
March 7, 1818.]


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rectness of the drawing, and taste of The researches made here, have now and the whole has the aspect of a dethe execution, are really wonderful for for their object, the clearing of the sert; yet here rise majestic oaks, aloes, so rude an era. This singular relic, re- whole city, and its walls, which is part- and cypresses; the soil is rich, and markable as a monument of ancient ly accomplished. In the course of the vegetation is thriving. Scattered rulast four years, the extent of the exca-ins seen from time to time, some Rotimes, is preserved at Aurich. Tripoli-Recent accounts from Mal-vation is much enlarged; a whole quar-man, some Gothic, are enveloped in ta state, that the Weymouth store-ship, ter of the city is cleared, with another fig trees; and among these vestiges had sailed from that island for Tripoli, gate of entrance. In a few years more stray, now and then, shepherds armed to receive on board the curiosities col-the whole of the town will be brought with lances, who watch the motions of lected at Lebida, (the site of the ancient to light, and Pompeii will revive from their flocks. No solid residence affords Carthage,) and destined for the Prince the tomb, in which it has been enclos-them shelter; a few huts of reeds Regent by the Bey. They are repre-ed during almost eighteen centuries. are all their resort, and silence reigns sented as highly valuable and curious, Every thing remains as left by the Ro- around both day and night. After long consisting of massy columns of porphy-mans, its late masters. Every thing perseverance in these unwholesome ry, statuary, and other fragments of denotes their customs and habitudes. plains, the horizon presents to the traancient art. This collection has been It may be said that we live with them; veller's observation, indications of solimade under the direction of Captain that we use their furniture; that we tary edifices, long respected by time. Smith, of the Royal Navy, who has eat at their tables; that we inspect These enlarge as the spectator apbeen some time employed in surveying their decorations; that we read their proaches, and disclose massive colonAn intelligent travel-ades and regular forms. They are the that part of the African coast, and is manuscripts. frequently with the Bey, by whom he ler lately spent some hours in watch-three temples of Paestum, and are usuiis allowed a guard of Janizaries in his ing the progress of the labourers em- ally the termination of travellers' ex several journeys through the coun- ployed. They threw clods of clotted cursions. Of all the ruins extant in At one of his audiences the ashes into the wheelbarrows, for the Italy, these temples are the most anBey of Fezzan was present; and purpose of being carried away. They cient, and the most awful; they date he related to Captain Sinith, that opened on the wall of a house painted from a period of which we know so litabout seventeen years since, an Eng-in fresco. Little by little appeared tle, that we describe it as the heroic lishman travelled with him to the prettily painted devices, representing ages. Certainly civilization was in no southward of Fezzan, and was taken ill Bacchantes and boy cupids. The con- decripid state when those unknown on the road of a fever, which caused tinued labour, by clearing the apart-nations who built the Cyclopean walls his death, and he afterwards saw him ments, brought to light a charmingly in Italy, as well as in Grecce, perburied. This person, there can be no elegant bronze, a candelabrum, in the haps at the same time raised in Edoubt, was Mr F. Horneman, the son form of a tree, resting in a vase of the gypt the wonderful pyramids and the of a German clergyman, employed by same metal, the fruits of which formed avenues of sphinxes. Those people the society for making discoveries in lamps, with projections for holding the have left behind them proofs of inthe interior of Africa. As in the case wicks. By the side of this bronze was conceivable skill, though now they These labours serve only to shelter a few straggling of Park, no intelligence of this traveller found a bust of Marius. had been received during the period are continued till the approach of night buffaloes. Their colonnades have debefore mentioned; and as he was known obliges the workmen to cease.-Be-fied the effects of ages, and will long Who, then, and what to have been in the direction stated by yond Pompeii, the fields no longer shew defy them. the Bey of Fezzan, no doubt of his the effects of the ravages caused by e- were they? History gives us some death exists, especially as the period ruptions of Vesuvius. Nature, in all her light on the inhabitants of Pompeii, of his disappearance exactly corres- freshness, young, beautiful, and vigo- and on the fate of their city; on the ponds with the alleged time of his de-rous, intermingles olive-trees, mulber-city, of whatever description, conry-trees, vines, and orange-trees. The nected with the temples of Pæstum, Pompeii. From the extent and mag-plain of Sorrentum is perhaps the only it is silent. These three edifices, placed nitude, we might say magnificence, of part of the kingdom of Naples in which on a line, were neither so placed by acsome of the works projected and an- the action of an enlightened and lively eident, nor were they erected without nounced on the subject of Pompeii, it industry may be distinguished. In this design :-but, what was that design, is clear that our countrymen, who since highly favoured country the peasants and to gratify whom they were built, the peace have visited that ancient city, have attempted, with great success, to we know not.-Could they be erected At a by any but a powerful people? Would have attached an interest and impor-extend the cultivation of cotton. tance to its remains, much exceeding very few miles distance from the plains of a powerful people inhabit countries so what previous reports had given reason Sorrentum, distinguished by its fertili- dangerous to the health of their citiHave these countries become to expect. In fact, it is an instance of ty," (which ends at Salerno,) begins a zens? the resurrection of a city, such as it was marenna, or country afflicted with a dangerous since their former inhabiin the first century of Christianity. It pestilential air, an unhappy quality fre- tants were ejected, perhaps destroyed? was covered with ashes, (probably wa-quent on the shores of the Mediterra- Were they once flourishing, populous ter was mixed with them,) rising and nean, but rare on those of the Adriatic rich, polite, learned, and ingenious? rolling from the crater of Vesuvius. gulf. On entering these districts, the How many questions multiply upon us! For many ages, the upper walls of the high-ways lose themselves in the turfs to which the only answer is that of houses appeared above the soil, so of the commons; the property of the these forsaken plains-a dead silence. slightly was it covered in some places. soil is in the hands of a few proprietors, Equally expressive the silence of Poni



