con- stitute in restraint of interstate and foreign trade, unlawful.............. 92, 94 100 93 84 89 .... provisions of act not applicable where contempt was com- statute of limitations on contempt one year.. contempt proceedings not a bar to criminal prosecution... in restraint of import trade unlawful...... in Trade Commission law means company or association [REFERENCES ARE TO PARAGRAPH NUMBERS.] CORPORATIONS-Continued. inquisitorial powers of Trade Commission as to-continued. 19 commission may investigate manner in which corporation is carrying out court decree.. 20 commission may investigate any violation of anti-trust commission may investigate and recommend readjustment commission may classify corporations.. documentary evidence of corporation subject to examination penalties for failure to file reports.. banks and common carriers excepted from Trade Commis- stock ownership by one corporation in another unlawful in right to own capital stock of another corporation for invest- ownership of the stock of subsidiary corporations permitted.. tions (other than railroad common carriers and banks) if director, officer or employe eligible at time of election not 24 28 36 37 121 49, 50 51 51 52 56 57 venue in suits against: where the violation is committed, or where corporation in district where corporation is an inhabitant or where it 71 criminal acts of, deemed also criminal acts of individual, 73 COURTS. (See Circuit Court of Appeals; District Court; Su- CRIMES (see Penalties; Contempt of Court): immunity granted to witnesses testifying under subpoena... 34 35 wilfully making false entry or report, or wilful failure to failure to file report by corporation subject to penalty... [REFERENCES ARE TO PARAGRAPH NUMBERS.] CRIMES-Continued. embezzlement by officer, director or manager of common offenses against regulation of relations between common car- wilful disobedience of any order, etc., a contempt... officers, directors and agents criminally liable for corporate director, agent, manager or officer of common carrier liable CUSTOMERS: names of, not to be divulged by Trade Commission.... DAMAGES FOR VIOLATION OF ANTI-TRUST LAWS: ..... venue of suits for... no provision as to damages in Trade Commission law. .45, 98, 104 71 commission may act as master in chancery to report form of in suits by United States, shall be prima facie evidence ..... Trade Commission may investigate manner of carrying out... DEFINITIONS: acts to regulate commerce..... anti-trust laws (see Anti-Trust Laws). .7, 42, 99 associations (see Associations).... commerce (see Commerce).. corporations (see Corporations). documentary evidence (see Documentary Evidence). 222 32 32 32 compelling attendance of witnesses, etc..... DIRECTORS. (See Banks; Interlocking Directors; Common Car- riers; Corporations.) DISCRIMINATION IN PRICE: unlawful when effect may be to substantially lessen competi- 43 may refer suit by government to Federal Trade Commission [REFERENCES ARE TO PARAGRAPH NUMBERS.] DISCRIMINATION IN PRICE-Continued. permitted when on account of differences in grade, quality or DISTRICT COURTS OF UNITED STATES (see Injunction): may require other parties summoned.. crimes form basis for contempt proceedings. violations of orders entered in suits by United States basis .74, 95, 101 .74, 96, 102 84 89 86, 89 26 31 venue of private actions for violations of Sherman law. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, COURT OF: wilful disobedience of any order, etc., a contempt...... 84 defined to include all papers, etc., in existence at time and ELIGIBILITY OF INTERLOCKING DIRECTORS, OFFI- EMPLOYEES. (See Interlocking Directors; Banks; Common EMPLOYEES AND EMPLOYERS. (See Labor.) ...... ........ additional evidence may be ordered by court to be taken commission's findings of facts conclusive if supported by 13, 66 13, 66 may be ordered taken by deposition. decree of court in suit by United States prima facie evidence testimony must be taken before commission or board...... 13, 66 [REFERENCES ARE TO PARAGRAPH NUMBERS.] EVIDENCE-Continued. query-whether court may hear testimony as to necessity for EXAMINERS: may prosecute inquiry in any part of United States..... .......... EXPEDITION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS: EXPORT AND IMPORT TRADE. (See Foreign Trade.) false testimony, reports, etc., punishable by fine and imprison- FARMERS EXEMPT: 13, 65 5 48 16, 69 36 farmers exempt from provisions of anti-trust laws. 48 Class A director of Federal Reserve Board may be officer and 55 FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD (see Commission): to enforce provisions of Clayton act applicable to banks.. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION (see Commission): composed of five commissioners... official seal shall be judicially noticed... may employ attorneys, experts, etc.. commissioner's salary $10,000... employees under civil service (except secretary, commis- principal office in Washington.. may meet and exercise powers any place..... one or more commissioners or an examiner may prosecute powers peculiar to: to prevent price discrimination (certain price discrimina- to prevent unlawful tying clause contracts (such as con- |