
and empowered to enter into a contract with Ephraim F. Dunham, Cornelius Newman and Horace Clemons, or any two of them, personally, or as trustees for others, for the erection or construction of a building To whom to be within said district, which shall belong in part to said long and how to be used. district, to be used for school purposes, and in part to said Dunham, Newman and Clemons, personally, or as trustees of the hall association hereby created, and their heirs, assigns or successors, for a hall. The par ties aforesaid are hereby authorized, on behalf of said district and of said Dunham, Newman and Clemons, or said association, to make and enter into a contract for the purpose aforesaid, and as to the character and kind of building to be constructed, and the interests and rights of the contracting parties therein.

Hall association --their powers and duties.

SECTION 2. The said Ephraim F. Dunham, Cor nelius Newman and Horace Clemons, and their suc cessors, are hereby organized into a hall association for the purpose of owning and taking care of the hall herein provided for, and of using, renting and enjoy ing the same, of which they shall be the first trustees, and are hereby empowered to fix the name and capital stock of such association, and provide for the number of shares of stock therein and the amount thereof, and to issue and sell said stock to such per sons as may subscribe therefor, for the purpose of building said hall. Said trustees shall hold their of fices until their successors are duly elected and quali fied; and they shall, on or before the first day of August after the passage of this act, call a meeting of the stockholders of said association, at some public place in said district, by posting written or printed notices of the time and place of such meeting, in three public places in said district, at least ten days before the date thereof. Such stockholders shall at said meeting select by ballot such number of trustees, not exceeding five, as shall be determined by the holder: of a majority of the shares of stock. Each share o stock shall be entitled to one vote at such meeting The board of trustees so chosen shall prepare and adopt a code of by-laws for the necessary governmen of such association, and to provide for the necessary officers thereof, their terms of office, and the time and manner of holding elections for officers and the trans action of all the necessary business of said association



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which by-laws may be amended at any meeting of
said trustees by a vote of two-thirds of all the trustees.
SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passage.

Approved February 9, 1867.

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AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Dane county to
raise a tax to aid in the erection of a normal school building at
the village of Stoughton, Dane county, Wisconsin.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate
and assembly, do enact as follows:

for such sum as they shall deem prope Oraise a tax of



SECTION 1. The county board of supervisors of $10,000 tax autrust the county of Dane, in the state of Wisconsin, are and hereby authorized and empowered to raise a tax of not exceeding ten thousand dollars, to aid in the erection of a normal chschool building, to be located at the village of Stoughpton, in the county of Dane, and state of Wisconsin; Collection of the said tax to be levied and collected and paid over dgin such manner and at such time or times as the said County board of supervisors shall by resolution determ

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SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved February 11, 1867.



A A to incorporate the Gilead lodge, No. 41, I. O. B. B. be

nevolent society, of the city of Milwaukee.

They of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate
and ambly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Marcus Hermann, Moritz Sonlander,
Moritz N Baker, Isaac Stransky, L. Adlern, S. Weil, R.




Further powers.



Terms of office.

Record book.

Reichmann, Michael Weiner, Louis Shoyer, Simon Kahn, David Lederes, who have united themselves into an association for the purpose of affording help and relief to their members, and by contributing to the expense of burying their dead, and other benevolent purposes, are hereby declared and constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name of Gilead lodge No. 41, I. O. B. B. benevolent society, located in the city of Milwaukee, Milwaukee county.

SECTION 2. The said association shall have power to contract and bè contracted with, to sue and be sued, to implead and to be impleaded, to answer and to be answered unto in all courts of this state, and shall be vested with the powers and privileges necessary to carry out and fulfill the objects of their corporation.

SECTION 3. The said corporation shall further have power to establish for its government a constitution and by-laws, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state, to have and to use a common seal, to alter the same at pleasure, and to take by gift, grant or devise, and to hold and convey, real and personal property, not exceeding in value twenty-five thousand dollars.

SECTION 4. The members of this association shall have power to assemble at such times and places as may be agreed upon, and they shall elect any number of discreet persons of their association, not less than three nor more than nine in number, as trustees, to take charge of the real and personal property belong. ing thereto, and to transact all business relative to the investment and disposal thereof.

SECTION 5. It shall be lawful for said association to elect or appoint a secretary, and such other officers as the condition and circumstances of the corporation may require, and to prescribe their powers and duties, and require bonds for the faithful performance thereof, in such penal sum as they may choose.

SECTION 6. The trustees shall hold their term of office for one year, and all other officers shall hold their terms of office for the space of six months, excep when otherwise provided for in their constitution.

SECTION 7. It shall be the duty of the secretar to keep and file in his office all books and paper belonging to said corporation, and copy all the by laws made by said corporation in a book kept for tha purpose, and shall also enter in said book the name

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of all persons who may become members of said

SECTION 8. Any member of said corporation shall Fines.
be subject to any fine imposed by said association for
the neglect of any duties imposed upon him by virtue
of his office, which fine may be collected in the name
of the association by the secretary of said association,
or his successor in office, also before any justice of the
peace in said county.


SECTION 9. The property, real and personal, of Descent of propsaid association shall be devoted solely to the purposes and objects of said association; and all real and perot sonal estate which may hereafter be lawfully conveyed by devise, gift, grant, purchase or otherwise to said association, shall descend, with improvements, in perpetual succession, and shall be held by said trustees and their successors in office in trust for said corporation.

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SECTION 10. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved February 14, 1867.

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AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of the county of
Pierce to levy a tax for the purpose of completing a soldiers'


The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate
and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The board of supervisors of the coun- Tax authorized.
of Pierce are hereby authorized to levy a tax, not

ceeding two mills on each dollar of all taxable
perty in said county, to aid in building a soldiers'
ment in said county.

SECON 2. This act shall take effect and be in force
from after its passage and publication.
Apred February 14, 1867.

Grading streets, &c.

Construction of sidewalks.


[Published February 27, 1867.]

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "an act to incorporate the city of Ripon."

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Section 1 and section 6 of chapter 6 of said act is hereby amended, so as to read as follows: "Section 1. All streets shall be graded, and all sidewalks, alley-ways, bridges, sluices, water-courses and drains shall be constructed under the direction of and to the acceptance of the street commissioner, and the approval of a majority of the common council."

Section 6. Sidewalks shall be constructed on any street in said city of such width, and of such materi als, and in such time as the common council by ordi nance, resolution or order shall direct, by the owner o owners of any lot or piece of ground in front of which such sidewalk shall be ordered. If the owner or own ers of any such lot or piece of land shall not constructe such sidewalk as aforesaid, the common council may cause the same to be constructed at the expense of such owner or owners. The contract for the construc tion of any such sidewalk shall be let to the lowest bidder, and notice shall be given, by publication in the official paper of the city, or by posting, for at least ten days, of the time, place and manner of receiving such bids. The common council shall levy a specia tax upon such lot or piece of ground in front of which any sidewalk shall be constructed by contract, suffi cient to pay the cost of constructing the same: provided that no such contract shall be let until sixty days notice shall have been given to such owner or owners of the ordinance, resolution or order requiring the construction of such sidewalk, by the publication o the same in the official paper of the city, or by posting and provided, further, that no such ordinance, resol tion or order shall be passed, or contract let, until the object shall have been petitioned for by at least two thirds of the persons owning land and actually resid ing or doing business upon the street or part of street where said work is to be done."

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