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peii and that of Paestum. Here we see not remarkable, except for its fine com- a silver road of office, of which the pecuthe marks and evidences of civilized partments. In the second is seen, in liar use is not yet ascertained. The worklife, of busy traffic, of learned leisure, the middle, a Greek Menander, sur-manship of the crown and sceptre are of military ardour, of scenic amuse- rounded by stars, differing from each highly elegant, and in good taste; the ment, but no inhabitant: none to another by the enamel of their colours. sword being a present from Pope Julius swer a question; none to explain a sin- In the third, besides the merit of the to James IV. is of a pattern correspondgle particular. And there we contem- Mosaic, there is in the centre Ulysses ing to the excellence of the arts of Italy plate temples, raised, no doubt, to be bound to the mast of a ship; on a shoal at that classical period. thronged, to be adorned, to witness li- is placed a rower, and a syren with a The CROWN is of a very elegant bations and hecatombs, but priests lyre in her hand. On the other side, form, nine inches over, and weighs and people have disappeared; the Scylla having the upper part formed with the cap about four pounds. The festive rites have ceased; the assem- like a woman, and the lower terminat- bonnet is of crimson velvet, bound with bled multitudes have left no represen- ing in three dogs' heads, which devour ermine; has suffered little from being tative; all we know is-here was Pæs- three carcasses: she has an ear in her so long shut up. The lower part of tum; as all we knew before, was hand, and beats these animals. On the the crown is a circlet, ornamented with here was Pompeii. right of Scylla, a little cupid is flying emeralds, rubies, hyacinths, &c. Aon a tiger;-a woman pointing to above this rises a second circle, compossea-monster, holds a veil in her hands, ed of fleur-de-lis, tipped with large which, inflated by the wind, floats over pearls, and alternated with figures, her head. In the fourth, numerous termed by heralds crosses fleuries, the fish, of different species, adorn the points of the cross being marked with Mosaic, which is inclosed in a border, pearls. These two circles, forming the handsomely ornamented. Ulysses is a- diadem, are of pure gold, and supposed gain seen; the magician Circe appears to be very ancient. The circlet, or to him: it seems that the hero has for- "golden round of sovereignty," is surgotten Penelope. At the four angles mounted by four arches, which meet are little subjects alluding to the adven- and close at the top in a globe again tures of Ulyses: and on the four sides surmounted by a cross. They appear are represented birds of different species. to have been tacked on to the circle at Antique Ring-The Roman Gazette a later period, probably by James V. whose initials appear on the cross. The crown rests on a square and tasselled cushion of crimson velvet. Some of the stones are said to be extremely curious, and the oriental pearls are of the most extraordinary quality and size.

