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" And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as thou comest unto Zoar. "
Annual Register - Side 278
redigert av - 1768
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Philosophical and Theological Works: Moses's sine principio. 3d ed., corr

John Hutchinson - 1748 - 546 sider
...comparative Defcription of the Place, ifi refpect of its being watered, Gen. xii. 10. And Lot lift up his Eyes, and beheld all the Plain of Jordan, that it ivai well "watered every where, before the Lord deftroy'd Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the Garden of...
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The Student, Or, The Oxford and Cambridge Monthly Miscellany. Vol. I.[-II.].

Christopher Smart - 1750 - 424 sider
...the book of GENESIS.' SIR, ' I 'HE paflage under confideration in our Englifh verfion J[ runs thus. And LOT lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain...of Jordan, that it -was well watered every where, before the LORD deftroyed Sodom and Gomorrha, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land gf Egypt,...
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Observations on Divers Passages of Scripture. Placing Many of Them in a ...

Thomas Harmer - 1787 - 566 sider
...copioufly, as that for feven or eight months " the country feems in a manner under an 1 Gen. 13. 10. Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every wherry before the Lord deilroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the Lord, like the land...
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The French Constitution: With Remarks on Some of Its Principal Articles : in ...

Benjamin Flower - 1792 - 476 sider
...then I will go to the " right ; or if thou depart to the right hand, " then I will go to the left. And Lot lifted up " his eyes, and beheld all the plain...of Jordan, " that it was well watered every where. Then " Lot «' Lot chofe him all the plain of Jordan ; and " Lot journeyed eaft : and they feparated...
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Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books, Bok 2

William Blackstone - 1794 - 676 sider
...implies an acknowledged right, in either, to occupy whatever ground he pleafed, that was not pre-occupied by other tribes. " And Lot lifted up his eyes, and...where, *' even as the garden of the Lord. Then Lot chofc him all "the plain of Jordan, and journeyed call ; and Abraham «« dwelt in the land of Canaan."...
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The Scripture History Relating to the Overthrow of Sodom ..., Utgave 5

Stephen Sewall - 1796 - 40 sider
...great condefcenlioo to his nephew, a fepa,ration. " Lot," in compliance with his uncle's requeft, " lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the " plain of Jordan," that, is, tpok a furvey of it, and found, " that it was well watered every ^ where, before the Lord deftroyed...
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Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose, Selected ...

Vicesimus Knox - 1797 - 516 sider
...implies an acknowbdged right in either to occupy whatever ground he plc.ifed, that was not prc-occupied by other tribes. " And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was * Осп. xxi. 30. f Gen. xxvi. 15, iS,'&c. } Colunt difcret! et divcrfi : ut fons, ut campus, ut nemusplacuit....
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Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose ..., Volum 2

1797 - 522 sider
...acknowledged right in either to occupy whatever ground he ple.ifed, that was not pre-occupied by otlier tribes. " And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was * Gcn.xxi. jp. -J- Gen. xxvi. 15, iS,'&c. J Colunt difcrcfti et divcrfi : uc fons, ut cam* pir, ut...
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Annual Register of World Events, Volum 10

1800 - 592 sider
...ther, to occupy whatever ground he pleafed, that was not pre-occupied by other tribes. " And Lot 1 lifted up his eyes, and beheld all ' the plain of Jordan, that it was 1 well watered every where, even ' as the garden of the Lord. ' Then Lot chofe him all the ' plain...
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The backslider; or, An enquiry into the nature, symptoms, and effects of ...

Andrew Fuller - 1801 - 108 sider
...he parted with Abraham, furnifhes an afrecT;ing example. When a h'tuatkm was put to his choice, he lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every where; and he took up his refidence in Sodom. He had better have.dwelt in a wildernefs, than among that debauched...
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