
Entry of Order admitting to Citizenship.

Twelfth District Court.

In the matter of the application of Leon
Level to become a citizen.


In open court appeared Leon Level, with his witnesses, Alexandre Halphen and Lazarus Wachenheimer, an applicant to be admitted a citizen of the United States, in pursuance of the statute in reference thereto made and provided, and said applicant having produced such evidence, made such declarations and renunciations, and taken such oaths as by the said Act of Congress are required,

It is ordered that said applicant be and he is hereby admitted to become a citizen of the United States of America.

Order Confirming Mortgage Sale.

In the District Court of the Twelfth Judicial District, State of California.

A. B., and others,

C. D.

City and County of San Francisco.

Charles Doane, Esq., sheriff of the city and county of San Francisco, having filed his report of the sale of the mortgaged premises set forth and described in the final decree herein, by which it appears that said premises were duly sold, and produced the net sum of two thousand and two hundred and twenty-six dollars and twenty cents, which has been applied in part satisfaction of said mortgage debt, leaving the sum of seven thousand and seventy-six dollars, and six cents, unpaid and unsatisfied, and now due and payable by said defendant C. D. to said A. B. and others, now on motion of said plaintiffs by their attorneys, Hoge & Wilson, it is ordered that said report and all things and matters therein contained do stand ratified and confirmed. San Francisco, September 4th, 1858.

Order for Execution for Deficiency on Mortgage Sale. 12th District Court


Č. D.

On reading and filing report of sale herein by which it appears that there is a deficiency due the plaintiff herein, after applying the proceeds of sale of the property described in decree herein, the sum of $2,871.60, with interest thereon at the rate of four per cent. per month, from the 14th day of August, 1858, until paid. On motion of Mr. Sharp, attorney for plaintiff, or

dered that said report of sale be and the same is hereby confirmed, and that said plaintiff, A. B., have judgment and execution against said defendant, C. D., for said sum of $2,871.60, with interest thereon at the rate of four per cent. per month, from said 14th day of August, 1858, until paid.

Writ of Venditioni Exponas.

United States of America,

State of California, County of San Mateo.


The People of the State of California, to the Sheriff of San Mateo County, greeting:

Whereas, heretofore we issued our writ of execution to you, directed in the words and figures following, to wit: [here copy in full the execution, omitting the return under which the sheriff made the sale of January 1st, 1858,] and you on the day of January,

1858, made your return to the said writ, by which return it appears that you had levied on the real estate described as follows [here insert description thereof as in the levy], which real estate so levied on by you under said writ, remained unsold for want of buyers.

Therefore we command you that you sell, or cause to be sold, the real estate by you taken as aforesaid, and every part thereof, for the best price that can be obtained for the same, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy the said judgment, and make return of your proceedings herein within thirty days after the receipt of this writ by you.

Witness, the Hon. Edward Norton, judge of the district court of the 12th judicial district, in and for San Mateo county, and the seal of said court, this day of A. D. 1859. WILLIAM DUER, Clerk.

[L. S.]

Order for Writ of Assistance.

State of California,

City and County of San Francisco,

In the District Court of the Twelfth Judicial District.

George Scarpa

José de la Cruz Sanchez.

On reading and filing the affidavit of James Wilson setting forth that he was the purchaser of the premises described in the complaint herein, that he has presented to the defendant Sanchez the sheriff's deed for said property, and demanded possession thereof, and that said Sanchez has refused to deliver to him possession of said premises, and it appearing that due notice has

been given of this notice to Messrs. Stow & Brown, the attorneys of said defendant, now, on motion of Whitcomb, Pringle & Felton, on behalf of said Wilson, it is ordered that a writ of assistance issue to the sheriff of San Mateo county, to put the said James Wilson in possession of the said premises, and him in the possession thereof from time to time to maintain and defend.

Writ of Assistance.

In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the City and County of San Francisco.

William Pitt

against Guy Fawkes.

The People of the State of California to the Sheriff of the City and County of San Francisco, send greeting:

Whereas, by a certain decree or judgment of our district court of the fourth judicial district, in a certain cause there pending, between William Pitt, plaintiff, and Guy Fawkes, defendant, made at a district court of the fourth judicial district, held at the city-hall, in the city and county of San Francisco, on the first day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, in and for the city and county of San Francisco, before the Honorable John S. Hagar, judge of the fourth judicial district, it was, among other things therein contained, ordered, adjudged and decreed, by the said court, that the purchaser at the sale therein described should, on the production of the sheriff's deed for said premises, be forthwith put in possession of a certain piece or parcel of land situate in the said city and county, and therein described as follows, to wit: [here insert description.]