An Ancient Crown discovered in Sclavonia.-On the 23d of last March, in making a road at Mallier, a little village in Sclavonia, as the wife of a soldier, named Gasparowich, was turning up a clod with her pickaxe, she found, about two inches deep under ground, a piece of metal rolled up, which she took for iron, and threw it into the road. At a second stroke she discovered the basket-formed vessel; which, in the opinion of all who have considered it with attention, is supposed to be a crown. It consists of two parallel circles of strong gold wire twisted toge-relates, on the authority of letters from ther, which are about four inches asun- Greece, that a countryman in the neighder, and connected by a spiral orna- bourhood of Corinth lately struck with ment in this form. The inside of his ploughshare against a metal vessel, the crown, shaped like a hat, con- which contained several ancient coins, sists of a braid of the same kind of and a ring, with an agate of the size of gold, which surrounds a net button in half a saldo. On this agate the naked eye the middle, in rose-shaped braids. could discover nothing but some very The whole weighs a little more than small strokes. A learned traveller 24 ounces. The diameter is equal to purchased the ring, and by the aid of that of a small hat. a microscope discovered a most admirable work of art. On the upper side of the stone he found a group of gods, distinguishable by their attributes; and on the lower side, Achilles dragging the dead body of Hector behind his chariot. This discovery affords a fresh proof of the great superiority of the ancients to the moderns in works of this kind.

As the workmen's attention was attracted to this valuable relic, it was soon discovered that the whole mass was gold. By chance a corporal came up, who gave notice of it to the captain. Immediately on the following morning, the ground in that place was dug up five or six fathoms, and carefully examined; but nothing farther was discovered. Since the 25th of October, the crown has been at Vienna, and it is not doubted but that this curiosity will be delivered to the Imperial trea

sury or museum.

The Scottish Regalia.-The examination of the Crown-room took place on the 4th February. Nothing was found in the room but a large oblong oaken chest, secured by two strong locks, for Mosaic Pavements.-The Duchess of which no keys had been found. The Chablais having employed workmen to chest was forced open with some diffidig in search of antiquities at the coun-culty. It was found to contain the try-set which she inhabits, near Rome, CROWN, SCEPTRE, and SWORD of they have discovered, on the summit of STATE of Scotland, answering, in the a hill, four square chambers, of differ- most minute particulars, to their desent sizes, adorned with Mosaic pave-cription in the Instrument of Depositaments. In the first, the pavement is tion, 26th March 1707. There was also

The SCEPTRE is an elegant piece of workmanship, of a hexagon form, divided by three buttons or knosps, and adorned with curious antique embellishments. At the top of the stalk there is a small capital on which are three images placed close together, of the Virgin and Child, of St Andrew, and of St James. They are about three inches high. The figures of three dolphins uniting at the top so as to form an arch, form an open shrine in which the images stand. The whole is surmounted by a crystal ball or globe, above which is a small globe tipped with a large oriental pearl. The swORD OF STATE is about five feet in length, the pommel constituting about fifteen inches. The handle is of silver gilt, with space for placing the two hands. The traverse of a cross where the blade issues from the hilt is fantastically yet beautifully wrought into the representation of two dolphins. The scabbard is of crimson velvet, adorned with rich fillagree chasing of silver gilded, representing oak-leaves and acorns.

March 7, 1818.]



ROB ROY. 3 vols. 12mo. This long-looked-for novel, by the author of Waverley, Guy Mannering, Antiquary, and, we may add, the Tales of My Landlord, has at last made its appearance.

In some respects it seems inferior, and in some superior to its precursors It is inferior in the general style and composition; which, though highly wrought in many parts, are yet carelessly enough slurred over in others and it is, perhaps, inferior in depth of interest to Waverley. As a picture of manners, and as affording distinct portraits of characters, it is equal to the best which have gone before. And in adapting the particular story to a frame-work consistent with the nature of the times and state of the country in which the scene is laid, we think Rob Roy superior to all its predecessors. The plots and intrigues preceding the rebellion of the year 1715, afforded admirable ground for much more of the marvellous than our author needs to employ in the construction of his volumes, which are so often distinguished for their historical truth and accuracy of delineation. The same power of delusion belongs to Rob Roy. It is impossible to fancy any part of it a fable. The men and women of its dramatis persone live before us; the scenery is perfect nature; the incidents are identical history. The accession of the house of Hanover; the attempts of Jacobites; the existence of a country called Scotland, do not seem more undeniable than the whole train of facts herein related; and the actual being of the Osbaldistones, Jarvies, M'Gregors, &c. who people the world created by the writer's imagination, and perform the things he has told us they performed. Not Shakespeare himself has been more true to his characters.

