
Log.6 2.302585÷1.791759=.778151
Log. 7=2.302585÷1.945910-.845098
Log. 9=2.302585÷2.197224.954243

Log. 10. 2.302585÷2.302585=1.000000 ́; and,

Art. 37. Log. 4.301030+.301030=.602060
Log. 6 .301030+.477121.778151
Log. 8 .301030+.602060.903090




Log. 9 .477121+.477121.954243

Log. 10.301030+.698970=1.000000

Note Of this method, we add, that for those who may wish to compute an entire table, it may possess very slight advantages over that given by Day. But a rule for such an object will, it is believed, never be called for. In the treatise under consideration, the student is never required to do more than to calculate the logarithms of the prime numbers 2, 3 and 7; and in order to do this, by Day's rule, it is necessary to find the reciprocal of the base of Napier's system, which is of itself a considerable labor, and is rendered unnecessary by the other rule. But as it is not so much our object to give new rules, as to furnish solutions according to those which are given, we shall proceed first, to find the reciprocal of 2.302 585 092 944 045 668, and then to multiply this reciprocal by the logarithms of 2, 3 and 7, according to Napier's system, which will give the logarithms of these numbers according to Briggs' system.

The division of 1 by 2.302 585 092 994 045 668, is so tedious, that it is desirable to have some method of detecting errors as they may occur in any part of the process. We shall, therefore, multiply the divisor by each of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; then during the process of division, when the divisor is multiplied into any one of these figures, its product may be compared with the previous product of the divisor into the same number. In cases where there is entire certainty of the accuracy of the first products, these may be used without a second multiplication.

2×2.302 585 092 994 045 668

3×2.302 585 092 994 045 668

4×2.302 585 092 994 045 668

4.605 170 185 988 091 336 6.907 755 278 982 137 004

9.210 340 371 976 182 672

5×2.302 585 092 994 045 668-11.512 925 464 970 228 340 6×2.302 585 092 994 045 668-13.815 510 557 964 274 008 7x2.302 585 092 994 045 668-16.118 095 650 958 319 676 8×2.302 585 092 994 045 668=18.420 680 743 952 365 344 8×2.802 585 092 994 045 668-20.723 265 836 946 411 012

Divisor, 2.302 585 092 994 045 668).434 294 481 903 251. 830, Quotient.

1.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

921 034 037 197 618 267 2

78 965 962 802 381 732 80
69 077 552 789 821 370 04

9 888 410 012 560 362 760
9 210 340 371 976 182 672

678 069 640 584 180 088 0
460 517 018 598 809 133 6
217 552 621 985 370 954 40
207 232 658 369 464 110 12
10 319 963 615 906 844 280
9 210 340 371 976 182 672
1 109 623 243 930 661 608 0
921 034 037 197 618 267 2
188 589 206 733 043 340 80
184 206 807 439 523 653 44

4 382 399 293 519 687 360
2 302 585 092 994 045 668
2 079 814 200 525 641 692 0
2 072 326 583 694 641 101 2

7 487 616 831 000 590 800
6 907 755 278 982 137 004

579 861 552 018 453 796 0
460 517 018 598 809 133 6
119 344 533 419 644 662 40
115 129 254 649 702 283 40

4 215 278 769 942 379 000
2 302 585 092 994 045 668
1 912 693 676 948 333 332 0
1 842 068 074 395 236 534 4
70 625 602 553 096 797 60
69 077 552 789 821 370 04

1 548 049 763 275 427 560

From this tedious process, we find the reciprocal of Napier's base to be .434 294 481 903 251 830. For ordinary

purposes, and for the use which we shall make of it, it is not necessary that it should be carried to so great a number of decimals. As it is, it will answer for finding logarithms to almost any degree of accuracy, and serve equally well for finding them to only 6 or 7 figures. We now give, as before premised, the logarithms of the prime numbers 2, 3 and 7.

[blocks in formation]

VARIOUS EXPLANATIONS FROm art. 71, to art. 134.

Corollary 2, Art. 96. The cosine of 30°=√3.

Radius, cosine and sine constitute a right angled triangle, radius being the hypothenuse: Therefore, Euclid I. 47, Ra =cos2+sin2, and as cos 30°=sin 60°, if radius=1, the above equation becomes by transposing, cosa 30°-R2-sin3 30° 1. Extracting the square root of cos2 30° and

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The sine of 45°-the cosine of 45°, each being equal to radius, therefore R2=sin2 45°+cos2 45°-2sin2 45°. As R2=1, sin2 45°, and sin 45°=√: But the root of a fraction is equal to the root of the numerator divided by the root of the denominator, and in √, the numerator being 1, any root of it is 1; that is, √√1÷√2=1÷2=

[blocks in formation]

Four examples under article 108.
Required the tangent of 24° 15′ 18".
The tangent of 24° 16' 9.6540004
The tangent of 24° 15′=9.6536631

[ocr errors]

60" .0003373::18′′; x

Multiplying extremes and means, 60x=.0060714

Dividing by 60,


=.0010119, the cor-

rection to be added to 9.6536631, the tangent of 24° 15', which added, becomes 9.65376429, the answer.

Required to cotangent of 31° 50' 5".

The cotangent of 31° 51'=10.2067440
The cotangent of 31° 50' 10.2070259


60": .0002819::5": x

Multiplying extremes and means, 60x=.0014050
Dividing by 60, x=.00002349.

10.2070259+.00002349=10.20700241, the cotangent of

31° 50' 5".

Required the sine of 58° 14' 32".

The sine of 58° 15' 9.9295989

The sine of 58° 14'-9.9295207

60".0000782::32′′ : x

Multiplying extremes and means, 60x=.0000782 × 32, and x.00004004, which added to 9.9295207, becomes 9.92956074, the sine of 58° 14′ 32′′.

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Multiplying extremes and means, 60x=.0037216, and x= 00007869, which added to 9.7567815, becomes 9.75670281, the cosine of 55° 10' 26".

Four examples under article 110.

Required the angle belonging to the sine of 9.20621.

Sin next greater 9° 16′ 9.2069059

Sin next less 9° 15'






.0000791, there

fore by the rule, .0007750.0000791::60" x

Multiplying extremes and means, .0007750x=.000047460", and x=6": therefore, the angle belonging to the sine 9.20621 is 9° 15' 6".

[blocks in formation]

: x. Multiplying extremes and means, .0000376 x = .0012360", and x=30". Therefore the angle belonging to the cosine 9.98157, is 16° 34′ 30′′.

Required the angle belonging to the tangent 10.43434.
Tan next greater 69° 49' 10.4346267 10.43434
Tan next less

60": x.

69° 48' 10.4342367 10.4342367

.0003900: .0001033::

Multiplying extremes and means, .0003900x=.00061980, and x 16" Therefore the angle belonging to the tangent 10.43434, is 69° 48′ 16′′.

Required the angle belonging to the cotangent of 10.33554. Cot next greater 24° 48′ 10.3356289 10.33554

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