First board of directors. Vacancies. Opening books directors, by publishing a. notice of such meeting for three weeks next preceding the time, and giving the time and place of holding the same, in a newspaper nearest the office of said company, in Adams county, Wis., and in one paper in the city of Beloit, Wis., or by notice of the same deposited in the postoffice, and directed to each of the stockholders in said company, at least fifteen days prior to the time of holding the said annual meeting; and at all elections for di rectors, each share of stock shall be entitled to one vote, which may be cast by the owner thereof, or by proxy duly authorized by the by-laws of the com pany. SECTION 5. S. G. Colley, G. A. Houston and Wm T. Goodhue are hereby declared to be the first boar of directors of said company, who shall hold their of fice until the last Wednesday in November, 1867, an until their successors are elected; and in case tha from any cause an election shall not be held at the time specified therefor, the same may be held at an time thereafter, upon notice being given in the mar ner as provided for the annual meeting. Until suc. election, the directors of the preceding year shall co tinue to act, and their charter shall not be void b reason of any irregularity in [or] want of such ele tion. In case of a vacancy occurring in the board b death or resignation of either of the directors, suc vacancy shall be filled by the remaining members the board, by the appointment of a director fro among the stockholders. SECTION 6. Books of subscription to the capit of subscription. stock may be opened at such time and places, an subscriptions received from such persons, and payab in such manner, as may be prescribed by the board directors. By-laws. Officers. SECTION 7. The board of directors of said compar may make and adopt all such by-laws, rules and regul tions, and alter and amend the same, as may be nece sary to conduct and manage the business and affairs said company, and to define the duties of all its officer and shall have power to call special meetings of th stockholders at any time, by giving notice as specifie for annual meetings, and specifying the particular ol ject for which said meeting was called. SECTION 8. The directors of said company a ng pointed by this act, and each successive board of di rectors, shall at their first meeting appoint one of their number president, who shall hold his office until authorhalte ot new board of directors shall be chosen; and each board of directors shall appoint a secretary and treasturer of said company, who shall be a stockholder or de stockholders, and shall hold the offices during the old pleasure of the board, and whose duties shall be defor fined by the by-laws of said company. tab bine an SECTION 9. The board of directors shall cause a Record of proceedings. or correct record of their proceedings to be kept in a ebook to be used only for that purpose, which book. shall be open and free for the inspection of any stockdholder at all reasonable times. to tb SECTION 10. All notices, processes or proceeding Service of pro her that may be necessary to serve on said incorporation, 67, shall be served by delivering a copy of the same to ase the secretary or treasurer of said company, or either director of the same, or by delivering a copy of the at same to the agent or person in charge of [the] mill of said company. e til at SECTION 11. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 1, 1867. cess.. ACT to authorize joint school district No. 6, in the towns of a tar to erect a school-house. Teople of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate thorized.. SET 1. The legal voters of joint school dis $8,000 tax autrict Not in the towns of Lima and Lyndon, in the County Sheboygan, are hereby authorized and empowered try and collect from the persons, corporations and property in said district liable to tax, such mount as may be necessary, not exceeding the sum Collection of tax of three thousand dollars, for the purpose of building a school-house in said school district. SECTION 2. A majority of the legal voters of said district may, at any legally-called special or annual meeting of said voters, determine the amount so to be levied and collected, and the time of collecting said money, and where [when] so determined, said tax shall be collected in the same manner as other taxes in said district. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved February 1, 1867. May levy tax to How tax to be levied. Tax list and warrant. CHAPTER 11. [Published February 5, 1867] AN ACT to enable the city of Racine to levy a special tax to pay certain indebtedness. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in sena and assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The city council of the city of Racin in the state of Wisconsin, are hereby authorized an empowered at any time hereafter, either at a regul or special meeting of such council, to levy a speci tax in said city of Racine, not exceeding twen thousand (20,000) dollars in amount, for the purpo of paying the principal and interest due Charles Lu ing for moneys heretofore advanced by him at the i stance and request of said city. SECTION 2. Said tax shall be levied upon the ta able property, both real and personal, in said city Racine, as the same was returned, revised and co rected by the assessors for said city in the year (A. 1866, and equalized; and the assessment roll of th taxable real and personal property of the city for t year 1866, as so corrected and equalized, shall be th asseesment and valuation upon which the tax author ed by this act shall be levied. SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the city cle so to said build of said city, immediately after the city council shall er tar 5, 186 tax t in lection of tax. SECTION 4. The city treasurer of said city on re. Notice and colceiving said tax list, shall give notice in two newspapers printed in said city, that such tax list has been committed to him for the purpose of collecting the taxes therein named, and that he will receive payment of said taxes at his office, in said city, until the first Monday of May, in the year 1867; and said notice shall also state the time and place when and where he will sell all lots and lands in said list contained, upon which the taxes so levied remain unpaid at such time, or so much thereof as will pay and satisfy all taxes so levied thereon, together with all costs and other liabilities which shall accrue according to law, by the ized advertisement and sale; and said notice shall be pubished at least three weeks in two newspapers printed aspe said city, between the first day of March and the st Monday in May, A. D. 1867; and in case the tax any real estate in said tax list contained, shall rein unpaid on the first Monday of May, A. D. 1867, treasurer shall on the day thereafter commence the of said real estate, and continue the same from to day until so much thereof shall be sold as will the taxes, interest and charges levied, due and ched hereon agreeably to this act; and all the proviss law now in force relating to the collection of taxe said city, making sales for unpaid taxes, issuing tificates of such sales, the execution of Conveya of real estate so sold, the redemption of hands sold the non-payment of taxes, the collection upon personal property, and the fees of the treasurer of said city for collecting taxes and issu of taxes levial Lien. Application of, tax. City may issue scrip. ing certificates, shall be applicable to and govern the collection of the taxes authorized so to be levied by and under the provisions of this act, except as is otherwise provided in this act, and except, also, that said sales of real estate for the non-payment of taxes (hereby) authorized to be levied by virtue of this act, shall be completed on or before the 1st day of June, A. D. 1867. SECTION 5. From the time of the delivery of said tax list to the city treasurer, with the warrant annexed, the taxes so levied on the real estate described in said tax list shall become and be a lien thereon until the same shall be paid and satisfied, together with all costs and charges which may accrue thereon agreeably to law. SECTION 6. The proceeds of said taxes, when collected, shall be a special fund for the payment of the amount due said Luling for moneys advanced by him as hereinbefore mentioned, and shall be safely kept by the city treasurer until paid out on the order of the city council in payment of the amount now due said Luling for the moneys advanced by him as aforesaid. SECTION 7. The city council of the city of Racine. at any time after the levy of said tax, are hereby au thorized and empowered to issue and sell scrip of said city to any amount not exceeding twenty thousan dollars, which scrip shall be received by the city treasurer of said city from any tax-payer holding th same, in payment of the tax which may be levie and chargeable upon his property under and by virtu of the provisions of this act. Such scrip may b issued and sold in any manner said city council ma direct. SECTION 8. This act shall take effect and be in ford from and after its passage. Approved February 4, 1867. |