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so strongly, was for ever withdrawn from the sum of human existence."


submit their children to the developement of our
acute and masterly delineator. His images are
equally vivid, whether drawn from the desk or Among the finest pictures of this excellent
the heath, the busy hum of men, or the solitude book, we must notice that of the "Laigh Kirk.”
of deserts. But not one of the characters has at Glasgow, and the sacred service performed
delighted us more in the pencilling than Bailie there, which occurs in the second volume.
Jarvie of Glasgow. If M Wheble gave the hint is inimitably good, and gives prodigious effect to
for this admirable likeness, it is so full, so finished, the incident which takes place in "those waste
and so thrown out by circumstances, that it leaves regions of oblivion," where “dusky banners, and
us little to wish for. But we question whether tattered escutcheons, indicated the graves of
any but Scotch readers will be able to appreciate those who were once, doubtless, Princes in Is-
the perfection of this sketch. The mixture of the rael;' where inscriptions, which could only be
pride of birth, though connected with an out-read by the painful antiquary, in language as
law, and the opposite habits of a manufacturing obsolete as the act of devotional charity which
education; the combined qualities of the son of they implored, invited the passengers to pray for
Deacon Jarvie, honest man! Heaven be merci- the souls of those whose bodies rested beneath."
ful to him! and the cousin of Rob Roy, for whom The scenery of Northumberland and of the High-
a hempen cravat is so surely predestined; the pa- lands is painted with a force and colouring equally
cific and yet bold, the sober yet eccentric, the faithful. An artist would need no other studies
prudential yet generous acts of the worthy Glas- to enable him to transfer its features from the
gonian, constitute a tout ensemble of the richest paper to the canvas.
order. Even in the minor characters, there is a
degree of variety quite Homeric. The family of
Osbaldistone are forcible examples of this. Per-
cival, Thorncliff, John, Richard, and Wilfred,
are all alter et idem; and Rashleigh, the young-
est brother, a masterly portraiture of villainy.
Morris, a cowardly employe of government, is
another specimen of the skill of the author: his
subserviency, and his lamentable catastrophe,
present an useful lesson to mankind. The de-
scription of his death, indeed, is one of the most
touching and dreadful that we ever read. He is
treacherously left as a hostage for the safety of
Rob Roy, who is thus betrayed into the hands of
his foes. Brought a prisoner to the wife of the
chieftain, immediately after she has been excited
to fury by a sharp contest with, and victory over
a party of the military, whom Dougal misleads
into a dangerous pass among the mountains, on
the borders of a lake, we are told by Francis Os-
baldistone, who is also a prisoner.

Some of the characters have great blemishes, while others, it must be apparent to every reader, want originality. In Dei Vernon there is a great share of extravagance and caricature. As she falls in love at first sight, it may be thought, perhaps, that she is justified in throwing off all reserve, but she is not always delicate in her language. Rashleigh, it has been said, is a bad copy of Fielding's Blitil. To the hero himself there are some objections not less striking. In his meeting with Osbaldistone, in Glasgow, there is too much of preparation. He voluntarily enters the tolbooth, though an immense sum is offered for his apprehension, and walks out again with the greatest facility, he throws himself into the most imminent peril, to serve those he has no living reason to be attached to; and wherever they are involved in difficulty, he is Rob Roy here, Rob Roy there, and Rob Roy everywhere.

On the ORIGIN and VICISSITUDES of LITERATURE, SCIENCE, and ART, and their Influence on the present state of Society,-A Discourse delivered on the opening of the Liverpool Royal Institution, 25th November 1817. By WILLIAM ROSCOE. 4to.