And whereas, the time for redemption having expired, and the said sheriff's deed duly executed and delivered to Charles Lamb, who was the purchaser at said sale, yet the said Charles Lamb has not been let into nor taken possession of the said piece of land, or any part thereof, according to the tenor of the said decree; and whereas, the said piece of land is in the tenure and occupation of said Guy Fawkes, and whereas, by an order of said district court of the fourth judicial district, made in the said cause on the fifth day of July, 1859, it was ordered that our writ of assistance should issue to you, the said sheriff, to put the said Charles Lamb in possession of the said piece or parcel of land, and him in possession thereof from time to time to maintain and defend.

Therefore, we command you, that immediately after receiving this writ, you go to and enter upon the said piece or parcel of land, and that you eject and remove therefrom all and every person or persons holding or detaining the same, or any part thereof, against the said Chas. Lamb; and that you put and place the said Charles Lamb or his assigns in the full, peaceable and quiet possession of the said piece or parcel of land without delay; and him, the said Chas. Lamb, in such possession thereof from time to time to maintain, keep and defend, or cause to be kept, maintained and defended, according to the tenor and true intent of the said decree and order of the said court.

Witness, Hon. John S. Hagar, judge of the fourth judicial district, at the city-hall in the city and county of San Francisco, and the seal of said court, this sixth day of July, A. D. 1859. [L. S.] WILLIAM DUER, Clerk.

By S. L. LUPTON, Deputy Clerk.

Writ of Execution.

State of California,

City and County of San Francisco,

In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District.

The People of the State of California to the Sheriff of the City and County of San Francisco, greeting:

Whereas, on the fifth day of February, A. D. 1859, Charles Box, plaintiff, recovered a judgment in the district court of the fourth judicial district, against Peter Chest, for the sum of five hundred dollars damages, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent. per annum till paid, together with his costs and disbursements at the date of said judgment, and accruing costs, amounting to the sum of two hundred and five dollars, as appears to us of record.



And whereas, the judgment roll in the action in which said. judgment was entered, is filed in the clerk's office of said court, in the city-hall, in said city and county of San Francisco, and the said judgment was docketed in said clerk's office, in said city and county, on the sixth day of February, 1859, and the sum of seven hundred and five dollars, with interest as aforesaid, is now (at the date of this writ) actually due on said judgment,



65 100

Now, you, the said sheriff, are hereby required to make the said sum of five hundred dollars damages, with interest as aforesaid, and said sum of two hundred and five dollars of costs, to satisfy the said judgment, out of the personal property of the said debtor, Peter Chest, in your county, and if sufficient personal property of said debtor cannot be found, then out of the real property in your county belonging to said Peter Chest, on the sixth day of February, 1859, (the day whereon

said judgment was docketed.

your county,) or at any time thereafter; and to have those moneys before our said court, at the clerk's office of said court, at the city-hall in the city and county aforesaid, on the twentysixth day of February, A. D. 1859, to render unto the said Charles Box, plaintiff, in satisfaction for the damages, interest and costs aforesaid: and have you then there this writ with a return under your hand of what you have done thereunder.

Witness, Hon. John S. Hagar, judge of our district court of the fourth judicial district, at the city-hall in the said city and county, this sixth day of February, A. D. 1859.

[L. S.]

Attest my hand and the seal of the said court, the day and year last above written.


Another Form.

District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of California, City and County of San Francisco.

The People of the State of California to the Sheriff of the

[blocks in formation]

greeting: A. Ď.

plaintiff, recovered

a judgment in the said district court of the fourth judicial district of the state of California, in and for the city and county of

San Francisco, against

for the sum of

with interest

per cent. per

dollars, damages, at the rate of

till paid, together with

costs and disbursements at the date of said judgment, and accruing costs, amounting to the sum of

as appears to us of record.

And whereas, the judgment roll in the action in which said. judgment was entered, is filed in the clerk's office of said court, in the city and county of San Francisco, and the said judgment was docketed in said clerk's office, in the said city and county, on the day and year first above written.

And the sum of $

actually due on said judgment.

with interest

is now (at the date of this writ)

Now, you, the said sheriff, are hereby required to make the said sums due on the said judgment, for damages, with interest as aforesaid, and costs and accruing costs, to satisfy the said judg ment, out of the personal property

of the said debtor

or, if sufficient personal property of said debtor cannot be found, then out of the real property in your county

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