
Certificate of Qualification to Keep a School.

We, the undersigned, trustees of common schools, hereby certify that, after due examination, we are satisfied that

is of good moral character, and possesses sufficient learning and ability to teach, and impart knowledge, and govern a school; we therefore grant to this our certificate, which shall remain in force during one year from date, unless sooner revoked.


A. B.,

C. D.,

E. F.,

Trustees of Common Schools.

NOTE. Wherever desirable, the aid of others can be called in to make a thorough examination of the teacher. Let the teacher name his conduct of a school from the opening to the close, after you have tested his literary acquirements.

Form of a Receipt of the County Superintendent of Common Schools.

Received of , county superintendent of common schools, all documents, books and papers belonging to his office as such superintendent. A. B., [Date.] County Superintendent Common Schools.

NOTE. The law requires this receipt to be filed in the office of the county treasurer.

Form of Receipt of the Trustees of Common Schools, under section 16, clause 11.

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trustees of common schools for

Received of the books of record, and all papers, books, blanks and documents, remaining in their hands as such trustees.


A. B.,

C. D.,

Trustees Common Schools.

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Form of Annulling a Certificate.

Whereas, the trustees of common schools for the

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

did, on the


day of


Anno Domini, 185 a certificate of qualification as a teacher in

Now, know ye, that upon further investigation and trial, the said has been found deficient and unqualified [or, has refused to conform to the regulations made by law.] We do therefore declare the said certificate to be annulled and void from this date, of which all persons whose duty it is to employ teachers of common schools, are hereby requested to take notice.

A. B.,

[blocks in formation]

NOTE. It will be proper that notice of the annulling should be given to the county and state superintendents.

Form of Poster, giving otice of a District Election for Additional Taxation to Maintain Schools.

[blocks in formation]

Notice is hereby given, that an election will be held on the day of at which will be submitted the question, whether you will authorize a tax to pay the expense of maintaining school for an additional term of



It will be necessary to raise, for this purpose, the sum of $ and the rate of taxation necessary to be levied, will be upon the one hundred dollars of valuation of taxable property in the district.

[blocks in formation]

NOTE. The date must be twenty days prior to the time fixed for the election. The posters should be put up in a dozen conspicuous places in the district.

Form of Poster, giving Notice of a District Election for Additional Taxation, to Build School-House.

[blocks in formation]

Notice is hereby given, that an election will be held on the day of , at which will be submitted the question, whether you will authorize a tax for the purpose of building a schoolhouse in this district.


It will be necessary to raise, for this purpose, the sum of $ and the rate of taxation necessary to be levied will be on the one hundred dollars of valuation of taxable property in the district. The plans and specifications of the proposed building may be seen at

The polls will be opened at


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NOTE.-The date, as before, must be twenty days prior to the election, and the posters should be put up in a dozen or more conspicuous places.

Form of Appointment of Collector of Tax.

To all whom it may concern:

The electors of

day of

school district having, at an election

held on the
the levying of a tax, amounting to
dred dollars of valuation of taxable
the purpose of maintaining

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

A. D. 185 authorized cents on the one hunproperty in the district, for school for an additional


term of months [or, building a school-house, as the case may be], the trustees of the district hereby appoint collect said tax, with all the powers to enforce the collection which are given to sheriffs and tax collectors in the collection of state and county taxes.


A. B.

C. D.

[blocks in formation]


Census Returns.

Report of the Common School Marshal to the County Superintendent, School Trustees and State Superintendent, for school year ending October 31, 185

Form of Affidavit to be appended to the Census Returns. County of

On this

ss: day of


A. D. 185

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personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a justice of the peace for the county and a duly appointed common school marshal, whose signature is hereunto subscribed, and being sworn according to law, made oath that the facts set forth in the above report are just and true, according to the best of his knowledge and belief.


A. B., Justice of the Peace. Common School Marshal for

NOTE. This report must be made out in triplicate; one for trustees, one sent to the county superintendent, and the third to the superintendent of public instruction.

Report of the Trustees of Common School of
District School Trustees' Report.

the County Superintendent for the District of

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[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Number of Children, under four years, in|

Tot 1 Children of all ages born in Cali-

Number of Deaf and Dumb.

Number of Pupils attending School.

| Daily average attendance.

| Grade of Scho -1.


of Teachers employed.

Time during which School was maintained
Salaries per month paid each Teacher.
Amount raised in the School Boundary
and paid Teachers.

Total amount of salaries paid Teachers
Amount expended for School Libraries
and Apparatus.

Amount expended in erection, rents, or
repairs of School Houses, and furnish-
ing same.

Tota! amount of expenditures for School purposes in the District.

Titles of Books used in District. Remarks suggested by Teachers' reports, and general remarks by the Trustees.

district. trict of a true statement of the condition of the common schools of said We, the undersigned, trustees of common schools for the disand county aforesaid, certify that the above is

certificate should be appended: done on or before November 1st, of each year, the following NOTE. When the above blank is filled up, which must be


C. D.,
A. B.,

as they may think the interest of the public school system in tees will accompany their report as above, with such remarks fail, to the state superintendent, at San Francisco. The trusNOTE. A duplicate of this report must be forwarded, without

County Superintendent of Common Schools:
Trustees of Common Schools.

their town or city may require.

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