The plan of this work consists of the adven- "She gave a brief command in Gaelic to her tures of Mr Francis Osbaldisfone, the son of a attendants, two of whom seized upon the prosrich London merchant, who, refusing to engage trate suppliant, and hurried him to the brink of a in commercial pursuits, as desired by his father, cliff which overhung the flood. He set up the is sent to an uncle's in Northumberland, almost most piercing and dreadful cries that fear ever disinherited. In his journey to the north, he uttered,-I may well term them dreadful, for Most of our readers, we believe, are acquaintfalls in with Robert Campbell, a cattle-dealer, they haunted my sleep for years afterwards. As ed, that, since the commencement of the prealias Rob Roy, and by a skilful connexion of the murderers, or executioners, call them as you sent century, in addition to the various public their fates, they become from that period inter-will, dragged him along, he recognised me even edifices which previously adorned the metropolis, woven with each other. Sir Hildebrand Osbal- in that moment of horror, and exclaimed, in the several establishments have been formed for the distone (the uncle) and his six sons, form a mas- last articulate words I ever heard him utter,- diffusion of literature, science, and the useful arts, sive group in this canvas, and the chief light is O, Mr Osbaldistone, save me! save me which are known by the name of Institutions. By found in a relative, who is living at Cubhall, "I was so much moved by this horrid spec- means of these establishments, a correct taste Miss Diana Vernon, on whose character the au- tacle, that, although in momentary expectation for literature has been diffused; while the various thor has exerted all his energies. The only of sharing his fate, I did attempt to speak in his courses of lectures on the different departments of other female who figures in the piece, is the wife behalf; but, as might have been expected, my science have imparted to many the knowledge of Rob Roy: a ruthless and desolate-hearted interference was sternly disregarded. The vic- of those brilliant discoveries, which it is the gloAmazon. The chieftain of the clan Gregor him- tim was held fast by some, while others, bind-ry of Britain that her sons have made. It was self is admirably drawn, though in him there has ing a large heavy stone in a plaid, tied it round therefore with much pleasure, we learned that been less of invention necessary than in others. his neck, and others again eagerly stripped him Liverpool, the second commercial port in the He seems only less barbarous, or, we may say, of some part of his dress. Half-naked, and thus British empire, has added to the various literary more civilized than common fame has handed manacled, they hurled him into the lake, there establishments she already possesses, a Royal him down to us. A Scotch gardener, Andrew about twelve feet deep, drowning his last death- Institution, upon the plan of those already existFairservice, is well depicted; a worldly, time-shriek with a loud halloo of vindictive triumph, ing in the metropolis. Nor could any person be serving, selfish fellow; neither overburthened above which, however, the yell of mortal agony more appropriately selected to pronounce the diswith sense nor principle; but yet contriving, by was distinctly heard. The heavy burden splash-course at its opening, than the elegant historian his officiousness, to occupy a conspicuous stationed in the dark-blue waters of the lake, and the of Lorenzo de Medicis and Leo X. in this drama. A Highland follower of Rob Roy, named Dougal, and a Macgregor, forms a contrast to Fairservice. He is faithful, brave, and devoted, cunning, shrewd, and dexterous. Owen, the principal clerk of the house of Osbaldistone and Tresham, is another portrait of unassuming pretensions, but of exquisite fidelity. The great city, and the wild hills of Scotia, alike

Highlanders, with their pole-axes and swords,
watched an instant to guard, lest, extricating
himself from the load to which he was attached,
he might have struggled to regain the shore.
But the knot had been securely bound; the vic-
tim sank without effort; the waters, which his
fall had disturbed, settled calmly over him, and
the unit of that life, for which he had pleaded

After adverting to that recent calamity which has carried grief and consternation into every private family, and in consequence of which the opening of the Liverpool Royal Institution was for a short time postponed; and referring his hearers to the official report of the Committee for a detail of the various objects it embraces, Mr Roscoe proceeds to enquire into the cause

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of the rise and progress of Letters, of Science, and of Art, and to trace the vicissitudes which they have experienced; at the same time taking notice of their bearings upon the more important avocations of life, and on the prosperity of those countries in which they have been encouraged. We had marked a variety of passages, with which we were not more delighted than instructed, in this elegantly written discourse; but want of room limits our extracts to the following, paragraph, on the influence of governments, and of a state of public insecurity on literary pursuits, and on the connection between commerce and intellectual improvement.

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According to the degree of confidence which any government has in its own stability, will, in general, be the liberty allowed to the expression of the public sentiment, and in proportion to this liberty will be the proficiency made in literary pursuits. Nor must this freedom of opinion and expression be confined to particular subjects. Few governments, however arbitrary, have attempted to restrain enquiries purely scholastic, the studies of classical literature, or the pursuits of scientific curiosity; but this is not sufficient for the interest of letters. Debarred of expatiating at large on those more important subjects, which involve the regulations of society, in politics, in morals, in manners, and in religion, the human faculties become contracted, devoted to minute and trivial discussions, and unable to operate with vigour and effect even upon those subjects which are permitted to their research.

"It has, therefore, seldom been in the power of an absolute monarch, whatever may have been his celebrity, to afford a degree of literary liberty equal to that which the people enjoy under a mixed or popular form of government; and, indeed, with whatever liberality it may be granted, it cannot be for a moment forgotten, that it as a bare concession of the sovereign, existing only during such time as his own interests may appear to him to admit of it, and accompanied with such conditions and restraints as he may think proper to prescribe. Hence, it is neither so certain in its duration, nor so extensive in its effects, as that which is founded in right, and defined by known and established laws. In a government legitimately constituted, the freedom of enquiry and of expression is a permanent principle, interwoven with the existence of the state; in an absolute monarchy it is temporary and accidental, depending upon the character and will of the prince, and may be suppressed or extinguished whenever he may conceive that his interest or his safety requires the adoption of such a measure. The consciousness that this power, though not exercised, still subsists, and the uncertainty by what degree of irritation it may be provoked, deaden the efforts of the timid, and restrain and circumscribe those of the bold; whilst the dissolving influence of arbitrary favour is often too powerful for even genius itself to resist.

Literature--New Publications.

distinction, to honour, to wealth, and to impor-
tance, is open to all, and the success of every
individual will, in general, be in proportion to
his vigilance and his talents.

"The studies of literature are only a reflec-
tion or shadow of the transactions of real life;
and he who is a stranger to the hopes and fears,
to the passions and emotions which agitate the
mind in the affairs of the world, however he may
be conversant with words and modes of expres-
sion, will only repeat, perhaps in a more elegant
form, the ideas of others, but will never attain
that originality and strength of thought, which
is only derived from close examination and long
observation of actual life. Wherever we turn
our eyes on the annals of literature, we find its
brightest ornaments amongst those who have re-
tired from the field, from the senate, or from the
bar, to bend the strength of their well exercised
and indefatigable minds towards the pursuits of
science or the cultivation of taste. It is they
who have not only supplied the materials of his-
tory, but have taught the right use of those ma-
terials. In their works we see the living pic-
ture of mankind, such as he has been in all ages,
and in all his variations. It is they who have
given animation and reality to these studies,
which without their frequent interference and
powerful aid, would long since have degenerated
into puerile und effeminate amusements.

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[ March 7. 1818.

are only negative advantages. Though the blos-
necessary to intellectual improvement. But these
soms may escape the blight and the mildew, yet
warm suns, and timely showers, are requisite be-
fore they can expand and ripen their fruit. It
would, in fact, be in vain to expect that the arts
and sciences should flourish, to their full extent,
in any country where they were not preceded, or
accompanied by a certain degree of stability,
wealth, and competency, so as to enable its inha-
bitants occasionally to withdraw their attention
from the more laborious occupations of life, and
devote it to speculative inquiries, and the plea-
sures derived from works of art. Whenever any
state has attained this enviable pre-eminence,
and enjoys also the blessings of civil and political
Kiberty, letters and arts are introduced-not in-
deed as a positive convention of any people, but
as a natural and unavoidable result. Nor has the
cultivation of these studies been injurious to the
prosperity, the morals, or the character of a peo-
ple. On the contrary, they have usually exhibit-
ed a reaction highly favourable to the country
where they have been cherished, not only by
opening new sources of wealth and exertion, but
by exalting the views, purifying the moral taste,
enlarging the intellectual and even the physical
powers of the human race, and conferring on the
and a distinction in the annals of mankind, the
nation where they have once flourished, a rank
most honourable and the most durable that can
be attained.

"Of the connection that has, from the earliest ages, subsisted between commerce and intellectual improvement, the records of the human race bear constant evidence.

Among the external causes that deaden the operations of the intellect, and destroy the vital principle of exertion, few have been more effectual than a state of public insecurity, and the long When the mind continuance of desolating wars. "The perfection and happiness of our nature is agitated by apprehension, when the means of subsistence are precarious, when domestic attachments are endangered, and the duration of arise in a great degree from the exercise of our life itself is uncertain, how is it possible to turn relative and social feelings; and the wider these to those studies which require uninterrupted lei- are extended the more excellent and accomplishsure, and a perfect freedom not only from the ed will be the character that will be formed. The severer calamities of life, but from the casual first step to commercial intercourse is rude and interruptions of society? The circumstances in selfish, and consists of little more than an interwhich all Europe was placed during the middle change, or barter of articles necessary to the acages, when, for a long course of time, one spe- commodation of the parties; but as this intercies of desolation was followed by another in course is extended, mutual confidence takes place, quick succession, and the world was thinned in habits of acquaintance, and even of esteem and its numbers by famine, by pestilence, and by the friendship are formed, till it may, perhaps, withsword, or debilitated and exhansted by oppres-out exaggeration, be asserted, that of all the bonds sion in every variety of form, exhibit too certain by which society is at this day united, those of a cause of the deep debasement of the human mercantile connection are the most numerous and mind, and of the almost total relinquishment of the most extensive, The direct consequence of liberal studies. Even independent of the mise- this, is not only an increase of wealth to those ries occasioned by war, whether unsuccessful or countries where commerce is carried on to its The ferocious lectual character and a superior degree of civilisuccessful, its long continuance is hostile and de- proper extent, but an improvement in the intelstructive to letters and to arts. spirit which it excites is highly discordant with that zation in those by whom its operations are condisposition which consults not merely the being, but ducted. Accordingly we find, that in every nathe well-being of the human race, and endeavours tion where commerce has been cultivated upon to communicate to them the highest pleasures of great and enlightened principles, a considerable which their nature is capable. In the arrogant proficiency has always been made in liberal stu estimation of brutal strength, wisdom and learn- dies and pursuits. Without recurring to the splening are effeminate and contemptible; and where did examples of antiquity, it may be sufficient to those qualities are little esteemed, the attainment advert to the effect produced by the free states "But another striking distinction between a of them will no longer excite exertion. Even the in Italy, and the Hanse Towns in Germany, in despotic and a popular government, as applied interruption which takes place in the intercourse improving the character of the age. Under the to the improvement of the human intellect, still between different states, during the continuance influence of commerce, the barren islands of Vecame not only the seats of opulence and splenremains to be noticed. In the former, as the ad- of a war, is itself highly unfavourable to the pro- nice, and the unhealthy swamps of Holland, beministration of public affairs is concentrated ingress of science and letters; as it prevents that an individual, who is jealous of any interference dour, but the abodes of literature, of science, and in the exercise of his authority, a large field of the fine arts, and vied with each other, not less enquiry and of improvement is shut out from the in the number and celebrity of eminent men and mercantile concerns. Nor is it possible for us to investigation of the people, whose chief incitedistinguished scholars, than in the extent of their ment to exertion is the hope of those favours and repress our exultation at the rising prospects and rewards which the sovereign may think proper to bestow. But in a state which partakes of rapid improvement of our own country, or to close the nature of a popular government, the path to our eyes to the decisive evidence which every day

free communication of discoveries and opinions
between men of talents and genius, which ex-
cites a national and generous emulation, and has
tended in a great degree to the improvement of

Thus then it appears, that a state of general
tranquillity, and a government which admits of
the free exertions of the mind are indispensably

March 7. 1818.]

Literature-New Publications.


her extension over the Caspian provinces, and other extremities of Asia, will be no difficult attainment. We should remind our readers, that Russia, in the late treaty with Persia, stipulated for the sole monopolization of commerce on the Caspian.

brings before us, of the mutual advantages which extensive commerce, ensuring wealth to the gocommerce and literature derive from each other. vernment, and stability to its existence. Not only in the metropolis, but in many of the Our knowledge of Russia's situation in this great commercial towns of the united kingdom, quarter, and the consideration of her influence academical institutions are formed, and literary over Turkey and the neighbouring states, daily societies established, upon different plans and with increases our jealousy of the effects of such a different resources, but all of them calculated to mighty preponderance. We may perceive, from The last subject we shall consider is, whether promote the great object of intellectual improve- a mere inspection of the map, that our eastern Russia has" collected and re-equipped armies ment. In some of these the town of Liverpool has provinces are becoming more and more endan-sufficient to defend her acquisitions and improve led the way. It was, I believe, her Athenæum gered from a thorough sense of the rapid advance her advantages." To this we think but one anand Lyceum that set the first example of those which this northern power is making towards swer will be found-that she can. "The fact associations which are now so generally adopted; universal dominion. If Russia continues her an- is," says our author, “that Russia, after posting and it may justly be observed, that these estab-nual increase of commerce in the Black sea, her thirty thousand men of appropriate force, with lishments have no longer left the beneficial influ- navies will, ere long, convince the followers of artillery, &c. in Finland, eighty thousand on ence which commerce and literature have on Mahomet, that the Dardanelles are unable to the frontier of Gallicia, sixty thousand in Moleach other, to be inferred from historical deduc- protect the capital of their ancient empire. The davia, thirty thousand on the frontier of Armetions, or far sought arguments; but have actually object of Alexander and his predecessors, to ob- nia, as many in Persia, and, leaving a reserve brought them together, have given them a resi- tain possession of the Turkish capital, is too well of one hundred thousand men to sustain these dence under the same roof, and inseparably unit-known; and even many of our own countrymen, armies, possesses still a disposable force of above ed the bold, vigorous, and active character of the particularly the literati, who, deploring the sla- two hundred thousand infantry, eighty thousand one, with the elegant accomplishments and light- very of ancient Greece, and detesting its op- cavalry, and one thousand two hundred guns, er graces of the other." pressors as enemies to the Christian faith, have better horsed for service than any artillery or caanxiously wished the consummation of those pre-valry in the world." But "her defensive means, REMARKS ON SIR ROBERT WILSON'S Treatise tensions which have in view the final overthrow indeed, are so great and various as to be incalculable." Of this we had a sufficient proof duron the Power and Policy of Russia-(con of the Turkish fabric. We deplore as much as tinued from p. 239.)-from a Correspondent. any one the miserable situation of those climes where philosophy and learning reached their meThe position of Russia towards Turkey, has ridian, where freedom's laws were so highly eadvanced to the Danube and Pruth," distant steemed, and where art and science shone with only one hundred miles from Transylvania, about radiant splendour. But if we may credit the two hundred and fifty from Constantinople by authorities of such travellers as Lord Byron, Dr water, and three hundred by land, in a direct Clarke, and others, who agree in the opinion that line" And with regard to the safety of Turkey the minds of the Moslems are becoming more enon the side of the Caucasian mountains and Black lightened, and their notions of religion and libersea, Sir Robert says, "Now, instead of the ty more free and refined, we shall also coincide Crescent waving on the batteries of the Cuban, with them in believing, that the Greek cross can the Mahometan banner, replaced by the Russian never improve the condition of Greece. Whateagles, has been driven across and beyond the ever may be our wish for the propagation of navigable Phasis, and is not to be found until the Christianity, why should we covet the downfal river Bathus, in Armenia, presents a feeble bar- of any people because of their peculiar tenets rier; while the Russian advanced frontier, sup-in religion? Are the Turks more faithless in ported by the mountain line, which connects their treaties than the Russians, or are the Georgia with her new position, secures an indis- inhabitants of Turkey in greater bondage than putable sovereignty over the acquired country, the peasants of Russia? No one can say there and bids defiance to attack." The following is less freedom of thought in the religion of Mapoints of distance from the Russian frontier, na- homet than in that of the Greek church, or that turally suggest Sir Robert Wilson's anticipation the Turks shew less fervour in their devotions, of the insecurity of Turkey in Asia. "The dis- or more want of general civilization than their tance is to Trebisond, but eighty miles; to neighbours. Should Turkey fall, the overthrow the western bank of the Euphrates, not above of Persia is inevitable; towards which and our ninety; to Arzroum, one hundred; to Sinope, eastern possessions the attitude of Russia stands two hundred and seventy; to Scutari, opposite thus: Constantinople, a little more than five hundred; “To reach Iehvian, the capital of the Shah, across the isthmus of Asia Minor to Alexandret- the columns have to march only three hundred ta*, (a seaport town opposite Cyprus, in the Me- miles; and by the navigation of the Caspian, diterranean, and only sixty miles from Aleppo,) they can be disembarked within one hundred! little more than four hundred; and to the Red Thus an army might sail from the Baltic through sca from thence, not five hundred." A little re- an internal navigation from Petersburgh to Asflection on these circumstances will make it evi- tracan, and landing on the southern shore of the dent, that Russia only awaits the signal "to Caspian, pitch their tents within four hundred launch the Greek fire from the shore of the Bos-miles of the Persian gulf; from whence the voy-L.1, phorus on the towers of the Seraglio, if the sultan does not obey the Russian ukase."

At the conclusion of the late war with Turkey, four valuable accessions were made to the Russian

age to Bombay is only from twenty-four to thirty
days, in both monsoons; and to Madras, but
eight or ten days longer in the S. W. monsoon."

ing Bonaparte's memorable expedition to that country. Then was it shewn, that no troops could undergo greater hardships and privatious, could better withstand the attacks of the most formidable and well disciplined armies, or could perform their duties with more promptitude, when necessity required. Out of an establishment of 1,200,000 men, exclusive of militia and Tartar cavalry, Russia can bring into the field 640,000 troops, as well equipped as any in Europe. Alexander has not been inactive in the establishment of an extensive navy, having of late been incessantly employed in building the heaviest line-ofbattle ships, in addition to above eighty sail of the line in Archangel, Cronstadt, Revel, &c.

Such is a short outline of this modern empire, whose gigantic power already strikes terror into the heart of Europe, and whose progress can only be retarded by the most vigorous coalition on the part of every nation interested in the protection of its liberties. We would not desire to create any unnecessary fears, nor to attribute any immediate hostile intentions to the present ruler of Russia; but we must avow, from the calamitous proofs of the past, that it is absolutely necessary to afford some barrier to the preponderating influence of Russia, and that the fatal effects of deviating from a just balance of power should be clearly estimated.

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* Near this town Alexander conquered Darius, at the battle of Issus.

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